Part 31

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"Wait so who's this new girl?" Nas asks joining us on the walk to school.
"I knew her back in Manchester, her dad moved here or something" I say telling the girls all about Lara. "I thought you didn't like any of the girls in Manchester?" Missy wonders, she's coming back to school today. I tried to convince her to take another day to rest but she wouldn't hear of it. I hope people don't ask too many questions, Miss Carter knows of course she had to let her know she was going to come back. "I didn't particularly.."
"Ohh so you're saying this girl is a complete bitch?" Haley says summing it up. "No, no I mean she was sorta my friend but at the same time I didn't like her"
"Oh yeah cause that sounds like a healthy relationship" Nas laughs.
"I know! And now she's probably gonna follow me around all day, how will I get rid of her?"
"Can't help ya there darling" Missy says draping her arm around my shoulder. I groan loudly, I really don't want to see Lara, I wish she could have just stayed where she was. Hell what are the chances that she moves to Ackley, out of everywhere? Seriously!?

We make our way to one of the benches outside waiting for the bell, some people give Missy some funny stares but nobody dares say anything to her. I pull my granola bar out of my bar, I figure I'll need some energy if I'm going to deal with this stuck up cow today.
Jordan makes his way over to us, I'm surprised when he doesn't ask me away from the girls but actually sits down with us. "Have you heard about this new girl then?" Missy asks him.
"New girl?"
"Yeah this girl I was with in Manchester- Lara, she's starting school here today"
"Oh I'm sure Zain will love that, he's just had a big rant about how there's no fresh-" he shuts up when we all give him daggers.
"Well unlike you BOYS who can't keep it in your pants, she's actually meant to be quite a bitch, right Alison?"
"Yeah I mean, she's gonna act fake nice and all but she can turn in an instant" I say thinking back over my Manchester days with her.
"I remember this one time we were walking home from school and-"
"OMG ALISON!", a tall skinny blonde girl is making her way towards me.
"Lara!" I say not half as enthusiastic as she greeted me. I note how already she's made her skirt at least an inch shorter than any of the rest of us, her shirt is also a size smaller too. I remember that's what all us girls used to do back home, you'd buy a school shirt a size too small so that your tits looked bigger. If you were a real skank, you didn't wear a bra, I remember thinking of Jasmine.
She struts over to us, almost pushing Jordan off the bench as she sits down beside me, lightly pulling me in for a hug. "It's crazy here it's so," she finishes.
"Um yeah it is I suppose, how have you been?"
"Good, good, Daddy's got a new job as an accountant for some random firm in Bradford- ugh who even cares about all that!"
I fake laugh along with her,
"This is my friend Nas and my cousin Missy" I say pointing at them across the bench.
"Hiii" she says giving them a little wave.
"Hallo" Nas says politely, I can tell she's a little taken aback with how loud Lara is, anybody would be I suppose. Her confidence alone would make anyone want to hide away in the shadows. "Heyy, I love your makeup" Missy says pointing to her face, I can tell she's trying to claim the throne of most outgoing blonde girl at the table already! "Awh thanks babe, I had to make an effort of my first day didn't I!" I agree with her but secretly, even I wonder if she needs that much makeup on for school, I can't say I'm surprised I suppose.
"And who are you?" She turns to Jordan and looks him up and down.
"Jordan Wilson" he drawls, I butt in "Jordan's actually- he's-" I start to get a little embarrassed but Missy takes over
"Those two are like the Angelina and Brad of Ackley Bridge"
"Uh- Missy didn't Angelina and Brad break up" I say laughing. "Oh shut up you get the message".
"Oh a boyfriend?" Lara says sizing Jordan up,
"Well I suppose you always did have someone on the go didn't you Alison?" She says snakily.
Nas' mouth drops open and even Jordan looks taken aback by the snarky comment. They all look at me expecting a fight, even Lara seems to expect it but I know her game. I know what she wants and I'm not gonna give it to her. Instead I smile sweetly, "we should probably be getting to class now"
"Oh! What class are you guys in?" She says checking her timetable. When she realises we're not in any of the same classes except food tech, she does look a little upset. I suppose because now she's completely on her own. "Oh well- I guess I'll see you at lunch then!"
"Maybe" I mumble as Jordan, Missy and I head off to our classes. Nas heads off in a different direction for her classes.
"Fuck me!" Jordan exclaims as soon as Lara's out of earshot. "Jordan!" I say looking at him hurt.
"What? I don't mean it in a good way!! What a freak" I burst out laughing.
"Well that's a relief and believe me I know that's what I had to put up with for years!!"
"Thank god she's not in your class eh?" Missy says. "I know right! Can you imagine?"
We all pile into the English class, the play is in full swing now but we also have to do loads of work for gsces.
"Right, so as you all know it's not easy getting ready for both the play and being busy with exam work, so I've decided that every Wednesday and Thursday we will stay back in the drama hall for an hour and a half to practice starting from next week" everybody nods in agreement mainly but some people complain they won't have time to do other homework, I give them dirty looks of course it's the swots of the class. "I understand that guys but anytime your not acting on the stage you're welcome to use the classrooms to get you're work done any more questions?" When nobody puts their hands up we get into our work.
As the clock ticks by Miss Carter's voice comes booming over the intercom. "Sorry to interrupt classes I just have one announcement to make this morning, there will be an assembly after lunch for all students, thank you" she doesn't give any more information and we all look around at each other.
"Maybe she's going to announce that she's pregnant with Mr Nawaz!" Zain shouts up. Everyone bursts out laughing, Jordan told me all about Miss Carter's affair with Riz and Alya's dad I wish I had been around when that came out in the washing! It sounds like one of the more entertaining things that's happened around here. "Settle down" Ms Keane says sternly.

