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Samurai X draws her golden katana and swings it.

"Don't you know it's rude to pick on people smaller than yourself?" She inquired. The Oni turns to her.

"I can pick on whoever I want, Samurai X. By the way, I want something from you."

"Don't you see that Omega is using you?"

The Oni sends away a purple beam and Samurai X must throw herself to the ground.

The Titanium Ninja lands in front of Cole, who was running towards his home to make sure his dad was okay.

"TT?" Cole asked.

"TT? I wasn't aware that people gave me nicknames. Anyhow, Cole, you have been chosen to become the holder of The Black Dragon and become Master of Earth."

Cole backs up while staring at the brown bracelet that soon could be his.

"You will use it to help us save the innocent victim who's fallen under the vicious talons of his own negative emotions." The Titanium Ninja educated. "Can I trust you?"

"But I don't know how to fight." Cole warned.

"But you want to save your friends and father? Do you not?" The Titanium Ninja urged. Cole nods and grabs the bracelet. He puts it on. Within a blink, a black tatsu dragon soars out from the bracelet.

"Greetings, Master of Earth. I am Kuro, the Black Dragon. Even known as The Tatsu Of Earth." She told with a cute voice.

"Cool! You're what gives me my powers, aren't you? I am Cole." Cole enthused. Kuro glances at The Titanium Ninja.

"Not bad." She admitted.

"With your powers, you'll be able to trap The Oni underground." The Titanium Ninja added.

"All you have to do is activate your bracelet by saying Kuro, activate." Kuro informed Cole - he's repeatedly nodding.

"Cole, you must promise not to get carried away and tell your secret identity to anyone. Not your best friend, not your father, and certainly not to some random pedestrian. You would put everyone you love at risk."

"Sure thing, TT." Cole promised. "Kuro, activate." He activates his bracelet, and Kuro disappears. Cole's civilian clothes change into a black ninja suit with golden details. He also gets a golden scythe.

They need to hurry back to the fighting scene at The NGTV Warehouse.

The Oni throws Samurai X against a car - starting a beeping noise - and proceeds to choke her.

"Omega will be pleased." The Oni laughed. A stone hits the Oni in the side and he drops Samurai X.

"Wow, who ate too many spicy noodles?" The Earth Ninja asked. He and The Titanium Ninja join Samurai X on the roof top.

"Took you long enough." The Samurai joked.

"Sorry for the delay, but we have a plan now." The Titanium Ninja announced.

The Black Ninja uses his powers wisely. Omega watches the whole fight from The Offspring's eyes, thanks to The Oni Mask he's wearing.

Shirtly enough, The Oni falls into a huge pit underground together with Samurai X. The Titanium Ninja jumps down beside her and brings up a glowing arrow. Then, he stabs the oni in the heart.

Finally, The Oni roars in pain, falls to the ground with a loud thud, and disappears in a purple flash of light. Left in place is the innocent victim, Kai.

"This oni was K- Clearly that boy?" Master of Earth inquired. He was about to mention Kai's name but couldn't, to hide his identity.

The Master of Earth is standing on the edge of the pit ten meters above the rest of his friends.

Kai opens his eyes and stands up with a groan. He gasps as he sees the two heroes.

"Samurai X. The Titanium Ninja? What happened?" Kai asked with a tired voice. "I got transformed into an Oni Offspring, didn't I?"

"It's okay. I'll repair the damage Omega caused with my golden katana of creation." Samurai x assured.

"Meanwhile, I'll take you back to your home." The Titanium Ninja said. He grabs on to Kai and proceeds to bounce.

"No, I want you to take me to my sister. I must know if she's okay." Kai ordered. "I think I know where she is."

"And, who, is your sister?" The Titanium Ninja uttered, trying to sound clueless.

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