Part 43~ A play special 2.

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"Oh lamentable day!" I exclaim crying and run off the stage.
I don't dare look out into the audience instead I take deep breaths and when I realise that that's it I break into a wide smile. I did it! I did it! I went out onto the stage and I didn't mess anything up not even one line! I peek out from behind the curtain, Missy is pretending to lie dead. Personally I don't think I was half bad out there but Missy...Missy was fantastic, I look out into the audience and see people looking on in awe not even breaking eye contact with the actors on stage.
"That was absolutely brilliant!" Ms Keane comes up and whispers to me excitedly. "Thanks miss I wasn't half shitting myself..oh sorry-"
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that!" She says squeezing my shoulders once more and shuffling away to get more things in order.
My face has gone red under the lights and I hold up my water bottle to cool it down. I can't wait to see Jordan but there's still another few acts to get through. I want to sneakily stick my head out the curtain but I don't want to ruin it all by being spotted and Missy being angry that I took her spotlight. I thought more of the lads would jeer at Frederick in the crowd, he's much more used to a rugby pitch than a stage but he's managed to take us all by surprise and really pull it out of the bag.

The crowd erupts into cheers when the final line is said and I feel tears welling in my eyes. We're all called back out onto the stage for a bow and I desperately scan the audience for Jordan. Finally I spot him from his loud cheers at the side, he's practically hopping up and down chanting. We catch each others eye and he blows me a kiss with a cheeky wink making my stomach explode into a thousand small pieces. How did I get so lucky...I can feel the love in the air tonight..I think with everything all of Ackley Bridge has been through in the past few days alone this was really something to bring the community together. I sound like such a soppy cow but it's been a very emotional week for all of us..not just me.
I see Ms Keane at the side of the stage brimming with pride but also sadness. I hop down from the stage and jog over to her dragging her by the arm to stand with us all. She's laughing trying to push me off but once everyone sees her come into the limelight they cheer even louder.
Chloe runs over to her and Ms Keane wraps one of her arms around but also around me before I can go back to my place. This should be the most awkward moment ever but there's so much serotonin in the air that I don't even care. Instead we all just do one big bow together and once we get back stage collapse in exhaustion.

"OI OI OI!" Jordan and a whole load of the rugby lads come up jumping on top of me while I pull the bun out of my hair.
"HAHAHA GET OFF OF ME!" I say collapsing in laughter as arms smother me. They all move of but still bounce around with us. Jordan keeps his arms firmly around me and I notice his eyes have a certain twinkle that has been missing for a long time. I feel even better to see him enjoying himself, it's about time we had a night we were just allowed to act like normal teenagers, I just want to dance this whole night away and I want all my friends around me while doing it.
"Fred's saying we can all go back to his, parents are gone to Sweden or something proper rich!" Cory comes over to all of us, shouting over the bustle. "Fancy it?" Jordan asks turning to me, "of course!" I say cheerfully "let me run back to mine and change first yeah? I'll meet ye there" I say unwrapping myself from his arm.
"Hey hey hey you don't get away that easily" he says pulling my by the hips into his torso and attaching his lips aggressively into mine. The boys all whoop but I've learned to not get embarrassed infront of them anymore.

I run into the dressing room as quick as I can pulling my dress off, the door swings open letting light into the room and I gasp grabbing my clothes to cover myself.
"Oh..I'm sorry!" Chloe says shutting the door quickly.
" sorry it's okay" I say turning my back to her and pulling my sweats back on.
There's a silence as she grabs her bag down and I put mine over my shoulder.
"Good show" she says quietly. I don't reply just smile weakly.
"Look Alison..what can I say?" I don't make her eyes and she comes closer to me, "I'm so sorry..I really am more than I can say"
"That's okay..." I say sighing. "I- I was just going through a lot and- and- well the truth is..I was jealous of you"
I'm slightly taken aback by this, "I was jealous of you and Jordan.." she sighs heavily, "why were you jealous of us?" I ask genuinely curious, "me and Jordan...we- well we used to kind of be together"
"Yeah..he mentioned that briefly" I answer, "I didn't think it was very serious" I say sort of rudely but at the same time this is my boyfriend she's talking about, I don't need her mooning after him.
"It wasn't...I think it was just your relationship..there was this guy and it turned out he didn't really like me at all..and then when I seen how much Jordan clearly loves you..I couldn't help but think could that have been me?....I know it's stupid it's not an excuse but I just wanted to tell you the reasoning"
"Okay...I do understand- sort of...not what you done but- well I don't hold it against you..I'm happy to put it behind us if you are"
"I'd love that...." she says instantly looking relieved.
"Are you going to this party?" I ask
"Yeah...I need to go get changed though" she says laughing pointing at her costume. I laugh too, "right well see you then Chloe.." I say walking out the door.

Hey! I plan on making the next chapter really romantic and sweet is that okay with everyone?! Pls do give feedback on this! There's also a big surprise coming which I think you'll all like! I plan on getting the next chapter out tomorrow for definite so I hope that makes some people happy!
Thanks for everything xxx

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