When the bell rings for lunch I rush to the canteen with Jordan and get my plate of chips.
"You know I think we should go outside then we have a better chance of hiding from her" I say sitting down opposite Jordan.
"So you're just going to avoid her for the rest of your life?"
"If I have to yes!" He scoffs at me, stuffing his face with curry. "Jordan! You seen what she was like this morning can you blame me?"
"No but why don't you just tell her to piss off"
I squirm, "I don't know it's not that easy"
"You don't understand how girls work Jordan, we're far more complicated"
"You say that like it's a good thing" he says raising his eyes.
"Did your dad say anything about me after?" I say, I still haven't gotten over my embarrassing moment.
"Nah, are you still on that?"
"I don't think you understand how fucking embarrassing it really was Jordan!"
We continue to laugh and talk together for most of lunch, I actually forget about Lara for a while, that is until..
"There you are!" She says skipping over to me. A couple of people are looking at her, because she's the new girl and because she looks like a mini Paris Hilton. "Leaving your best friend for your boyfriend now are we? Fries before guys Al" she says picking a chip up off my plate. Jordan looks like he wants to pick her up and throw her into Mrs Paracha's deep fat fryer but I manage to plaster my smile on.
Like a moth to flame, Cory waltzes over with a couple of Rugby chums. "Haven't seen you around before" I'm pretty sure he said the same to me when I first moved, he's going to have to up his game. "Lara- Lara Eckersley" she says standing up to greet him. He smiles devilishly back at her, I can almost see the love hearts form in his eyes. Lara is the perfect fit for Cory, it will all end in tears no doubt knowing Cory but knowing Lara she won't be stopped when there's a boy in sight.
"There's a rugby game next week, you're welcome to come along" Cory says smoothly resting his arm down on the table. "I'd love that" she says twirling her hair gently. He flashes his famous smile once more and winks at me. I roll my eyes back and Jack and Michael the rugby romeos as I like to call them clap Jordan on the back.
"WHO was that?" Lara practically squeals, shaking my arm. "That's Cory Wilson, Jordan's brother"
"No way! Well looks like a good looking family to me" she says nodding at Jordan. I flash her a look and put my hand in his under the table. He presses it lightly and continues eating his food.
Once the bell finally rings, I could cry out in joy. We rush off to the hall, without speaking another word.

Lara goes to sit down in the middle of Jordan and Chloe but when Cory motions his head to her from the front she wastes no time prancing up, her skirt dangerously close to flying.
"How long do you reckon that'll last"
"Five pound says two weeks"
"I say 10 days"
"Deal" he whispers back shaking my hand.
Miss Carter hushes everyone down and I notice a new teacher sitting up on the stage behind her. He looks like he's got a 5ft stick shoved up his arse. "Hello students, I have two matters to discuss this afternoon, first of all I would like to welcome our new deputy headteacher- Mr Shah to Ackley Bridge College" the new man I had spotted  gets up off his seat and walks over, some year 8 makes a whistling noise and he gives a fierce look. "My name is Mr Shah" he begins, "I'm looking forward to working with you all and more importantly working with our year eleven, twelve and thirteen students to prepare for upcoming exams, I trust you all are working remember hard work gets results, anything else means failure"
"Looks like I'm failing then" Jordan mutters loudly and there's a few giggles. Mr shah looks at him sternly and holds himself back from saying something else "that's all" he says as he returns to his seat.
"Now then thank you for that Mr Shah," Miss Carter resumes the microphone, her eyebrows are slightly raised and she looks less than pleased, perhaps Mr Shah isn't the lovely man he appears to be...!
"And the final thing I would like to discuss is, from now on upon entry to the school, everyone is expected to be in full uniform, no makeup is to be worn and any unnecessary items from home will be confiscated" the whole hall erupts in shouts, the girls in particular are more distressed, Lara looks like she could run back to Manchester there and then. "QUIET!" Miss Carter shouts "everyone is expected to follow these rules! That will be all thank you very much, back to class now".
Mr Bell, jumps out of his seat clearly just remembering something  "sorry one last thing!" He says stopping everyone in their tracks.
"Just for year elevens, regarding the 5k run for charity, it will be held next Monday, and can everyone please bring in Pe kit for practice Wednesday, cheers!"
I groan, "thought you'd be delighted to hear that, fitness queen" Jordan says acting camp. "This week is going to shit" I moan.

Hey! Hope you enjoyed this chapter I think it's a little longer than normal! What do you think of Lara?? You might be seeing a little more of her...I know Mr Shah comes a little earlier perhaps in the show and it's not how it happens but I changed it around to suit myself hope you don't mind xx

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