Part 44

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"Come on, come on, come on!" I squeal at Missy as we run down the street getting to Fredericks house. We didn't realise how far his house actually was away from us. "There waiting on us" I yell running ahead of her as I can feel my high shoes dangerously wobbling. "You stupid whore I'll never forgive you for this" I read aloud the text from Haley on my phone, Nas and Missy burst out laughing with me. Mrs Paracha said they're was no way Razia was going to a party where there was alcohol and I don't know how we did it but we managed to dump Haley at home with her too.

"OH MY-"
"God" Missy finishes my sentence for me, Fredericks house is just outside of town and I'm beginning to realise why he acts like he's slightly better than the rest of us. Probably because he is..I've never seen such a big real-life house before. They've even got those big black automatic gates and stone steps leading up to the door. I blow a raspberry. "I wouldn't mind living in a place like this" Nas mutters under her breath. "Well you will one day once you get your fancy job" Missy says laughing.
We make our way up to the door and I catch sight of myself in the window. I slightly shock myself with the fact that I look ten times uglier than I imagined. I quickly make sure to pull in my stomach and smooth down my hair. Maybe wearing a black skin tight dress wasn't the best for this night..
Before we have a chance to knock the door swings open and a river of boys flow out the door carrying Frederick in the air like a coffin and whopping. I would be worried for his safety considering the guys have a couple or more drinks in them at this stage but Frederick seems to be enjoying himself, beaming as he sails through the air. I spot Jordan right in the middle of them chanting. He grins happily at me, "I'll see ya in a minute!" I yell over the noise and enter into the house.
The kitchen is incredibly fancy with the marble counter tops and big American fridge. I spot the drinks on the table and grab one. Missy and Nas have already got lost in the dance floor and without hesitating I run over to join them.
Rihanna is blaring over the speakers and I throw my hands up in the air, letting myself feel fully free and sway in time to the music, closing my eyes.
"You alrigh?" A voice roars in my ear and I break into a smile, without opening my eyes I turn and fall into Jordan wrapping my arms sexily around his neck. We sway together entwining ourselves like laces. I can feel his hands resting heavily on my ass and I slowly rub my cheek against his. Once I open my eyes dreamily and spot Lara and Cory standing against a wall together. I have to admit when I didn't think they would last this long even though technically it hasn't been long at all it is in Cory Wilson's books and Lara's for that matter.
"You were great tonight Al" Jordan says into my ear, and I get butterflies feeling his hot breath on me. "You don't just have to say that to get lucky you know"
He laughs, "believe me I don't have to do anything for you to want me"
"Is that so..." I say sneakily. I lift my head from his shoulder and attach myself to his lips, I hear a few whoops considering we're in the middle of the dance floor or should I say Fredericks sitting room floor but without breaking with me Jordan leads me over to an empty couch and I place myself neatly on his lap, feeling a his bulge against my leg. Jordan's tongue explores my mouth hungrily and I don't object, my mind wandering to what might be coming. Jordan breaks away first, but only tightens his grip on my hip, "I reckon we could find a room in this palace" he says staring at my body, I place my finger until his chin and pull his face up to mine "are you sure you wouldn't rather stay and spend time with your friends" I ask innocently practically biting his lip. "Oh I'm positive" he says pulling me off him and dragging me up the fairytale staircase. I feel like I'm in gossip girl..does that make Jordan the Chuck to my Blair I wonder excitedly. We push throw people making out on the stairs, "should we try every door?" I wonder laughing grabbing onto Jordan's hand and looking around the carpeted hall. "I mean I knew Frederick was up himself but fuck me"
"Oh believe me I will" I say giggling and smacking his ass playfully, he looks at me dangerously "oh you'll regret that!" He says scooping me off roughly off my feet and pushing open the nearest door. I don't have time to look around this one, as Jordan slams me down on the bed. I giggle loudly as he pulls my dress off and throws it in the floor. Pressing his lips against my stomach and making his way down. I moan deeply feeling his soft lips caress every part of my body. I arch my leg up onto his shoulder, "Jesus...mmmm...ugh Jordan!" I squeal as quietly as I can which isn't actually that quite at all. He lifts his head back up leaving me breathing heavily and without giving him a second I place myself on his stomach and pull his denim jeans off while placing my hands down his boxers. He holds his head against the board and closes his eyes as I massage him throughly. Before he finishes I quickly grab his jeans pull out a condom then ease myself on top. We both moan loudly as I feel him enter me throbbing.

"Jesus..." I say turning on my side with Jordan. "How about we ask Frederick can we stay in this room every night" he says propping himself up on his arm laughing. "Hahaha...Jordan?"
"I love you"
He grins happily, "I love you" he replies kissing my sweetly on the lips.
"WHO ARE YOU?" A voice yells making us both jump up in shock and covering what shouldn't be seen.
"Ummmm...we got lost" Jordan yells dumbly as we pull our ragged clothes on inside out.
"Oh for fuck sake seriously" this 6ft ish I would say twenty year old guy looks at us distastefully. "Get out for gods sake I don't know why Frederick had to throw a party for prancing around a stage" he mutters irritably. I realise this must be Fred's brother by the way he's acting..
"Alrigh Alrigh chill out mate" Jordan says waving his hands.
"This is my fucking parents room!" This random angry guy yells and we both jog out after each other stifling our laughter.
"Well that explains why it was the fanciest room in the house.." I say while the two of us laugh our asses off.

Hey! Sorry this is soooooo spicy I know but I hope you liked it! Thanks for all the support darlings xxx

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