Twisted Hate

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I watched as Mrs. Shelia looked at me. I could tell that I caught her off guard with that, but I was just curious. August and I had talked about a lot of things, but he never talked about his past relationships. If I did ask he would always say that he didn't wanna talk about it. I knew then that it was something that had really happened in a past relationship he didn't wanna discuss.

"Desire my son has gone through a lot and right now he is in a good place with his life. As his mother I have to respect him by not telling you. That is something he needs to open up to you about. I believe in time he will open up, but you just have to give him time." She reached out and rubbed my shoulder with a reassuring smile.

"I understand and I hope that he does tell me." I smiled back.

"So Desire tell me what it is that you do?"

"I'm a Chemist." I said as I rested my elbow on the counter.

"Really. Well I'm glad my son has found him someone that has something going for her. You and my son will be a power couple, but I will tell you y'all better stay prayed up because it's gonna be a lot of jealous folks out there."

"Well Mrs. Shelia I do come from a family that prays. Let me rephrase that. My father and grandmother have a strong spiritual background. My mother, well I think she has become the devil's seed." I said with and intense frown on my face.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, but just pray for her because its apparent that she is lost."

I was just about to respond when August came through the door smiling. I looked at him with a mug on my face. He knew he was wrong for this, but I really have been having a good conversation with his mom.

"Did ya miss a nigga or what?" He said as he plopped down on the stool beside me. He placed his arm around my shoulder tyrna to kiss my cheek. I swerved him.

"Oh so it's like that na?" He asked as he squeezed my shoulder.

I looked over at his mom and she was smiling at how we were acting. I couldn't do nothing but smile back. There was an awkward moment of silence until August spoke up.

"Momma what have you been tellin' her?" He looked at his mom with a raised brow.

"Son you worried about the wrong thing. What you need to worry about is Desire breaking your neck for leaving her like that, not that I mind because we had a nice lil conversation." His mom hugged me and then kissed August going into another part of the house.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded and got off the barstool, walking out the door. I could hear him chuckle behind me, but I was actually playing with him. I wasn't really mad about him leaving me, but I was just caught off guard by it.


I got in the car and Desire was busy scrolling through her phone. She acted like I wasn't even in the car. I sat there and looked at her with a really nigga look. She didn't even look my way. She kept her eyes glued to her phone. I sighed and started the car. Once I got out into the traffic, I looked at her again and still she was acting like I wasn't in the damn car. When we came to the next stop light I had something fa' her ass. I smiled as soon as I saw the next stop light coming up.

I hit the brakes and snatched her damn phone outta her hand.

"The hell you doing?" She said as she looked upside my head."Makin yo ass talk. You actin all rude and shit, so I had to rectify that shit real quick." She just rolled her eyes and turned looking out the window.

"Oh so yo ass still gon' be on that bullshit." I turned and looked at her as I started moving through traffic again. She kept looking out the window. She was trippin' fa' real. "Desire you betta' quit playin cause you kno' I kno' how to handle yo ass." I bit down on my lip looking from her to the road.

"Tuh. Whatever August. Just drive and focus on that."

After she said that I kept driving. I gripped the steering wheel and continued to drive through traffic. I couldn't wait until we got back to my house. I put my left turn signal on and headed in the direction of my house. A few seconds later we pulled up. I got out and I was about to walk around and help her out, but she hopped out befo' I could get there. I just smirked and walked up to my door. I opened it and stepped aside so she could walk ahead of me. As soon as I shut the door I grabbed her by her elbow and pushed her up against the door.

"Na what tha' fuck is yo problem?" I looked down into her beautiful face.

She just looked at me and still didn't say anything. She was about to make this shit hard fa' a nigga. I lifted her up and she automatically wrapped her thick thighs around me. I walked in the kitchen with her and sat her on the counter. I pushed her thighs apart and got inbetween her thighs. I placed my hand on each thigh and looked dead in her eyes.

"Desire quit fuckin' playin' wit me and talk to me or I'm gon' make yo ass scream. Take ya pick." I squeezed her thighs and watched as she bit down on her lip. I looked at her and I knew then she was just fuckin' with me. She wanted me to be all aggressive wit her.

"Desire yo ass play too damn much." I leaned in and kissed her on her neck.

"I was wondering when you were gonna figure that shit out." She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I looked at her and couldn't do nothing but smile.

"Yo ass a trip man, but lets make dinner togetha' and afta' let's take a bath togetha."

"Okay. Whatever you want daddy."


I couldn't believe how things and people from my past were coming back to haunt me. It's like all this came out of nowhere or somebody is plottin. Whatever it is, is gonna cost me everything. I can't believe the mess I have made and now how all these innocent people are gonna get hurt. All I can think about is my husband and my daughter. Too bad I wasn't thinking back then. I sighed as I drove through traffic. I was actually on my way to meet Andrew.

I pulled up at the location that he asked me to come to. I parked my Benz and got out. I smoothed my hands down my pants and walked towards the door. I pushed it open and he sat there with an evil smile on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him as I stepped closer to him.

"Renee Monroe. It has been a long time and you still as beautiful as I remember. It almost makes me wish I would have kept you for myself instead of introducing you to Nolan." He rubbed his chin and stared at me from head to toe.

"What the hell do you want Charles Andrew Wright?" I said through gritted teeth. I knew that if my husband or daughter found out that I had some behind the scenes dealing with Chandler's father it would be tradegy waiting to happen.

"Well since your precious daughter decided to diss my son things have gone to hell and back, but you really need to talk to Desire and ask her how she liked the gift she got from Maurice." He smirked.

"Who in the hell is Maurice?"

"Oh someone that is crazy and will do whatever they have to do to get what they want." He said in a nonchalant tone.

"Andrew why the hell are you doing this and why now?" I asked with folded arms.

"Because your daughter didn't do what she should have and that's marry my son, but in due time Renee everything will be revealed, that you can count on. He steepled his hands looking at me like he was in deep thought. "Renee tell me something. Where did Desire's thug ass boyfriend take my son?....


"Aye did you get the address I sent you? Maurice said.

"Yeah I got it and I'm on my way there now."

"Okay once you get there tell Sylvia that you are there about promoting her company abroad. The whole objective is to get close to her just like Charles did. If she knew that nigga was mental and the whole story she would probably have a heart attack." Maurice said.

"Well it's a good thing she don't know shit. This shit right here is twisted as hell and its like everyone is twisted."

"Yeah it is twisted. Twisted hate...."

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