Part 32

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"Jordan where the fuck are you?" I say once he finally answers his phone. "Wha-?" He says completely dazed.
"Jordan the stupid running practice is today and we've got the play after school where are you?"
"Shit! I slept on it" I can hear him tumbling out of bed.
"Why the fuck didn't Cory wake me??" He says I can hear him pulling pants on, "I don't know you're going to be late but make sure you do come in I'm not doing this stupid running on my own!"
"I am coming! Jesus Christ" he says getting frustrated.
"If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be!"
"Ali stop acting like a Mum it doesn't suit you"
"Oh go fuck yourself Jordan" I say hanging up the phone.
I got my period this morning and I'm not in the mood for the stupid running practice or Jordan being a massive dickhead.
I just about have time to run to the bathroom to get a tampon, "Hi Ali" Nas says washing her hands.
"Excited for your running today?!"
"No, not even a little bit"
"Well atleast you have Missy she won't be much good either!"
"Yeah that's true, Jordan will probably sprint up ahead of me"
"He might are you two?"
"We're fine, he just gets on my nerves sometimes"
" would be weird if he didn't though and I can see why he'd have that effect!"
The bell rings for first class
"Shit I gotta go" I say fixing my hair
"Same!" Nas laughs as she runs out the door.

The day passes too quickly for my liking, Jordan stumbles into the classroom at 10, still not looking awake. I roll my eyes at him while Mr Hyatt questions him thoroughly.
"And where have you been Mr Wilson?"
"At home"
"At home sir" Mr Hyatt corrects him. Jordan says nothing.
"And do you mind telling me why you were at home Jordan?"
"Because that's where I live Sir" Mr Hyatt frowns, "I've a right mind to send you to isolation young man, it's one thing being late but there's no need for the attitude"
"WELL FOR GOD SAKE JUST DO IT THEN!" Jordan yells storming out the classroom.
"Typical" Amal Daher mutters,
"What was that?" I say loudly, ready to get up.
"Hey, hey hey!" Mr Hyatt interrupts, "that'll be enough of that the two of you, if  don't want to join him" he says. I feel like punishing it further, but decide against it. I'm not sure I even want to see Jordan he seems to be in an awful mood.

"Um sir!" I stop him
"AND LADIES!" He clicks his fingers at me,
"I KNOW YOU ALL ARE JUST OVER THE MOON ABOUT THIS LITTLE ACTIVITY BUT REMEMBER ITS ALL FOR A GOOD CAUSE!" I'm not sure this does anything to raise my spirits. Missy looks less than impressed aswell. "Boo" Lara whispers in my ear from behind. I turn around and smile at her, her big toothy grin right up in my face. Mr Bell continues "SO TO GET YOU ALL READY YOU'RE GOING TO RUN 10 LAPS OF THIS FIELD, ON MONDAY YOU'LL BE DOING IT IN THE PARK"
"What a load of shit am I right?" Lara mutters to me, "you're not wrong" she continues to talk about something but I've completely zoned out, instead I'm looking over at Jordan, he's with all the lads laughing. We haven't spoken since the phone call this morning mainly because he's been in isolation but also because he's in one of those moods where I don't know what he's going to say or do.
"Alison?" Lara interrupts my thoughts loudly,
"Oh-sorry I was in a world of my own" I say dreamily. "About how lover boy" she says nodding over to Jordan
"He's fit you know, looks tough" she acknowledges. "Mmm"
"I think I'd prefer that Cory though if I'm honest, he's proper sexy"
"Yea.." Lara never seems to get the message, even if you didn't answer her I don't think she would stop talking, she's so self obsessed.
"RIGHT LINE UP!" Mr bell roars to us, Mr Nawaz is standing beside him, I've never really came into contact with him myself but he always seems to look like he's judging your every move. "AND REMEMBER THIS IS NOT A RACE!"
Everyone lines up ready to set off, i glance at Jordan but he doesn't look. He doesn't come over to me either. My blood boils. Jordan promised he would do the run with me so I didn't look like a knob and what? Just because I was annoyed at him on a phone call he's not going to speak to me? God he's so immature sometimes. Like this morning with Mr Hyatt, there was no need for it, he always has to go one step further.
"GO" Mr Bell booms, everyone sets off on a big rush, nearly knocking me over with the speed. "Come on slowcoach" Lara says menacingly her voice laced with judgement. It's true I've never been the best runner and I try to look around for Missy but she's gone upfront with Chloe. I'm already out of breath and we're not even done the first lap. Lara's tanned legs are springing up behind her nearly kicking her bottom, she purposely lets her hair fall out of the ponytail so that it swings in the wind. God i know I sound like a jealous cow but she really pisses me off.
"Do you remember Johnny back home?"
"Yeah" I say breathless. How could I forget Johnny, he was the prick who tried to force me into his bed when I was fourteen. "You and him were quite the pair" I try to hold back my scoff. Nothing ever happened between us..nothing properly anyway. Looking back he was taking me for a ride, he used to be so kind..I told him about my Mum and he helped..he was so nice but then I think I realised that night the kind of person he really was.
"It was nothing serious" I say shutting her down.
"And what about this Jordan then, is he serious?"
"Yeah...yeah he is, I love him you know" even though I'm mad at Jordan at the minute, that doesn't mean I'm going to bad mouth him in front of Lara, I know better she might say something about it later when you least expect it. "HAHAH love?" I look at her confused,
"You know always did used to get led on"
"Well I've only known Jordan a day or two but even I can see he doesn't love you" she says almost laughing at me.
I can feel the tears prickling in my eyes but I hold them back, I guess I was away from Lara for so long I forgot what she was like, I'm not normally so sensitive. "Yeah you said you don't know him very well" I mumble.
"Hhhm" she says. I desperately want to sprint away from her but I'm so tired that I can barely move my legs. I'm sure my face is red hot and I can feel sweat running down my back.

