Part 48- Christmas Eve

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"HALEY I NEED THE WRAPPING PAPER!" I yell across the hall. I had to banish her to the other room so I could finish my wrapping but thanks to Missy only buying like two rolls were running seriously low and I still have four presents to wrap.
For Missy I bought her the Ariana Grande perfume and some of those badges you can put on jackets. For Haley I got her some Mac contour which I had to splash out for but thanks to the money I get from my Dad each year I managed to stretch to it. I also got Haley a fluffy Pyjama set in Primark. Then some fancy ingredient jars for Mrs Paracha, a framed picture of Nas, Sam and I at the play party and then I just got some sweets for Razia and Salem.
You have no idea how long it took for me to decide on a present for Jordan, I couldn't really pin point one of his main hobbies and even the things he was interested in didn't seem like the best presents to give your boyfriend at Christmas. I bought him a lynx gift set in M&S but then once I got home I realised it didn't exactly say "I love you so much" it more said "Hi I have no idea what to get you but you could do with smelling better" so that's when I had to go out and scour the shops one by one my brain hurting.
It was when I took my routine Starbucks break that I spotted this little art/book store. I thought it was mainly for old people and I will admit when I got in there I did feel a little bit out of place but the more I had a look around the more I realised this is one of my favourite stores in town after urban outfitters of course! I know the minute I laid eyes on this medium sized canvas picture it was what I had been looking for all along. It showed a bleak street with lots of old town houses and done in the same dark colours were a young boy and girl embracing on the footpath beside all the murky puddles. Something about it made me feel..peaceful. And for the fact it reminded me of Jordan and I which of course the soppiest thing in the entire world but it didn't stop me from marching up to the counter and paying thirty pounds for the damn thing but hey that's art! When I got home I hid it under my bed in case Jordan spotted it but not before I wrote on the back- If I could stay for the rest of my life underneath the streetlights in Ackley bridge with you- I would.
Love you forever
Alison x
I don't want to think about his face when he opens it because it makes me go red every time. I also decided to throw in the lynx set and a multi pack of hunky dory's for him to eat for his breakfast from now on.
The wrapping paper is chucked in threw the door and whacks off my head, "OWW!" I yell dramatically. I can hear Haley footsteps coming louder and louder "What are you doing?? GET OUT!" I say shoving the door with my foot. She grunts from outside "Come on we have to watch Elf this is boring"
It's only half twelve in the afternoon and Haley and I planned to watch loads of movies to get us through to the evening. Jordan and I didn't settle on a day or a time to see each other but I hope he drops in today, I don't know do the Wilson's have any Christmas Eve traditions but I'm hoping he's not going to be snowed under (no pun intended).
I finally finish badly wrapping my presents and putting the little gift cards on them. They looked like they've been smothered by wrapping paper but why the hell is it so hard to do?!
When I go downstairs to put them all under the tree, Missy and Haley have already started in on the marathon, "hey what are you doing without me?"
"You were taking ages we got bored" Missy explains, "Rude" I say plopping down beside them all.
There's very little lights or decorations on our street considering not that many people do celebrate Christmas but Razia and Salem begged Mrs Paracha to put up some small decorations in their house not for religious reasons or anything just because who doesn't like getting presents and eating loads of food.
"So what take-away are we getting tonight?" Haley wonders just as buddy the elf starts sliding on the escalator. According to Missy and Haley they always get a take away and open presents together on Christmas Eve. "Chinese?" I wonder, "hmmm I dunno I think I'm feeling more classic burgers"
"Well how about we all get what we want?" I say laughing. Missy looks at me dead serious, "we get the same or we get nothing Knightley!" She says pointing her finger. We're all in a good mood and I just can't describe it it's that Christmassy feeling you get everywhere when even if you're doing nothing it has a certain fuzziness about it.

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