Part 50

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New year, new school day!
School holidays should legally have to be longer because the thought of gsce's are making me want to vom. I did very little work over the holidays admittedly..pretty sure I'll horribly regret that by the time I'm in maths today but I like living on the edge. New Years was so much fun..Lara had a party at her house and we all attended of course, her parents went to London for the night. It was great considering Lara's house is like a museum but Jordan was acting pretty distant that night leading to us having a mini row and then not speaking for two days. But hey today is a new day! And I've got those new year resolutions going strong. Even if it has been not even a week yet..
"Look at Riz..oh my god" Haley practically drools onto my shoulder looking at him. I turn my head and see Riz. He's obviously got a new north face jacket for Christmas and I notice his skin is cleaning up- maybe some acne creme also?! "Not too bad..not to bad" I say taking him in. He catches Haley's eye and winks, she nearly falls to the ground.
"Your lucky Missy isn't around to see that" I joke.
"What the hell is her problem?" She wonders. "You know what she's like.." I say laughing.
"Hm well she's not gonna stop me"
"Hahah stop you from what exactly?"
She just smiles knowingly. I don't scold Haley, after all she's the same age as me and she could definitely do worse than Riz. One he's loaded but he's also a pretty nice guy from what I can tell after the few conversations I've actually had with him.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Nas pops her head under my locker,
"Your in a cheery mood for the first day back"
"Yeah I don't know why that is considering I'm fucked with schoolwork"
"Oh well there's more to life than school" this doesn't sound like Nas, normally she's the top of the class, fill your brains girl.
"Have you seen Missy anywhere?" She wonders, "not since we came in, I'm guessing canteen though she had no breakfast"
Nas rolls her eyes, "God let's hope she's found food or she won't be as cheery as you this morning!"
With that she runs off to find her and yells "See ya" down the hall.
With Nas gone I notice I am very much alone. She probably thought I'd be with Jordan all morning but i don't know where he is, normally he'd be here by now.
"Hey Ali!" An annoyingly high pitched voice rings into my ear. "Hey Lara..the party was so fun!" I say marching her energy.
"Omg I know right! Mummy didn't even notice anything was different I had to do so much cleaning up!" I laugh along with her and do actually have some sympathy because even I noticed a massive mess had been made.
"So what's the deal with you and Cory then?" I almost instantly regret it knowing she won't shut up about this now that's I've gotten her started.
"Ugh..he's so annoying! Did you see him all night at at the party?" Lara does have a point, Cory followed her around like a lost dog all night. "Yeah...I never really got to ask why did the two of you break up?"
She looks at me wildly, "you didn't hear?!"
"What? No? Should I have?"
"Um YES everyone was talking about?! God Alison you really do live in a bubble" she says this last part quite condensing, even though I wouldn't expect much less from her.
"Cory cheated on me" she says with a sigh.
"What? Really?! With who?" I ask in pure disbelief, if this was anyone else I wouldn't be surprised but coming from Lara..he seemed to really like her.
She comes close to my ear and whispers "Naveed"
"WHAT?" I say jumping back.
"Cory's gay??? Naveed's gay???" I ask perplexed. Lara frowns "lower your voice for god sake...nobody knows he cheated with Naveed...I saw them in the locker rooms when I was going to maths".
I put my hands on Lara's shoulder but she shakes me off briskly. "It's fine though..why would I care?" I nod in agreement..of course Lara cares but when she's hurt sometimes it's better to just agree. "I thought you broke up over the break..?"
"We did..I seen it the week before we left..didn't know what to do".
"I can't believe it...Cory can't really be gay can he?" This makes very little sense to me..for as long as I've known him Cory has been girl obsessed..Naveed on the other hand doesn't surprise me much.
"You tell me..don't tell Jordan about this..I don't need the whole school knowing my boyfriend picked a boy over me" what else would I expect? Of course Lara is more concerned with how this would make her look, it's not that she really cares about Cory's feelings.
"I gotta go.." I say stopping as she's about to turn into a classroom. I hadn't even realised how long we'd been walking down the halls together.

"What are you doing with her?" A familiar voice catches my ear just as Lara leaves.
Jordan walks up behind me..
"Just talking..why?"
"She's a bitch"
"She's not that bad..besides she's upset about your brother" I say.
He scoffs audibly. "What's up with you this morning?"
"Does there have to be something wrong?" He spits. I raise my hands in defence.
"Where are you going we're in this room?" I say pointing into the History classroom. "I've got to go see Mr Bell"
"What? Why? Is everything okay?"
"Jesus.." he sighs putting his hand to his head.
I take a step back..
"Have I done something to you today?" I ask defensively.
Without missing a beat Jordan snatched my hand and pulls me aggressively close. "Be careful who you spread lies about" he spits looking at me with such disdain. "Let go of me" I whisper angrily pulling myself away from his grip. "What the fuck are you talking about?". He doesn't answer just looks as if he's about to spit on me and then stalks off to find Mr Bell.
I'm left in shock. What the hell? What's he even talking about? I rack my brain trying to think of things I might have said. Spread lies? Who would I even spread lies to I barely speak to anyone?? I'm so confused..
I sit through history listening to everyone droning on but my minds in a different place completely. Jordan and I have fought before but there was a certain look in his eye that just frightened me. He looked so angry.
I don't even know how I'm going to approach him again after this...I don't even think he wants to speak to me..but why? What the hell has happened?

Hey! Kinda short I kniw but I'll have a new one out ASAP but whewwww kinda heavy shit!! Of course I've completely changed this around to what actually happened hope you don't mind..thanks for all the support xx

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