"You got this Alison!" Mr Bell, says enthusiastically as I run past him, I could slap his jolly face but I don't think that's allowed. Lara is banging on still about how I should use some darker tan because I look like "a milk bottle" but I've completely zoned out by now.
I look up to see Jordan actually sprinting backwards to me from the group of boys,
"Are you alright?"
"Yes" I say panting heavily, avoiding eye contact. "I must be so sweaty omg, don't look at me" Lara says putting her hands to her face. Jordan barely notices her instead pulls my hand forward and drags me up nearer the front, "stop Jordan" I say pulling my hand away.
"UM OKAY THEN?!" Lara screams from behind us. I drown her out and Jordan turns around and gives her the finger. "Don't do that she's my friend!"
"She's not your friend" he says seriously. I'm to tired to speak, so I don't answer.
"What do you want?" I gasp,
"Came to say Hallo" he says cheekily.
"Jordan are you serious?" I say in disbelief.
"You haven' me..all" I eventually run out of breath. "So you weren't joking then when you said you were bad at running?"
"Fuck..OFF" he just laughs in my face making me even more mad, "I thought I was the only one who could make ya gasp like that"
I stifle my smile, he's not getting away with it that easy. Instead he pulls my sweaty hand with him for the next five laps.

"Jordan...I can't..go" I feel like I'm about to pass out, my heart is pounding so loud I can hear it.
"Come on, we're nearly there look!" He says pointing to Mr Bell standing at the benches. A couple of people are already done but thanks to Jordan I'm not the sore loser. I feel bad for whoever is at the back because I feel their pain.
"I cant.." I say slowing down completely.
"Here!" The next thing I know he whisks me off my feet so that I'm lying sideways in his arms!
"JORDAN PUT ME DOWN" he gives me that famous cheeky grin and continues to jog on.
"Sir that's not fair!", some of the girls whine.
Finally he sets me down right in front of Mr Bell and I sway, holding onto him for support.
"Well I'm not sure that's how you're supposed to finish Alison" Mr Bell says laughing.
Before I have time to answer, I open my mouth and puke all over Mr Bell's shoes.
"Oh the joys of being a teacher" he sighs, while I'm still healed over with Missy rushing over to run my back.

Hey! Two chapters in one day get me! Is Lara starting to show her true colours more and more? This was such a fun chapter to write! Who's this Johnny and what happened between Alison and him? That's the problem with a new girl you never know the old one....

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