Part 40

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The final week of practice has finally come round.
I'm desperately sitting trying to learn my lines, I don't know if it's just some final nerves but I keep muddling them up. Everyone is rushing around last minute trying to gather their costumes. Mine is just a plain coloured dress which I'm not best pleased about, I tried to convince Miss Keane to let me wear one of the fifteenth century ball gowns but she point blanked refused. I considered blackmailing her using Mr Qureshi but I suppose maybe I could use that for something more important like my GSCE grades, so I decide to hold off.
Jordan is no where to be found, I presume he's with the man of the moment, Mr Qureshi, he's spending so much time with him recently I'm beginning to wonder if Jordan is having an affair with him and all!
I'm only teasing, he briefly told me about that sports program and how Mr Qureshi is training him for it. I'm so proud of him, Jordan is no stranger to throwing his weight around so why not actually try get something out of it? If he could start trying to get an income out of it and all that could be a massive game changer for Jordan. To be honest I'm just happy that he told Mr Qureshi about it..I don't know why he chose him out of all people, he didn't tell me that much and he seemed more focused on this money he could earn that he didn't even acknowledge the drugs again, so I'm praying that he's completely stopped...with Jordan I never want to hope too much because next thing I know something knocks me off my feet.
When I think about it that's kind of like my mo-"Alison Act 2 Scene 5 Get a move on!"
"Sorry! Sorry! I'm coming" I'm still in my uniform and I notice as I walk up the steps to the stage everyone else is in costume.
"Ah Miss please don't make me a put on that ugly dress!"
"You can get away with it today Miss Knightley but you're going to have to get used to it sooner or later!"
I breath out a sigh of relief and jolt myself into character. The Nurse takes over my body and I don't think about anything else other than becoming a fifteenth century nanny to Juliet Capulet. Thank god I manage to get all my lines only stumbling once because Missy distracts me by sticking out her tongue.

"AND SCENE!" Miss Keane yells as we all take a moment after our last lines. I break into a big smile, and everyone starts clapping each other on the back. Miss Keane practically jumps up and down "this is going to be excellent guys! We're of course missing Jordan and Lola right now so when they're back here I'm sure it will be even better!"
I hop down off the stage and pull my hair out of the tight bun, Miss Keane told me I should put in for "character" but it's pulling my hair something awful.
I pack up all my scripts and say goodbye running over to Missy.
"Alison can I have a word?" Miss Keane asks kindly just as I'm about to winge at Missy for throwing me off course. "Yeah sure.." I say walking over to a quite spot with her.
"I'm not sure how professional this is but I just wanted to apologise on behalf of Chloe for her actions...I still have no idea why she would have wanted to do something like this?" She wonders and I see the worry and sadness creep into her eyes. That's another reason I hate Chloe...she has one of the most loveliest mams I've ever come across, who loves her and gives her everything she could want but yet she still puts her under all this pressure and makes her worried sick. I know I must sound like a pain in the ass, but i think in some ways I'm desperately jealous of Chloe. She seems to have everything..a mum being the main thing.
"It's ok Miss...I wouldn't mind maybe being able to speak to her when she comes back" Chloe was suspended for a week because of what she did and she's not allowed to participate in the play anymore. I don't really feel bad, I expected much longer off school to be honest but I didn't want to be a little bitch and start complaining even more. "I'm sure she'd like that Ali...I don't think she's a bad kid at heart really..anyway" she sighs deeply. "Great work today I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Thanks miss...see ya later" I say my voice trailing off as she walks away.
"What did she want?" Haley wonders loudly.
"Oh just play shit"
"And her crazy daugher no doubt"
"Maybe a bit of that too" I say laughing.
"Where's Jordan?" She asks.
"He's at boxing training with Mr Qureshi, I think I'm gonna go find him now"
"What's up with him suddenly being into boxing?"
"Well there's that scholarship thing or something plus I actually think he enjoys it!"
"Yeah..well I suppose Jordan Wilson might as well put his temper tantrums to good use!"
"That's what i said!"
"So are you leaving me then?" She asks reaching the door. "I'll go check the changing rooms" I laugh, walking away from her. "See ya later!" She shouts down the hall.

