Part 17

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It's been over a week now since Jordan left and I haven't heard from him. I kiss his picture every night, something that I have to stop doing for my own sanity it's not like it's ever going to kiss me back.

I head downstairs to eat my breakfast. Great. We don't have any food. If there's one thing Missy and Haley aren't good as it's being organised. I go upstairs to get my coat and pull on some leggings. It's freezing outside now so I keep my fluffy Pajama top on underneath, oh shut up I know I'm not hygienic! There's money in the top drawer of the kitchen and I grab £30. The icy morning air hits me like a ton of bricks and I can see my breath like fog. "Shit it's freezing" I utter under my breath. It's nearly half nine in the morning but the alley is deserted this weekend.
"Hey sexy!" A voice calls as it zooms past me on a racing bike. Zain. He's a massive pain in the arse but since Jordan left he's been hanging around like a bad smell and I kind of appreciate the company. He spins back around with his cheeky grin. "You're up early" I state,
"Dad forces me out at 7"
"What- even on a Saturday!?"
"Yeah you don't know how lucky you are"
"Well I don't know about that"
"Is that a Mickey Mouse pajama top?"
I look down and sure enough I've left my coat unzipped and my red primark pjs with the nail glue stain are out and proud.
"And so what if it is?" I say even though I hastily pull my coat around me. Zain is in stitches laughing at me, Jesus I can't take him so early in the morning.
"Have you spoken to Jordan yet?" I ask trying to move on. "No" he says suddenly looking more solemn. At least I'm not the only one Jordan hasn't been contacting. I would have thought he could have used the phone in his new house by now but maybe he doesn't want to..or maybe there crazy and lock him in his room all day or under the Harry Potter, Ok no I'm getting off track here Alison.
"I might see you later I have to go down to the shops"
"It's a date"
"No it's really not darling!"
He whizzes off and tries to show off my hopping over the speed bump but ends up losing control and flattening himself onto the ground. I gasp. "All good?" I shout over.
He takes a second but manages to pull himself back up and give me that famous toothy grin "never better!" He gets back up and cycles until I can't see him anymore. I laugh my way to the supermarket replaying the image of Zain being flung like a mouse by the tail into the air..hilarious.
I push the shop door open, the background music humming. I grab some corn flakes, a sliced pan, milk, minced meat I think I might make homemade burgers for dinner and some other bits like cereal bars and a tin of peaches. Weird fact about me- I love eating peaches from the tin as a snack! I turn the aisle to go and pay for my things and who's there only Cory. Great I think. This is all I need on a Saturday morning. He doesn't see me though and I pretend to be looking at something on another shelf. He's looking around and I pray he doesn't notice my scruffy bed head and Pajamas. I think I've got away with it.
"Cory- what are you doing!?" I say when I see him shove a bag of bread under his top. He jumps and quickly pulls it back out again. "Morning" he says dumbly.
"Um Cory-?"
He just looks at me blankly. I pick up the bread he was going to steal obviously and march up to the counter. I pay for my things and his as he stands there hands in his pocket looking away. I hand it back to him. "I'm not your charity"
I scoff "you're joking right?"
He presses the bread back into my arms "no I'm not, you put your nose in with Jordan and what-? Your going to do it with me now and all"
"Oh fuck off Cory, Jordan was right you know always bringing it back to yourself"
"Oh and he said that did he?"
"Yeah he did as a matter of fact and you know what Cory? You're not that fucking hot, you're not all that so quit walking around like gods gift to man when you can't even afford bread" I spit.
"You know what-? You're nothing but a bitch, Jordan was only with you because he felt bad, you know that don't you?"
"Shut up"
"No, you think you're better than me? Huh? You think Jordan didn't tell me why you had to move in with Missy, you're one to fucking talk about being able to afford things you slapper" he says getting closer and closer to my face, his words getting more vicious as he continues. I can feel my breath raising in my stomach and I don't trust myself to speak. I push him away from me dropping my things and run out of the shop. I


"Oh my god..."
"Someone call an ambulance........."
"Hello...Alison...can you hear me?.."
"Can you tell me what day it is......Alison?"
The bright lights start to dim and the voices fade. My head hurts..I want to go home...I want my mum.

Hey! Sorry for the sadness but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain! I know this was a little bit short I'll update again in a few hours, the support I've received is so amazing thank you to everyone!! 😊 xx

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