Part 22

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My alarm goes off for school and now that the day has come I don't want to go back. I hit it off and drag myself up. Aaron didn't come home last night, I could hear Missy all night moving around crying, making tea, ringing his mobile. Haley came home late and we had to tell her. She seemed pretty happy about the whole thing but when she realised nobody else was she promptly kept her mouth shut. I know I can't tell anyone else about this until we know what we're going to do, I say we, of course the final decision will be with Missy. My uniform smells so fresh as I haven't worn it in weeks, it's so uncomfortable with the bandages underneath and I'm sure my crutches will be nothing short of a pain in the ass but Miss Carter assured me that I could leave classes five minutes early when the halls are empty to get to my next class.
"Mis?" I say sticking my head around the door. Her head is buried into her pillows but I know she's awake.
"Do you want a cup a tea?"
"No I'm fine"
"Right well, call me if you need me, see you later"
It doesn't even have to be discussed that Missy isn't coming into school today, she's not in the right mental or physical state frankly.
We have one small problem however and I don't have the heart to trouble Missy with it - Aaron was supposed to be the one giving me a lift to school. Now that he's gone, I can't bloody well walk the entire way on my crutches, it would take me days. I have no other option than to ask Mrs Paracha for a lift but she doesn't know anything about Missy or Aaron leaving how can I explain it? I pick up my phone and call Nas telling her the situation- she tells me not to panic and that she'd sort it. God what would I do without her these days. I eat a slice of toast, I hate having a big breakfast this early in the morning. Maybe I should do a Jordan on it and have crisps but the thought makes me want to puke.

"Morning Mrs Paracha"
"How is Missy feeling?" She says turning around to look at me. "Oh she's alright she- I look at Nas for reassurance I have no idea what she told her! "It's just period pains Mum, I'm sure she'll live" Nas butts in saving me. I relax into the seat, as much as I can with Kaneez driving, she tries her best not to stop and start for the sake of my ribs. I have to go through the whole routine of telling her how I'm feeling, knowing that this is probably the first of many conversations like this today. "And what about this Jordan?"
"What about him Mrs Paracha"
"Don't you what about him me, you think I came down in last shower!?"
I chuckle at her "well we' seeing each other?" I'm not exactly sure how to put it to Mrs Paracha, I'm blushing already and Haley is pissing herself laughing beside me. "Yeah well, you be careful I heard some story about that boy!"
"Oh come on Mrs Paracha can't be all bad!"
"Mmmm" she says shaking her head but she's smirking.
"You should look for someone like that Aaron" Mrs Paracha says, she doesn't often talk about him because of him being her husbands secret life son but I know she's like hims underneath, mightn't last too long if she finds out what's happened. "Jordan's just as good as Aaron Mum" Nas says, I know she's only saying it to throw her off the scent but Mrs Paracha doesn't look convinced. "What about this mother of his?" I sit in confusion, why is Mrs Paracha talking about Aaron's mum?
I look at Haley for help but again Nas has to be the one to save the day "she phoned in the night or something said she wasn't well, isn't that right Ali?"
"Oh yeah, yeah that's right she had a- um bad stomach pain" Nas looks as if she wants to slap me in the face at this. "I thought you said she broke her arm?"
"Oh- oh well- that's what Missy said to me on the phone I must have picked her up wrong"
Mrs Paracha looks at us with her eyebrows raised and my heart is beating in my chest. "So Aaron drove her to the hospital in the middle of the night?"
"No- I start "he left early this morning to see how she is". Mrs Paracha leaves it at this, Mr. Paracha's partner is Kaneez's least favourite topic of conversation.
We pull up to the school and suddenly I get a lump in my throat. What if people stare at me? My thoughts become increasingly more aggressive. Like what if someone has a video on their phone of the accident and the whole school sees me in the Pajamas?

"Look who it is!" My thoughts are stopped as Jordan comes behind me. "Hey watch it!" I say shrugging him off my back. "Sorry, sorry" he says hands up in the air. He knows I'm only pretending and I turn around a pull his head closer to mine and shove my tongue into his mouth. He doesn't object and Haley stands there in shock and covers her eyes, Nas simply laughs and walks on. My crutches are severely in the way but I manage to reach up to him. I pull away and he's smirking back at me. "Seriously?!" Haley screams breaking the moment. We walk into class as Jordan holds onto my back helping me, if it wasn't for him here right now I don't know how I'd feel. With everything going on with Missy he's the perfect distraction.

I have Ms Keane first class and everyone seems to be happy to have me back, except Chloe who looks...sad. She's looking at Jordan now too, she's probably jealous, I never really warmed to Chloe, she's fine as a friend but she seems to be just..I don't know? Self obsessed?
"Hey sexy!" Zain screams at me. "Hey babe" I say turning around in my seat to talk. Jordan looks back and forth at us as we chat "guess I might as well fuck off then" he says half joking. "No one could ever replace you" I say in a baby voice mocking him. He pushes my face lightly away and Ms Keane flys in, books flying everywhere. "Right then you lot, settle!" She roars over the noise. "Welcome back Alison" she says giving me a wink and I appreciate it. She hands me the script for my part in the play. "But Miss how am I supposed to do it now if I can't move properly" She looks at me sympathetically. "We'll find a way around it, the play isn't for another few weeks I'm sure you'll be much better by then!" I know she's right, I will be okay, my ribs and my legs- they will heal but right now it's hard to imagine, I used to be able to move around freely without having to think about it before hand.

I spend all day worrying about Missy at home, I text her but she doesn't reply making me even more nervous. Jordan can sense somethings wrong but I can't tell him, I just can't. He helps me walk around all day without moaning about it like he usually would and when it's time to go home he asks me to go round to his. I want nothing more but i can't not go home to Miss, I need to check that she's okay.

Hey! Loads of Jordan in the next chapter promise I'll get it done this evening! Xx

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