Painful Reminder/Chemistry Formula

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Chandler (one week later)

I have been trying to lay low for a while because shit is getting crazy. Now that Nedra and her sister know about part of my secret, I have to make sure that I stay with my eyes and ears open. They both are lucky I didn't lay they asses out. If it had not been for Maurice being there, there is no telling what I would have done. I thought that I had got away from all my demons from the past, but apparently I was so wrong. It's like the more I run the more they chase me.

It all started when Desire filled in for her overbearing grandmother. My gut is telling me that she had something to do with August and her meeting. After being humiliated last week I know what my next move is gonna be. Right now I don't give a fuck about nothing or no one. I'm trying to stay out of trouble until the charity ball. I wanna make my presence known and then it will be time to make my move. I should go after Shonda, but I need her to be my date for the charity ball in the next few weeks. Normally she would have called me by now, but she hasn't and that is starting to weigh on my mind. Hell I don't even know if she is still in the hospital.

I turned my chair looking out my office window when a knock sounded on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

I was still focused on the scenery outside, not bothering to turn around until I heard a voice that rose my hackles

"Still the same rude ass Chandler."

"What the fuck are you doing here and more importantly what the fuck do you want?"

"Now is that anyway to greet your father." He stepped farther into the room.

I had a gun in my top drawer and this is one day I didn't mind blowing a mothefucker up. My mind was already unstable enough without him standing here looking at me.

"How the hell did you find me?"

"Son you forget who I am and what I'm capable of." He smirked and rubbed his chin.

"You know I saw that pretty lil Chemist you were dating and she is a beauty, too bad she got herself a real man."

"Charles you got five seconds to get out my office or I will shoot your ass dead." I pulled my gun out pointing directly at him.

He showed no signs of fear and that made me even angrier.

"Go ahead and shoot me, but that ain't gon' change the fact of who you are or what I made you. You will forever live with the things that happened. You will never be able to live a normal life because you will always be interested in the same sex, no matter how many women you bed. I passed down to you what my father passed to me. That was the way he showed he loved me and that's all I knew to show you that I loved you."

Tears streamed down my face because I was fucked up mentally, emotionally and most of all sexually. Everything that I saw my father do I thought it was right. I thought that it was how you showed love to one another. When he would beat my mom and even rape over and over I thought that was right. So when and if a woman told me no I would do what I thought was right, but deep down I knew it was wrong. Sexual acts with my father I knew wasn't the norm, but he would always tell me that he had to do it because he loved me.

To this day I still don't know what love is all because of my Charles Wright.

"GET YOUR CRAZY, SICK AND TWISTED ASS OUTTA OF MY FUCKIN OFFICE!" I yelled as tears continued to stream down my face.

He smiled and walked out just as quickly as he breezed in. I let the tidal waves of emotions take over me because I had been holding this in all my life. Nobody knew my pain and would never begin to understand my pain. I'm a grown ass man with a life full of pain and torment. I wiped my face and placed the gun back in my drawer.

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