Part 3

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Here we go again. That's all I can think as I wake up for my second day of Ackley Bridge college. I feel better about walking in or should I say driving as the first day walking tradition has worn off and everybody piles into the back of Aaron's car except Nas who has decided to get a lift with Kaneez, I mean I don't like to judge but I'm not jealous of her getting into the car with Kaneez!
I still have no idea where I'm going however, I stay with Missy and Nas before school and then head off to try and find my classroom. As I'm getting my books out of my locker I sense an arm snake up and rest on my locker "Hey there sexy, how come I haven't seen you around", I turn around and sure enough I see a gorgeous dark haired white boy smirking at me. "Well, well, well and who are you" he's not phased keeping the same smirk in place "cory- Cory Wilson" i immediately realise- this is Jordan's brother the one Haley mentioned. "Oh so you're Jordan's brother", now this did take him back. "How do you know my brother?", "he's showing me around for the week we're in the same class". I can tell he wants to bring the conversation back to himself "well let's just say I'm the better of the two of us babe", I can't help but laugh it's clear Cory is the biggest fuck boy going but I can't help but love his confidence. I decide to amuse him "well I guess I'll have to be the one to decide that".
He smirks and I can tell he wants to stay and chat or should I say flirt for all he's worth but I have to get to class.
I set off trying to find the Maths room when I hear a shout "where do you think you're going" i turn and Jordan is standing there with his eyebrow cocked "I'm going to the maths room" i still have no idea what kind of person Jordan is and I am wary about getting to close to him, I've heard some bad things but then again I'm sure people have heard bad shit about me too so maybe I'm being unfair. Plus he is attractive not in the same movie star way as his brother but in a more sexy bad boy way which I love. What am I doing? I need to get a grip on myself I've known the guy two days. These thoughts are all swarming in my head as he still stands there smirking at me, he must be feeling better than he was yesterday. "Funny considering you're going the complete wrong way" I blush "well you're the one supposed to be showing me where everything is, are you just gonna stand there or what?"
"Woah woah woah nice attitude Manchester, follow me" I'm almost enjoying this cheekier side to Jordan.
I follow him like a sheep down the corridor until even I start to wonder where the hell Jordan is going. "Hey I mean I know I'm the new one here but I don't think this is the way to the maths classroom" , he turns and does that smirk and raises his eyebrows "I'm bringing you on the scenic route" I laugh "seriously Jordan I can't be late on my second day what kind of impression is that?"
"Who cares what impression you make on a random maths teacher?" he says this as we make our way to the back of the school building. Normally I would have turned around and left but I couldn't help stay with Jordan something about him made me want to stay around him. In that moment I decided I didn't care if I got in trouble for this I needed to find out more about this boy. "So where are you taking me then"  I get a swift "wait and see" but sure enough we're approaching the back of the dugout on the rugby pitch. Jordan slumps down, "well I mean it's not exactly being whisked off to paris", he lays down, "well you can go back to maths if you'd prefer". I didn't prefer. I sat down beside him and suddenly became slightly nervous. "So is this where you take all your girls" I ask. Jordan scoffs, "no". I desperately want to ask him what that boy yesterday meant when he said about having a baby with "another one". Is Jordan a father? He lifts his head and holds himself on his elbows "why would you think I brought girls out here?", I start to get nervous now he's going to think I'm nosy and forward and- before I can think I can't help myself "well that guy yesterday said about you having a baby so I just assumed- I'm really sorry I didn't mean it to be rude" he looks away from me, he doesn't seem happy have I ruined everything? "Listen Jordan I'm sorry I think I'll just go into maths I'll say I didn't feel well" , "no don't go, it's okay".
I thought that was the end of it when he piped up again " I don't have a baby, there was this girl who I went out with awhile ago, her names candice I'm sure you'll meet her but she had a baby" I suddenly felt really bad I had believed that idiot making comments and I felt stupid " oh I'm sorry, it's just that I don't know anything about anyone around here yet"
He relaxes himself again "it's cool worst part is it turned out to be Corys kid" I couldn't help but drop my jaw. We both look at each other and burst out laughing, we couldn't stop. "Believe me you'll think you've walked into an episode of Jeremy Kyle by the time your done around here" he said wiping his eyes and regaining his breath after our laughing fit. " sorry I shouldn't laugh but shit Cory?? I couldn't have predicted that". He's smiling at me now and it's the first smile I've seen him smile and I'm happy to be here with him. "Don't worry i start, my life isn't exactly picture perfect either"
"Yeah I could kinda tell someone said you moved in with Missy?" Oh no he knows I can't lie to him about it now. "Yeah Missy and Haley are my cousins my Mum and I used to live in Manchester but she had a drug problem and it just got worse and worse until I couldn't stay there anymore", I stop myself before I cry I don't want to embarrass myself infront of Jordan. He doesn't ask anymore questions and places a hand on my arm. His hand is warm and I want to sit with him like this for longer just laying under the rugby seats in Yorkshire not a care in the world. Well strictly that's not true I check my watch and realise second class is starting. "Shit come on we better go back inside, maths is over"
"You head on I think I'll chill out here" he says refusing to move a muscle. "No come on Jordan we've got art, you're great at art"
"How do you know that, you've been spying on me Manchester?" , I blush again what's with all the blushing around this guy. He just laughs at me and we jog back into science avoiding who Jordan calls "nosey bird".

Hey I'm trying to develop Jordan and Alison's relationship let me know if you have any constructive criticism! Did you like this chapter.

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