Authors Note

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So that's it...that's all from Ali and Jordan.
I started writing this story back in October when I watched Ackley Bridge and practically fell in love and had the biggest crush on Jordan! When I started writing this it was purely for myself and for my own entertainment, I am absolutely GOBSMACKED that people actually wanted to read my story,
Thank you thank you thank you!! For all the kind comments, favourites and for actually reading the story. I've never written anything in my life before so I do acknowledge this story is not by any means perfect, I tried my absolute best but of course some chapters might be better than others just because sometimes I was to tired or not in the mood to write but in general I have loved writing this story so much and it has seen me through many days now.
Some things I want to clear up-
- I know I didn't always go into immense detail about other characters in the show, such as Nas, Sam, Cory etc. But the only reason for this was that I did want to try and keep this story about Alison and Jordan so please keep in mind that while this was all happening of course there was more going on with other characters that you just didn't see, it would have been impossible to add it all in.
- I tried to base this fanfic from Season 2 and I did have to change things around and leave some things out just purely because they wouldn't have worked such as when Candice asks Jordan to be with her at the would have made no sense to put this in because of the nature of my story. Another thing is I didn't put in the part of Jordan living in foster care which Is probably one of the biggest differences to what happened in the show, I hope you didn't mind this, it just would have been too difficult to manage!
- I don't plan on doing a sequel story to this one at all, I wouldn't rule it out but I would say 98% it's not going to happen, another thing that won't happen is me writing stories about other characters in Ackley Bridge such as Corey or Missy, it just doesn't appeal to me at all and it wouldn't be any good.
- Lastly I just want to say I fully acknowledge this may not be the best story ever, especially the first few chapters as I was trying to find my feet, i understand there may have been some mistakes or that sometimes the writing might not have been very advanced but nevertheless I appreciate all the reads you have no idea!

I'm sad to be finishing this story jus because I have enjoyed it so much and feel free to read it as many times as you'd like!! The ending itself might be seen as slightly sad but actually it's a good thing...Ali and Jordan are both happy in what they've decided and although they love each other they know they have to go out and live their lives, maybe it's too realistic for some but keep in mind all the good times they had and also feel free to make up whatever you think happens in your own head!
One last time THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!! love you all so much or should I say effing love you so much xxxxx

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