Part 18

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"The party is incredible mum! Thanks so much" "Anything for you babe". I'm having so much I never want to leave. "I have to run to the bathroom, one sec" but Mum has already ran off to entertain some of the many guests crammed into my bedroom. The hall is completely empty and the music has stopped. I'll have to be quick I think I don't want to miss the cake. The bathroom has a counter with a woman working "can you leave please I need to go"
She turns and looks at me- it's Miss Carter!
"Miss what are you doing here you're a teacher!"
"Excuse me?"
"Do I know you or something"
"Miss it's me- Alison"
"Listen love if you're not going to buy something then get out"
"Where's Jordan?"
"Jordan? Jordan doesn't exist"
"Yes he does! Where is he?"
"You have to pay for the bread"
I start to cry, the room is spinning. "MUM, MUM" I shout. Where is everyone gone? I try to go back to my party but everyone has disappeared. There's no music, nobody to be found. I'm left all alone. "MUM?" "JORDAN?"

"And will she be okay doctor?" I can hear a familiar voice speaking. "We can't be sure until she wakes up but she seems to be breathing well on her own". I wonder who they're talking about. I'm suddenly aware of the smell of..hmm..cotton sheets? I try to move but I can't. I seem to be stuck..on my back? Where am I? I flutter my eyes gently and squint back from the light that greets them. My head starts to ache but I can't let out any noise. "Alison?, oh my God Ali"
"Please step away Miss"
"No, no I'm staying you can't make me leave!" I'm finally able to fully open my eyes. A girl with a blonde bun and a pink sports top is looming over me. "Alison!"
"Yes..yes it's me! Are you alright?"
"Where am I?..."
"You're safe, oh Ali I was so scared" she says wiping her eyes I hadn't notice she had started to cry.
"Is it really you Missy?.."
"What do you mean is it really me? Of course it is ya numpty!" "I'm here!"
I look away from her blinking. I'm in a room. There's nothing special about it but there's loads of beeping going on beside me and it seems to be making my head feel even worse. "Alison..hello there my name is Doctor Baqri today is Monday, do you remember how you got here?"
"I-." My throat goes dry, I don't know who this strange man is but he's smiling at me and speaking gently. I want to be able to speak to him but I can't seem to find the answers.
"There was an accident Alison, you were running across the road and were hit by a coming car"
"What?.." "I got hit by a car?"
"Yes" I feel a hand grab onto my own which when I look down on I see has a tube coming out of it and a monitor on my finger. Missy is crying even more now. "Oh al, you didn't half scare us you silly cow, what were you doing running out onto a busy road for anyway?"
"I'm sure they'll be plenty of time for answers later" Dr. Baqri says. "For now Alison you're going to need plenty of rest and we are going to need to run a few tests"
"Will I be okay?" I wonder.
"You've broken a bone in you're upper thigh and bruised your right rib and of course we are going to have to run tests but yes in time you will recover"
I'm still taking everything in. I'm in hospital.. a car accident, I can't seem to remember anything about it. "Why can't I remember anything?" I wonder.
"Oh my god!" Missy exclaims.
"No, I mean about a car accident, I don't remember getting hit by a car"
"Things may seem a little blurry to you now Alison and that's perfectly normal, plenty of rest" He says. I can feel my eyes getting heavy again. Missy is still holding onto me. "Missy?" I mumble. "Yeah?" "I'm sorry"
"Don't be silly" she says stroking my head. "Everyone will be so pleased to see you're okay" she says. I give a slight smile and can feel myself, drifting slowly back into a dreamworld.
The mur of voices is still there however and I wish they would just leave me in peace. "You can leave her to rest now Missy, perhaps go home and get a shower?"
"No ill stay a little bit longer thanks"
"I assure you she's getting the best of care and if anything happens at all you'll be the first to call"
"I suppose I do need a bit of a sleep myself" "I'll come back in an hour though" the door closes and so do my eyes.

"Excuse me! Get back here boy!"
"Oi!" I can hear a ruckus outside my door, ever since I woke up I'm afraid I've become much more aware of the noises around me. There seems to be a room beside me constantly filled with noise from babies and this is the final straw, I'm going to have to ask to move rooms. I still don't see why I can't go home yet but they keep insisting they need to do more "tests". I viciously jump up when the door is swung open and a boy comes racing through. "What the hell!" I say a little bit less louder than I wanted but I suppose getting hit by a car will do that to you. He looks up at me as multiple staff coming jogging in. "JORDAN?"
"Oh my God. Alison!" He says lunging towards me but he's stopped by a nurse. I see a crowd of people looking back at me. Including Jordan. I feel like an animal at the circus all of them waiting for me to make a move. Is this really happening? What's Jordan doing here? He's supposed to be in Wolton, am I sure I'm not having another dream, the pain medication they give me causes me to be less than with it half the time. "Come on young man, you've shocked her, you can't just barge into a hospital ward like this" Doctor Baqri says stepping forward and taking him away while the others disperse. Jordan struggles against him and just when I realise that this is in fact-real i reach out. "No! No please Doctor! Let him stay, please it's okay, I'm okay"
He looks at me sadly "I'm afraid you're only allowed family visits for now Alison and during visiting hour"
"Please Doctor, just a few minutes" I say looking up at him with pleading eyes as he slowly releases Jordan from his grip. "Five minutes" he says walking out. Jordan wastes no time running over to me. "Alison..."
"How did you get here?..."
We both look at each other and without another word I put my hands up in the air. He pulls me close to him and we stand there embraced. Is this real? Are you really here?" I mumble into his shoulder. "I'm really here" he says rubbing my back. "I came as soon as I heard"
"I got hit by a car"
"I know idiot, everyone knows" "Cory called me"
"I thought you didn't have a phone.."
"I got one Saturday, I was going to ring you then I heard what had happened"
I look down, down at the wires coming out of my arm and my greasy hair, I must be pale as a ghost too. "Sorry I look like shit" I say rubbing under my eyes. He scoffs "only you would say that after literally being squashed by a car" I wince. "Sorry..." he says holding onto my arm now. "I can't remember it you know, the crash like"
"Ali..I thought you were gone ya know" he says holding onto my tighter. I start to let some tears escape my eyes and I pull his hand up under my chin. "I'm okay, Jor"
"I missed you so much"
"You have no idea" I say sighing.
"I won't leave you again..I promise"
"Don't make promises you can't keep" there's a long silence.
"You know you're my girlfriend right?"
"Oh am I now!" I say laughing.
"And who says that?"
"Oh well I guess if you don't want to.."
"Oh shut up" I say lightly punching him. "I thought you'd never ask. Just as we lean in for a kiss Dr. Baqri enters. "I'm afraid you must leave now... "Jordan" Jordan fills in. I curse the doctor for interrupting but I can't say anything after him letting Jordan stay in the first place. "I'll see you tomorrow" he says kissing my forehead lightly.
"Will you?"
"Yeah..I'll tell you everything.. just get some rest" I slowly let go of his hand and watch him leave.

Hey! So many questions- will Alison be okay? Is Jordan staying for good? Will Alison be able to remember what Cory said and the accident..who knows
Thanks so much for the continued support and I hope you enjoyed this chapter Xx

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