I hum one last time by Ariana as I walk down the hall. The school is pretty much deserted and it's one of those moments where life doesn't feel quite real.
"So one last timeee-JORDAN!"
"JORDAN WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I yell in shock as Jordan races past me in the hall, his face a dangerous expression. He pushes the door aggressively and I turn to see Mr Qureshi racing after him. "JORDANN!" He yells after him too but it's too late he's long gone out of the door.
"Um what was all that about?!" I ask perplexed. Mr Qureshi doesn't answer just sighing in a look of agony.
I look at him waiting but I decide I'm wasting my time and I turn my back running out the door.
I can't see Jordan , he could have gone anywhere! I think of his angry face and I'm so worried about what he might do. I know I have to stop him, nobody else is going to and I can't picture him showing up bloody and bruised again.

I run speedily my bag bumping off my bag but I try to ignore my lunch box digging horribly into my back. I first am running towards the Wilson household but then I stop myself. Jordan would never go back to his house when he was upset in fact it's the last thing he would do.
I run past the playground and peer in but he's not there either.
My run has slowed to more of a light jog now and I'm breathing terribly heavily, this is practice for the run nevertheless which has been postponed due to  Mr Bell, actually it hasn't been postponed at all, turns out he got the date completely wrong and we all had to be driven back on the bus from the park after a less than exciting time of Zain  throwing crisps at me, Jordan farting the entire time and Haley yelling at me for stealing her headband.
I see a figure standing with a hood up against the graffiti wall. I squint my eyes and try to make out Jordan's figure.
I take a deep breath and hope for the best.
"What do you want?"
"Don't start this..come on let's go home"
A blue car pulls up at the other side of the wall, blaring rap music. "...don't go near them Jordan..."
He doesn't answer but we can both feel the tension. I know I have to do something drastic before he storms off again. "...Jordan if you get into that car..I'll never speak to you again". He gives me a worried glance...I think I've hit a nerve and I can feel every bone in my body tense as I wait and see what he's going to do.
"Do you think you have that much power?" He says actually laughing mockingly. "Right then..go I suppose I don't mean anything" I say sticking my nose in the air. We both hear a car door open and I look at Jordan in complete panic.
This time he's not laughing and all the colour is drained from his face, "run!" He says pulling my arm roughly and dragging me with him. I had never seen Jordan run away so quickly, not even when he was playing rugby. "OI GET BACK HERE!" An Asian man screams trying to catch us before we run off.

Jordan hauls me into an a filthy alleyway, we're both breathing heavily but as soon as we look at each other we burst into laughter.
Before I have time to catch my breath, I'm pushed roughly against the wall. Jordan's lips smashing into mine.
I hungrily bite down on his lip tasting faint blood in my mouth. We laugh into the kiss breaking apart reluctantly "steady there vampire!" He says running his hands up and down my hips. "Hahahah sorry I just can't help myself" I reply, kissing him again this time more slow and passionate. Moving our tongues together in unison. We stay there for some time feeling the pleasure wash over.
With everything going on moments like these with Jordan have been few but it makes me appreciate him even more when I get him all to myself.
I feel him getting hard against my legs and giggle softly. "Oh hello" i say in between kisses.
He's tugging at my shirt, slipping his hands under delicately every so often. "We can't" I say breaking away and massaging him over his school trousers. "Why not?" He asks cheekily pulling me even closer than I already was and groaning loudly in my ear. I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter, "anyone could see it's literally illegal!"
"I thought you liked bad boys" he grins cheekily.

For legal reasons there are words in this that I myself find very embarrassing to use so pretend it didn't happen thank you ❤️
Thank you for all the support and ps I do not endorse having sex outside I mean I've never done it but I don't think it would be comfortable and definitely don't do it in an alley way maybe a field would be more spacious. Stay safe xxxx

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