In My Bed

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I don't know how I let my grandmother talk me into doing this. I got a call from my grandmother about an hour ago. She fell and fractured her ankle and needed me to fill in for her. My grandmother was a well known housekeeper around the Atlanta area. I never could understand why she wanted to do this, because she had money. I think that she did it to keep busy and just the fact of being around different people.

The only reason I was doing this for her was because I was on vacation for a month and that's how long Anthony would need my services until she returned. I just hope whoever Anthony is, he isn't a rude client. I pulled up to a very nice home and shut the engine off on my black Jag. I sighed getting out of the car. I knew this was gonna be a long process. My grandmother told me that he is usually busy traveling and I shouldn't run into him often, if at all. I kept trying to get information out of her about him, but for some reason she was being closed mouth. I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach about this.

I walked up to the door and used the key that she had given me to let myself in. Once I stepped inside my mouth dropped open. I mean I had a nice home too, but his home looked like it should be in a magazine. The living area had nice decor and color scheme, but it was all male. The furniture was a plush chocolate brown and the coffee table with end tables were marble top. I had to admit he had nice taste.

I went on through the house admiring the layout, but I knew that I needed to get started soon. I hooked up my ipod and placed my earbuds in and made my way upstairs. I was gonna start from the far end of the hall and work my way down until I made it back downstairs.

Well Desire time to put some elbow action in it.....


A nigga was tired and I all wanted to do is shower and get in the bed. I was so glad to get a mini break from touring. I had a lot of fun, but I need to rest up because I'm gonna be right back on this shit soon. I had just made it to the Atlanta airport and was waiting on my luggage. I had on a hoody with one of my many snapbacks. I had on my dark Gucci shades so that I wouldn't bring to much attention to myself.

I sat down in a near by chair and checked my messages. Out of the dozen I had, one stood out to me. It was from the S&M cleaning service. It was from Mrs. Sylvia, the lady that cleans my house once a week. She informed me that she would be out of commission for about a month, but she had a replacement. The funny thing is she didn't tell me if it was a man or woman, nor did she tell me the persons name. I trust Mrs. Sylvia, so I know she ain't brought no crazy ass person in my house. She was such a sweet lady and I loved her home-cooked meals she would prepare for me. Damn I'm gon' miss that shit.

I think I will send her some flowers, balloon and bear. I pray for her to have speedy recovery. I placed my phone in my pocket when I noticed my car was brought from the garage. My luggage was in the process of being loaded as I walked out.

"Will there be anything else Mr. Alsina?" The guy asked.

"Nah, preciate ya bruh." I gave him a nice tip and hopped in my Mercedes.

I sped down the highway listening to my nigga Fab. I was so damn ready to lay in my bed, cause all these fuckin' hotels don't have shit on my Cali king bed. Within minutes I pulled into my driveway and I noticed a nice ass Jag parked in my spot. I sighed and I thought about what today was. I realized that today was Friday and this is the day that Mrs. Slyvia would be here. I assumed that this was the replacement.

I got out my car, unloading my luggage as I head up my walk way to go inside. I walked in and left my luggage by the door. I inhaled and smelled cinnamon. I slowly walked up the stairs, wondering who I was gonna be greeted with. I stood in front of my room door. I grabbed the knob and turned it to reveal a woman laying on my bed asleep.

If this is supposed to be the housekeeper to replace Mrs. Sylvia, she was starting off bad already. I walked over to the bed and looked down at her. I took a moment to study her and just from looking at her I could tell that she was stuck up and bougie as hell. That makes me wonder why the hell would she even be doing a job as a housekeeper. Right now that didn't matter. I had to get her up and outta my bed.

I shook her hard to make sure I woke her ass up. Within seconds she opened her eyes and they were a stunning shade of brown, like a honey color. Her eyes widened when she realize I was the person that lived here.

"Oh you must be Anthony. I am so sorry. I know this is unethical of me. I was just so tired." She said stretching.

It was apparent she didn't know who the hell I was and why in the hell is she calling me Anthony? I removed my shades and she gasped loudly. She had the biggest look of suprise on her face. I knew then she figured out who I was.

"Y-You're August Alsina. Oh my God! I'm going to kill my grandmother. She told me your name was Anthony. Had I known it was you who I would be housekeeping for, I would have declined immediately." She hurriedly got off the bed.

I raised my brow at that last statement, because she made it seem like she was too good to be in my presence. I was too tired to deal with this shit right now, so she was about to be introduced to a rude ass August.

"Look Miss Lady, Imma need for you to finish up what you were doing and go because I'm tired as fuck."

She narrowed her eyes at me and walked up on me.

"Listen here Anthony-August, whatever you liked to be called. You will not talk to me like you have lost your damn mind. Now I apologize for falling asleep on your bed, but I'm not them bobble head women that be throwing themselves at you. So you better check how you talk to me." She said every word jabbing me in the chest with her index finger.

I smirked and bent down so that I could whisper words in her ear that would have her ass out of here in no time.

"You kno' usually if I have a woman in my bed, I'm fuckin' the shit outta her, so if you don't want me to fuck the shit outta you, you betta get the hell outta of here." I said in her ear.

She gasped and pushed past me like I was the devil. I chuckled as I heard her fussing all the way down the stairs.

That's what she get for being in my bed.....


My grandmother ain't slick. I dialed her number as I sped down the highway home. She answered on the second ring.

"Hello dear. How did it go with Anthony?"

"You mean August right? Why didn't you tell me it was him?" I asked in a frustrated tone.

"Because if I had you wouldn't have done this for me."

I had a feeling it was something more to this whole situation. I get the feeling she is trying to play match maker. I have told her that I was kind of seeing someone and I was content for the time being. His name was Chandler. My grandmother thought he was a bore and he didn't even know what it was to have fun, but my mother loved Chandler.

"Honesty is the best policy grandma."

" I know dear and I'm sorry. Now tell me how it went."

"It didn't go, so I want be going back. You are going to have to find someone else."

"Desire I'm afraid I can't do that because all the other girl's are booked with other clients."

"Are you freaking kidding me?! This can't be my life right now."

"Grandma I will give it a couple weeks, but if he is rude to me one more time, I promise I'm out."

"Okay dear and thanks for helping an old lady out. Love you baby."

"Love you too."

I ended the call and pulled up to my house. I took a moment to think about the encounter with August. Any other woman would have been all over him, but not me. He wasn't my type by a long shot. I'm gonna try my hardest to stay as far away from him again and most definitely I am going to stay away from his bed.....

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