Part 54

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"Go pack a bag" Jordan says motioning his head towards the door, a small smile appearing on his lips.
"Were leaving now?" I ask almost in disbelief. "The earliest bus is at 6?", I look at him expectantly and he laughs slightly pulling out his phone and turning it to me. I read: 3:00am.
"Three hours" I say, normally I would ask Jordan to come inside and even though I've just decided to run off to London with him, things haven't just snapped back to normal. "You get some sleep..I'll come by at half five".
"Okay...see you later" I add on the last bit in a sickly sweet voice, he turns and grins.
"Come ere", I giggle like a child and wrap my arms around his body. His hands tighten around my waist and my feet are barely touching the ground. We embrace like this for what feels like minutes and I never want to let go. His body is so warm and in his arms I
I feel the tears dribbling down my cheeks but I don't try and stop them. Jordan only notices when the side of his neck becomes suspiciously wet,
"Heyy..." he says lifting my head up and holding it in his arms, what's wrong?" He asks looking hurt. "'s not anything bad..I just missed you so much" I sniffle while laughing because of how stupid I know I sound. He just pushes my head back into his shoulder, "I missed you too...Ali..I really am sorry" he says rubbing the back of my head. I'm not used to hearing Jordan say such kind things to me and the phenomenon alone makes my stomach burst into butterflies and I feel as if I'll never sleep again. "Now...he unwraps his arms from me "go get some sleep.."
I pout..
"What's the face about..the funs yet to come Manchester"
This makes me laugh, Jordan hasn't called me this old nickname in months and it brings me back to my first days in Ackley Bridge College.

I limp back indoors, my heart fluttering. If this is a dream, I'll throw myself down the toilet. My feet are filthy, as quietly as I can I pull off some kitchen roll and wipe them down, getting a plaster out of the bottom cupboard. I don't know where to start...I want to go grab my bags and run to London right there and then and I probably would if it weren't for Missy and Haley soundly asleep am I going to explain this to them?

I creep back up the stairs and do the only thing that makes sense to me.
"Haley...!" I say shaking her. "Mmm..what time is it?" She practically gasps, sitting up in bed with her messy bun completely collapsed. "Here..wake up..I need to talk to you" I hand her the glass of cold water I got from downstairs, I figured it would wake her up quicker. She looks at me in pure confusion but I plop down on her bed anyway and start talking.
"Jordan was here"
"He's here?!" She jumps up looking widely around the room. "No..!!" I say putting my hand on her shoulder laughing.
"Ali what the hell are you talking about?" She pulls herself up in the bed properly, her head resting against the headboard.
"Jordan..he was outside..came to the window" the moment with Jordan seems to private and emotional that I don't think I could ever make anyone else understand what had passed between us, I know Haley will think I'm crazy but I don't care because no matter what the girls say I'm going.
"He what?" She asks in disbelief her eyes growing wide, but I know she doesn't need to be told again.
My face breaks into a wild smile..
"I know this all sounds crazy..but I'm going to three hours..with Jordan"
She stares at me for ages..
"YOU WHAT?" She says motioning with her hands. "I said I knew it was crazy"
"You can't run away!!" She says panicking.
"I'm not running away ya numpty, I'm going away for two days"
"With Jordan??"
"But you're not together"
"Well..we are..look it's hard to explain and I will one day but right now I need you to help me wake up Missy and explain this to her"
She looks at me like I've gone insane,
"No way"
"Yes way"
"Why me?"
"Do you see anyone else here?, also I'm sure she would be veryyyy interested to hear about Riz all in one night" I say raising my eyebrows.
"Blackmail" she says blatantly pulling herself out of bed.

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