House of Lies and Secrets

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I hadn't talked to or seen Marcus since that night. I guess that was a good thing. The police kept questioning if I knew who raped me, but I told them no. I wasn't about to tell the police who it was because Marcus has serious anger issues. He has never put his hands on me until that night, but that shit let me know he was legit in doing more.

Every since that day when Chandler's mother came to see me, I have been feeling some type of way. I find it strange that he hasn't contacted me, but hell I haven't contacted him either. When you look at Chandler you wouldn't think he is capable of those types of things, but he is. I have a bad feeling that some shit is soon gonna pop off because shit has been too chill. Even my cousin as been actin' all weird.

A lot of the shit I did I am starting to regret because I feel like I am gonna get caught in the crossfire of it all. I was so busy tryna to keep August and Chandler on my team that I was doing whateva' to get what I wanted from both. Now I have nobody. I flopped back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling thinking about my fucked up life.

I had just closed my eyes when I heard the door open and I knew the only person it could be, Chandler. I rose up and walked out to the living area and he went to the bar to make a drink. I stood there looking at him and it was like he had the weights of the world on his shoulder.

"Chandler what's wrong?"

"Nothin Shonda and how long have you been out of the hospital?"

"For about two days, why its not like you care anyway."

"Shonda I'm not in the mood for yo shit today. Why the fuck would I care about you huh? I mean all you are is trouble and all you are is some pussy when I need it." He said with such force he brought tears to my eyes.

"Fuck you Chandler! Don't get mad at me cause your life is fucked up. Just because shit ain't going Chandler's way, you wanna go and have a bitch fit, nigga please." I rolled my eyes in anger.

"Shonda if you know what's good for you, you want be coming at me all crazy. You don't know me like you think you do. I mean don't let the pretty boy image fool you."

"Why? What are you gon' do beat and rape me like you did all those other women in New York?" I stepped back and his eyes narrowed to thin slits. I felt like I was gon' straight up piss and shit on myself because I knew I had said too much. I had went too far.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He slowly started walking towards me.

"Chandler I-"

"Who told you that?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Shonda I'm not gonna hurt you, but if you decide to run off at the mouth I will kill you." He trailed is index finger down my cheek and smiled.

"O-Okay." Was the only thing that I could say.

"Let's forget this moment oh and Shonda make sure you be a good girl and keep your fuckin' mouth shut. One more thing there will be a charity ball in a couple weeks and you are my date. I'm going to give you my black card to get you everything you need."

I only nodded because I was too afraid to say anything else. Chandler is crazy and he doesn't see anything wrong with him, but there is a lot wrong. I pray to God he doesn't hurt no one. The only thing that I could think right now is, What the hell have I got myself into?....


For years I have been just sitting on the sidelines just watching as my heart breaks. There is so many secrets and lies that are gonna ruin a lot of people's lives. My life hasn't been the same since that night twenty-five years ago. I looked out the window of my suite thinking about how all this was gonna unfold.

I hate to see what this is going to do to my daughter when she finds out. She is beautiful and all that was robbed from me when Renee Monroe decided to push me to the side after she found out she was pregnant with my daughter. She was all about money and back then I didn't have the money that David did because he was a big time drug dealer. This shit is such a mess. I slid my hands in my tailor made slacks sighing deeply.

I turned when I heard a knock on the door. I already knew that it was Renee. I walked to the door and opened it. I stared at her because she was as beautiful as I remember. I stepped aside and let her in.

"Renee I'm glad that you could make it."

"Cut the bullshit!" Why are you here after all these years?"

I felt anger take over my body from her being so cold and uncaring.

"Renee you are truly a piece of work, but I'm tired of all the bullshit and the lies. I stayed away because you begged me too, but dammit you robbed me of a life with Desire. I never knew my daughter and its twenty-five years too late, but I'm about to blow your fairytale story out the water." I stepped around her.

"Please don't do this now. Everything is the way that it should be and now you wanna cry about not being a part of your daughters life. Desire is just fine believing that David is her father."

"Renee you are a real bitch and you might as well get ready because I am gonna open the doors to the house of lies you are living, so be prepared."


Desire and I were sitting in the living room working on different things. She had this big ass book and a notepad, scribbling a bunch of numbers down. I was actually writing a song. I found myself watching her as she concentrated on what she was doing. She had on her glasses, one of my t-shirts and the leggins I brought her. She was so damn beautiful.

She must have felt me staring because she looked up at me and smiled.

"August what are you looking at me like that for?"

"Cause I can and maybe I like lookin' atcha' ass." I pulled her feet in my lap.

"August what's up with you? I mean you been on this touchy feely stuff since this morning, not that I mind, but I am a lil surprised."

"Desire just go wit tha' flow of thangs and stop questionin' shit all tha' damn time."

"Okay damn Daddy." I bursted out laughing and so did he.

He moved my notepad and book to the coffee table. He uncrossed my legs and laid his head back on my stomach where is back laying on me.

"Are you comfy?"

"Of course."

We sat like this just talking about random shit as she played in my hair. I felt my eyes getting heavy and I was just about to fall into a deep sleep when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Fuck!" I rose up to answer the door. I looked at Desire and she was laughing.

"Keep laughing and I will turn that laugh into something else."

She stuck up her middle finger and I smiled. I swung the door open and I frowned in confusion because it was no reason fa' these niggas to be at my house.

"Is thea' a reason y'all at my house?"

"Acutally there is. Do you know a Marcus Lyles?" The detective said.

"Yeah I kno' dat nigga. What about him?"

"Well I'm Det. Jones and this Det. Harris and we wanna ask you a few questions."

"Questions about what?" I asked as I folded my arms across my chest.

"The murder of Marcus Lyles...."

Shit getting heavy!

"Say what na?.....

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