Part 6

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(A/n): this is after they met Ritsu I didn't put a chapter for her because. (f/n) ditched class at that time and I'm pretty sure you all knew what happened during that scene.

Back to the story third pov

"(First name) still hasn't shown up for class yet" Kayano exclaimed
"Yeah you're right" Nagisa agreed.

Its been two weeks since (f/n) showed up, since her introduction. After that fight, all of our classmates started to take Karasuma's training a little more seriously. After all, we are all quite competitive. Seeing how (f/n) is so ahead of us right now in terms of combat skills.

"Aww, and I was hoping to meet her soon" Ritsu stated.

"Alright settle down everyone" koro sensei appeared at the doorway. A few moments later. A bullet wisk passed him as koro sensei evades.
" hey teach don't just stand there" the redhead exclaimed
Tick-marks appeared on his face as he lectures at Karma how dangerous that was. But Karma ignored him and nonchalantly walked towards his desk.

After Koro-sensei calmed down he exclaimed that after homeroom we would start our English test. Groaning was heard throughout the classroom.

After homeroom

The door suddenly slams open. There stood (f/n). She raised her eyebrows when she saw Ritsu. Then she nodded towards the class and koro sensei as a greeting before going to her desk.

Looking back at Ritsu still confused.
When Koro-sensei coughed
" this is our new transfer student that arrived last week, Ritsu this is (f/n) and (f/n) this is Ritsu."
Hey Ritsu nice to meet you
"Likewise" Ritsu answered

When she sat down she lies her head down and started sleeping. Koro-sensei gave out all the tests and told us to begin. Twenty minutes later someone walked towards the front of the classroom to hand in the test. The person was (f/n) (surprise surprise) and walked out. We all sighed at how fast she took and continued our test.

Recess period

"Do anyone know where (f/n) chan went" Asked Nagisa


"It seems like she just comes and goes as she feels" everyone nodded in agreement.

"If you want I can track down her phone for you" Ritsu offered. " I took the liberty to access my mobile self on her phone, unfortunately, she finished faster then I expected so I didn't finish the programming"

"Its fine, where is she though?"
"Hmm, according to my data she should currently be on the main campus," Ritsu answered.

Wait what, why would she be there

"Nufufu it seems (f/n) is helping E-class behind the scenes" koro sensei appeared behind them.
"What do you mean by that sensei" questioned Nagisa.
"(F/n) has been negotiating with the principal, that's why he's been lenient with the punishment"
"So the reason why (f/n) is at the main campus is to help us focus on assassinating you instead of worrying about the school rules" Kayano exclaimed
"That is correct now then shall we get back to training or else (f/n) efforts will be in vain, that is if you can kill me before graduation" koro sensei turned green striped.
"Yes sir" We answered, and with a grateful look towards (f/n).

Meanwhile (f/n) pov

Finally done talking with the principal the air within that room is almost unbearable.

Hey look its end class
What is she doing here
Wonder what punishment she got from the principal
Probably something good
She totally deserves it

I glared at them making them shut up or avert their eyes.
Hmph cowards
I slowly walked towards the library.

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