Part 45

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"I really hoped he would have forgotten about this" I complain leaning on Jordan's shoulder and stretching. Not only that but I'm completely freezing now that it's nearly Christmas, I really have to start getting my presents for people which should be a pain in the ass as always considering I don't have a penny and not only that but mocks are next week!
I've literally been sitting at my desk absorbing every single thing I possible can for weeks now, well that and some evenings in Jordan's bed but other than that I've been as good as gold. I really thought Mr Bell had forgotten about this charity run but just when we all needed it most he springs it on us. I've spent all morning making fun of Jordan in his shorts but now that we're actually here I can't even begin to start laughing.
"I can't do you remember what happened last time?"
"Of course I remember everyone does it was one of the funniest moments this year sometimes I randomly think of it and just burst out laughing it's like-"
"JORDAN!" I yell turning tomato red remembering the unfortunate puking incident. "Oh yeah...sorry" he says holding in laughter. I look away from his in annoyance and feel my stomach churning.
"RIGHT YEAR ELEVEN, MOCKS IN A FEW WEEKS THIS IS YOUR LAST TRIP FOR A WHILE AND REMEMBER THIS IS PURELY FOR FUN SO EVERYONE HELP EACH-OTHER OUT!" He looks pointedly at myself probably reminiscing on our past history. I can't meet his eye and instead I turn and start stretching my legs. "Let's do this girl!" Missy said jogging over to me. "Loving the positivity but I'm not so sure" I say managing a half laugh. "Promise you won't run off on me" I say cringing at the desperality in my voice. "Course not babes...thought you might be with Lara though"
"Not if I can get away fast enough" I say giggling.
"Where's Jordan?" Missy asks looking around the park, "over there" I say nodding towards a group of lads all shoving each other. Whenever I see Jordan around his friends he always seems so much more immature than he does around me but I feel like that's just lads in general, annoying but reality.
"Jordan actually is really fit but I feel like the eye piercing doesn't do anything for him"
"Hahahahahahahah but it's so cool!"
"I worry for you Al..he does lowkey look like he stepped out of juvi"
"Gotta love a bad boy Miss" I say laughing and trying to ease the nervousness in my stomach.
"OKAY EVERYONE LINE UP!" Mr Bell yells loudly and everyone starts to move towards the makeshift chalk line they've drawn in the path for us.
I groan loudly "loads of people can see us here!"
"Who cares?!'s not like you even know anyone" Missy says jogging lightly to warm up. She's really irritating me to be honest with her "who cares!" attitude but I don't have anyone else in this present moment because there's no way in hell I'm running with Jordan and all his friends and I've been trying to avoid Lara like the plague. "GO!" Mr Bell yells.

Twenty minutes in and I'm reduced to the lightest of lightest of jogs and I'm sweating madly, "all good?" Missy asks between breaths. "Not to me to distract me" I say nearly keeling over. "Okay...."
"Have you heard from Aaron recently?" I breath out. I kind of regret bringing him up because I know it might just upset her but it will also keep her talking for a long time and me distracted. "No... not after we decided to break up properly" she says her mind clearing moving back into the past. "You know...I was so pissed off and annoyed and just basically upset about the whole thing but..I think I'm back to myself these days"
"Yeah..Back to our bubbly Missy eh?!"
"So..when do you think you and Jordan will break up?"
"You know..I really don't see it happening Mis"
"I can't believe it in a way...I didn't think you'd last this long your really going strong"
"Yeah...we are aren't we? Despite what Lara thinks ahahahh"
"Well shes a cow...her and Cory Wilson deserve each other"
"Aw come on Cory's not that bad" I say attempting to stick up for my future brother law., no seriously jokes.
"Oh shut up..what did the Wilson brothers do to deserve you eh?" We both burst out laughing and continue running in silence and breathing heavily.

"You've changed your tune eh Knightley?" Zain says running up behind me with the boys. I'm so unbelievably mortified right now that I don't even answer him, I have gone even redder if that is possible. "Are we nearly done now?" I say directing it towards anyone who has enough money to buy a Fitbit. "We have like 1km left I would say" Jasmine turns around with her perfectly calm face and slim waist staring back at me. "Oh thank god.." i sigh tiredly. "Gonna need a carry this time?" Jordan says shoving past people to get up to my side. "Not from you thanks very much".
"Ohhh feisty"
I know Jordan's only acting like this because he knows the lads can hear him but nevertheless I flash him a dirty look. It's just one of these days.
As we pass the park bench, there are loads of people sitting there drinking cider from bottles and smoking something that I can tell isn't tobacco, I can see Missy's face become more alert but thankfully neither of us Dre Simone within the group of people.
"Ohhh it's the junkies, Jordan you've found your people!" Aaron Laten joked loudly.
"OI WHAT DID YOU SAY YA LITTLE CUNT?" A thirty something man with a long beard and grubby hair turns around suddenly and grabs Aaron by the the cuff of his shirt. "What the fuck?! Put me down!" He yells, not half as confident as before. I feel a panic rising in my stomach but I'm also silently thankful this is an opportunity to catch my breath. "I ASKED YOU WHAT YOU SAID TO ME?!" He yells again backing Aaron up against the tree. Most people run forward now trying to either escape the situation or help free Aaron from this lunatic. "Hey put him down man..he was only joking" Jordan says trying to diffuse the situation. "OHHH ANOTHER TOUGH GUY EH?" The man says dropping Aaron with a tud and squaring up to a Jordan. My eyes widen and I look around for help, before I can jump in front of him, the man head butts Jordan in the nose causing him to fly backwards.
"AHHHHHH!" I yell loudly running towards him in fright.
A woman from the bench runs over when she sees what's happened, "for gods sake Micky...he's a fucking kid" she says addressing this man who is obviously Micky.
Jordan is lying groaning on the ground, blood splattering out of his nose.
The man takes off in a sprint through the park, making my blood boil. I look up properly to face the woman who's come over,
"..Mum...?" I whisper in disbelief.

Heyyy! Sorry this took so long to post I'm insanely busy with life right now..there's still a few more chapters to come so stay tuned! I know the start was a little boring and I hate dragging out this running thing but I promise it's over now I just had to use it well to- BRING ALISONS MUM BACK!
What do you think will happen!!? Some exciting stuff
Thanks for all the support xxx

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