Unexpected Visitors

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"What the fuck?" I yelled in anger and frustration. I couldn't believe she was fucking another nigga and the nigga was August. I should have known this shit was gon' happen, but I didn't think she would fall for his type. She just disrepected me by fucking another nigga. She knows that her pussy belongs to me and only me.

I was beyond livid. I couldn't see straight let alone think straight. I had to figure out what the hell I was gonna do because I know why she is doing this. Shonda is to blame for Desire fucking around. She was getting the good shit at home, but I fucked up and I gotta remain calm, because what Chandler Wright wants he gets. I'm just gonna chill and bid my time because she will be back in arms real soon.

I pulled up in my driveway and sat there in my car still in shock. Damn I can't believe she messing with that thug ass nigga. Yeah he got money and all, but still he doesn't have class nor does he roll in the circles that Desire rolls in. That makes me wonder does he know who she really is and what she does for a living. I'm sure he doesn't. His punk ass don't know how to handle a woman of that caliber.

Hell he can't give her want she wants and needs. He still young and wet behind the ears. He can't please her body like I can. I sighed and got out my car. I looked at my Rolex and it was now 4:30 am. I was beyond exhausted, but I had to do what I had to do. I'm glad that I did because now I know what's what.

I unlocked my door and walked inside. I didn't bother to turn the lights on downstairs because I was gonna go straight to bed. I had to remind myself to call Mrs. Monroe later on. I was on a mission. I was so into my thoughts until I heard a voice that I thought I would never hear again. I turned just as the lamp in the living room came on.

I stood frozen wondering how this person got in. We stared at each other for a long time until I broke the silence.

"W-What are you doing here and how did you get in?"

"You know Chandler I always have my ways, but that isn't anyway to greet an old friend is it? I mean you don't miss what we had and the times we shared. I think about you often, but you broke my heart when you left and I had to hear recently that you are with someone else."

I clenched my jaw because I knew Shonda was behind this lil stunt.

Damn Fuck my life.....


I can't remember the last time I spent the night in a woman's bed that I'm just fuckin.' I usually fuck'em and leave, granted I fuck'em good tho. I looked down at Desire as she had her head laid on my chest with her hair spread all over the damn place. I chuckled to myself cause I knocked tha' bottom outta her pussy, hell I always do, but we gon' have to try some otha' positions soon.

I looked at the clock on nightstand and it was 4:45 am. I really needed to get up and sneak out, but I didn't want to and that shit wasn't cool fa meh. I looked around and I thought about the question I asked her earlier about what she really did fa' a livin.' This house ain't off no housekeeper's salary, that's fa damn sure. Since she won't tell a nigga I will find out via the internet. I felt my eyes get heavy and I decided to get a few more zzzz's.


I was sleeping good and I heard the doorbell. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I squinted at the clock and it was now 10 am. Damn I didn't mean to stay this long. I looked down at Desire and she was in a deep ass sleep. I hated to wake her up but I had to because her doorbell was ringing.

"Desire!" I semi-yelled as I shook her.

"No August. I'm sore."

I chuckled cause I knew I had put in work.

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