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Pixal lays down on her bed with a groan.

"The Titanium Ninja is beginning to get on my nerve circuits." Pixal complianed. She covers her eyes. "It was only a miracle that we managed to drive Omega away today. And that was with Master Wu's help."

"But I thought you loved him. You even gave him a white scarf." Jin said. He flies around in the room, eating a prawn cracker.

"I do love him, Jin." Pixal countered. "I love him so much it hurts."

"Oh, you did say that he had a cold brain just this morning." Jin reminded her. Pixal groans and stands up.

"And you're right, you're right." Jin added. "He was being unfair to you. Just ignore him and have fun with your friends tonight."

Pixal's eyes snap open and she turns to her tatsu.

"What? What happens tonight?" She questioned.

Zane spins around in his room with a happy exclaim. School is finally over. He starts to pack his stuff.

"Why so happy?" Shiroi inquired with a curious face. She flies after Zane like a white butterfly.

"Today is a special day. Me and the guys have decided to celebrate our friendship." Zane explained. "As we have been friends for half a year now."

Shiroi snickers.

"So tonight, we are going to sleep over at Borg Tower. We've been planning it for days." Zane added.

"You humans have such weird ceremonies." Shiroi said with a little smile.

"Oh it is not a ceremony, but it is fun. In additional, I get to hang out with Pixal for a whole night."

The team walks up to Borg Tower while excitedly chatting about everything. The doors glide up. However, Pixal is taken aback.

"B-but, you are early. My message told you to come in two hours." She said while slowly walking up to them.

"Uh, the message you sent two hours ago?" Nya asked with a crooked smile. Everyone is carrying their bags - all prepared for the sleepover.

"Right... I decided, that we all should sleep here tonight!" Pixal spontaneously lied.

"On the first floor." She said.

"I detect stress and anxiety from you, yet that emotion is not needed for this moment. Is something wrong?" Zane worried.

"No, welcome." Pixal said, a bit too fast. Everyone looks at each other but Pixal raises an eyebrow.

"Isn't Scott coming?" She asked.

"He said he would be late, but he is." Jay smiled.

"So, Pix, you told us you had the whole day planned, what's the first activity?" Lloyd asked.

"Planned? Oh, right. I wrote it down on this checklist." Pixal smiled, whilst she winks. She opens a very long and beige scroll.

"Clean the tower, check, welcome the guests, check, next step, roll out their sleeping bags in the sleeping area." Pixal told them.

"Pix, you've been writing down every weeny little step?" Cole asked, almost in a laugh.

"Well excuse me!" Pixal cried out. "But if you were as stressed as me you wouldn't be complaining."

"You're right, you're right. Let's get going." Cole hurried to say.

Everyone makes their sleeping bags while Pixal is distracted by her checklist.

"So, what's for dinner?" Kai smiled. He's rolling out his sleeping bag beside Nya's sleeping bag.

"Hold up, wrote it down, here. Show the guests the recipe for the dinner and make the pancakes together." Pixal said.

"Oh that sounds wonderful, we can start right away." Lloyd smiled.

"Let me guess, you've been writing down what each one of us are supposed to do?" Cole expected.

They walk into the huge, bright and fancy kitchen. The room has four giant ovens and one long and extremely polished table in the middle.

"What do you think of me?" Pixal asked. "Of course I have. Kai is responsible for oven number one, together with Jay." She told them.

"Great." Jay nervously mumbled.

"Yeah, you know. Jay and I aren't really that close yet... maybe I should work with Cole or my sister." Kai suggested - which Jay nods to.

"Nonsense, this is going to end well. Cole and Zane are going to take oven number two, Lloyd and Scott have number three, and Nya and I will take oven number four." Pixal said. She closes her scroll and puts it on the table.

Zane and Cole smile at each other in excitement.

"But Scott isn't even here yet." Lloyd mentioned.

"He is on his way." Pixal said.

"So, Pix. You've planned, four rations with twenty pancakes each, that seems a bit too-" Lloyd tried to tell her.

"Perfect, great, let's start." Pixal said. Everyone gets ready.

"My mom and dad always use three eggs and two decilitre milk." Jay angrily said.

"That's weird." Kai argued. "My father always made pancakes with two eggs and three decilitre milk." He said.

"I know! Let's take four eggs and five decilitre milk." Kai proposed.

"Wow, that makes so much sense!" Jay smiled.

Scott runs into the kitchen while panting. The smell of batter is hanging in the air.

"Scott, you made it." Lloyd cheered. He's standing by one of the ovens making the batter.

"Sorry, got a few hiccups on the way here, but it's fine now. Are we making food?" Scott was querying.

"Yes!" Pixal confirmed. "You're with Lloyd."

"Here, let me." Jay said. He and Kai are shoving each other.

"No, Jay, you're doing it wrong." Kai said.

"I know what I'm doing, Kai." Jay argued, they're both holding the handle of the black frying pan.

"No, you, don't. Making the batter the way it is was my idea."

"Your idea?? Typical Kai. It's always all about you, my my my."

"Oh yeah! And what about you?? Jay, a blue little oaf that can't be with Kai because he's so much better than himself."

"Now you made it about you again!" Jay shouted.

 Secret Identities: A Ninjago FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now