A whole Lotta talkin'/Out Tonight

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It had been a week since all the crazy bullshit. I was finally home and it felt good to be home. In the past few days August has been busy doing photo shoots and interviews. I couldn't be more proud of him and his success. I still hadn't went back to work yet. I was going to go back to work after the Charity Ball, which is next Saturday night. I hate that August won't be in town that night, but I understand duty calls.

I got the results of my STD test and everything was negative. August also had one and everything was negative. Thank God. My dad even had a paternity test done on the low and my mom doesn't know. Come to find out he is my father. It really didn't matter if he wasn't or not because he was always gonna be Dad to me.

I was sitting on the sofa looking over some formula's when my doorbell rang. I pushed my books to the side and got up to answer the door. I really wasn't expecting company because I knew I wasn't gonna see August until tonight. We were going out. He wanted me to go with him to Club ICE because he was hosting tonight.

I swung the door open and it was my mother. I really didn't wanna deal with her right now, but I knew that it was now or never. I stepped aside and let her in. I leaned up against the door and folded my arms across my chest.

"Desire I know I am the last person you wanna see, but we really need to talk." She stared at me with hope in her eyes.

"I'm gonna let you do all the talking and I'm gonna do all the listening because you have a lot of talking to do." I stepped away from the door and sat on the couch. I looked over my shoulder to see if she was following me.

I sat back and crossed my legs and waited for her to start talking.

"Where do the I begin?"

"Um obviously from the beginning." I glared at her trying not to say nothing that I would possibly regret later.

"Desire I have always been in love with your father, but when he was busy chasing money I became lonely. I met Nolan Anderson through a mutual friend, by the name of Andrew. What started out as innocent flirting, turned into a full blown affair."

I didn't respond. I waited for her to continue.

"Everything was all good and one day I realized I had missed my period. I knew then that I was in trouble because I knew what I was doing. I always felt like David did too, but he never said anything about it. Anyway I found out I was pregnant and David was happy until he found out I was dealing with Nolan. They didn't get along at all because Nolan wanted me. Nolan knew that in spite of my actions I wanted David." She paused and stared off as if she was in thought.

"Nolan found out I was pregnant and he automatically assumed that it was his all because we had that one slip up. I really was afraid that it could have been Nolan's but I believed in my heart that you were David's."

"So let me get this straight you lived this lie for twenty-five years and not one time did you think it would come out. I find it odd how this random man comes out of nowhere and says he is my daddy. I feel like it is something more with this whole thing."

She just looked at me and I could see guilt written all over her face. I knew then that it was more to this story than what met the eye. She better pray to God that whatever it is that nobody gets hurt behind it.

"I'm gonna tell you like this mother, if whatever it is you are hiding causes somebody to get hurt then you can forget that you got a daughter." I got up walking towards the door.

She rose slowly and just stared at me in defeat. She walked out the door and I slammed it shut.

I don't know what kind of games she is playing but this is people's lives she is playing with. All I know a secret ain't secret when it falls into the wrong hands and I get the feeling that whatever her secrets are have fallen in the wrong hands . Its just funny how after I started dealing with August things went crazy.

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