Things Changin' and Shit Happenin'

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"Say what na'?" I looked at both detectives like they had lost they minds. I don't kno' why they questionin' me cause a nigga ain't fucked wit Marc since he came at me sideways.

"Oh so you didn't know anything about that?" Det. Jones said as he looked at his partner.

I wanted to knock the fuck outta these fools, because they was tryna play me. I wasn't wit that bullshit right na.' I looked back at Desire and she was giving me a look of concern. I motioned for her to come ova' hea.' She unfolded her legs and came right by my side.

"What's going on August?" She looked at me and back at these clown ass niggas. I could see that they recognized her by how they were looking her over.

"They came hea to question me about Marcus being killed." I looked down at her and back to them.

I could tell that she was confused as to who Marcus was. That was understandable because he wasn't relevant. I never did tell her about the altercation we had because it was on that fake nigga shit.

"Dr. Monroe it's always a pleasure in seeing you." Det. Harris said as he looked her up and down and back at me.

"Look man ask what ya need to ask so I can get back to what the hell I was doing before I was so rudely interrupted." Desire placed her had on my chest to calm me down. A nigga was ready to go the fuck off.

"My apologies." Det. Jones said with a sly smirk on his face.

"When was the last time you saw or spoke with Marcus?" Jones asked.

"It was a few weeks ago. He came to my house with nonsense and I had to check his ass. After that I didn't see him anymore. You may wanna ask the ho of Atlanta have she seen him because that's the reason tha' nigga came to my house anyway."

"And who might that be?" Harris asked.

"Shonda, but I don't kno' her last name. Now is that all?"

"Yes, that's all for now and Dr. Monroe its always a pleasure in seeing you." Jones added as he turned on his heels.

"Oh and by the way August you got a real ass album. I respect ya grind." Jones said as him as his partner walked down the driveway.

I closed my door and looked down at Desire. I placed my arms around her waist and pulled her close. She placed her hands on my face and looked up at me with, hell I can't even explain what it was.

"August what the hell is going on and who is Marcus?"

"You didn't officially meet him but he was one of my niggas, but he was on that bullshit and I didn't have time fa' allat."

She nodded in understanding and grabbed my hand pulling me back to the sofa.


It seemed like so much was going on and it was all directed this way. I just don't understand it at all. Once we got to the sofa I sat down and August laid his head in my lap. I traced his eyebrows with my fingers while he had his eyes closed.

"August are you okay?"

"Yeah man. Its just that all this shit is crazy man. I know me and him were not on tha' same page, but I didn't wanna see the nigga dead tho." I sighed heavily.

"It really is crazy, but I get the feeling that it is more to this whole situation than what meets the eye. You didn't speak to him for weeks and now he turns up dead. What I find really odd is they came straight to you. My question is how in the hell did the police even kno' y'all were boys?"

"Aye you kno' what you makin' a lot of sense. I think someone pointed them in my direction, but who?"

"That my friend is a million dollar question, but time will tell. In the meantime why don't you let me give a massage to relax you." I leaned down and kissed his lips.

"Okay I could really use one. Thanks bae." He stood and headed upstairs.

"Did he just call me bae?...."


"Twan stop foolin' man and come help me."

"Help you do what lil nigga. Witcho' fine ass." He slapped me on my butt.

"On some real shit Twan, you gon' make me kick yo ass."

"A'ight babe. What you need daddy to do fa' ya?"

"Help me hang these pictures."

"I gotcha' boo."

In no time we had all the pictures hung where I wanted them. Once we were done the front door opened and Tony walked in smiling. Tony and I looked at each other and just shrugged.

"Tony where the hell is Netra?" Twan asked.

"Oh she cool. She just tryna to get herself together right now. She wasn't expectin' a nigga like me to show her what real was." He popped his imaginary collar.

"By the way Ned she took your car. I must have made her feel some type of way." He said as he headed upstairs.

"What the hell did your brother do to my damn sister?" I mugged him.

"Hol' up don't start no shit cause I will handle yo lil ass up in here."

I couldn't do nothing but laugh. He always had me smiling. It's been a long time since I have had this feeling and it feels good.

"Twan have you talked to August?"

"Nah, but I need to holla at him tho. Why?"

"No reason I was just wonderin' if you had told him about the Chandler situation."

"No Ned. That's not my place, but I think you need to tell your girl Desire before some shit pop off."

I sighed because he was right, but it was just the fact of telling your friend that her so-called nigga was creepin with another man. This is some serious, twisted shit. I just don't understand how and why, but that ain't my business why. My business is only ensuring that Desire is okay. As a nurse I see all types of shit and nothing seems to surprise me, but in a way Chandler did.

I don't have nothing against anybody's sexual preference, but I don't like this down low shit. I see cases of HIV and AIDS all the time, but people out here doing all kinds of shit and not thinking about the consequences of their actions.

"Baby where your head at right now?"

"I'm sorry. I just hate this shit you know. I mean I know it's real, but I wish it wasn't. I will get with Desire tomorrow and tell her what's going on. I'm just glad she ain't with that nigga no more."

"Well Ned you ain't neva' gotta worry about me cause I love pussy too much to cross over."

"Who pussy you lovin' tho?" I raised my brow looking at him.

"I love your pussy Ned cause that shit have me weak in the knees. A nigga be ready to bust in like two minutes." He pushed me back on the couch.

"Pussy be too bomb." I said and I ran my hands across his waves.

"Aye girl don't act like this black snake ain't bomb."

The rest of the day we just chilled and joked with one another.


"Have you taken care of everything I asked you to do?"

"Yes I did, but right now we just gotta wait and see what happens. There is no need to continue to do things until we see how the ball rolls."

"I agree. I just can't wait for Desire to get her lil gift and her and Mr. Alsina will probably go separate ways after this."

"So how is this gonna play out because the police are gonna question the fact that I'm really not dead."

"Oh just wait and give it time, everything is going to go according to plan. That Marcus you can count on...."

Nedra and Twan in the MM

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