Truth Revealed

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"What are you talking about?" I asked as I raised up in the bed looking confused.

"You must don't know all about my son and his past, but I am here to inform you because I know you play a part in some of the things that's going on."

"Look Mrs. Wright I don't understand what the hell you are talking about."

She sat down and pulled up a seat close to my bed. She crossed her legs and stared at me as if she could see straight through me. I was starting to get an eerie feeling because something in her eyes spoke volumes.

"Shonda I have been keeping tabs on my son since he left New York. I know who he is with and what he is doing. I know that seems like I'm obsessed with my son, but in all actuality I'm trying to make sure he doesn't strike again."

"Uh wh-what are you talking about strike again?" I asked with fear laced in my voice.

I knew Chandler had a slight mean streak, but he wouldn't hurt nobody, would he?

"Shonda Chandler has some deep rooted issues and its because of me and his father. I'm no longer with his father because I got tired of the beatings. For a long time I took up for his father because I was afraid to be on Chandler's side. Shonda Chandler's father used to beat not only me, but him too and he also would force Chandler to do sexual activities with him."

I sat there blinking not believing what I was hearing, but I still didn't understand what she meant by strike again. I'm almost afraid to find out what she means by that.

"I can tell by the look on your face that you are wondering what I am talking about. Chandler has a problem and has managed to pay his way out of a lot of situations. Shonda the reason he came here to Atlanta is because he beat and raped several women almost to death. He has a very violent temper and when things don't go his way he will act out." She rose from her chair.

"The worst thing you could have done was bring your cousin back in his life considering he is obsessed with Desire Monroe. Somebody is gonna end up hurt or God forbid dead." She walked out leaving me with the worst feeling ever.

"Oh my God what the hell have I done?....."


I was on my way to Twan's house. He told me that his brother was in town for a while so I guess we won't be getting it in today, but its cool. I was still reeling from the shit I saw. Chandler really is gay. I knew when I saw him in Olive garden that day it was suspect as hell, but I wanted to be sure. Now I am sure more now than ever.

I finally pulled up in his driveway and parked shutting the engine off. I got out and headed for the door just as it swung open. I assumed it was his younger brother. He was a sexy lil something. He had smooth chocolate skin and a low haircut with a sea of waves. He looked to be about 6'1 and was muscular where it counted.

"Damn Twan who dis' fine ass lil breezy?"

"Tony don't getcho' ass fucked up lil nigga."

I laughed at these two because they were alike and even looked alike.

"This must be your brother. He a cutie. I think my sister would love to me you. How old are you?"

"Twenty-one. What yo sister looking like? I know if she looking like you I'mma have to cuff her."

"Really Tony all them lil ho's you got flocking around you and you talking about cuffin some damn body."

"Aye don't hate Twan cause I got it like that."

"Well while y'all having y'alls brotherly moment I'm taking my ass in the house and chill. It was nice meeting you Tony."

I walked in the house and kicked my shoes off. I laid my head back on the couch when I felt the couch dip and my legs being lifted. I cracked my eyes open to look at Twan's handsome face.

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