Important Note

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Hey luv's! I just wanted to let you know that I won't be updating tonight. I will get back with you guys tomorrow. Anyway things are starting to wind down in this story. After I write the scene for the Charity Ball, I will write a chapter a two on how everyone is linked together and how it all got started and why. Pay close attention in the next few chapters because things are gonna happen that will make you....well just stay tuned in. I wanna take my time on these next chapters coming because I want y'all to get a clear understanding of what's what.

I also wanna say thank you guys for all the love that you have shown me on this story. I'm not the best at this, but I try my hardest to give y'all a lasting impression. Again I greatly appreciate you guys taking the time to read this story and any others that you have read as well. I am a busy person, but I try to slide through and give y'all an update when I can.

OAN: If you have asked me to read a story and I have not gotten to it yet, please bare with me because I work everyday and I still have other things to do. I will get to them as soon as I have some free time. I always try to show love and support to other readers, but sometimes I have so much going on I forget.

I love y'all man and thanks for rockin' wit an old lady cause I am old y'all just don't know how old!

Love ya!


The HouseKeeperDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora