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"This is it." Zane said, holding the hourglass. "The end."

"It's never really the end. Only a new beginning."

"We don't know what will happen and we don't have much time." Zane explained.

"Wait, if the hourglass returns everything to its original state, does that mean we won't remember this?" Pixal asked - hoping to be incorrect. Zane looks down. "Or we'll both get erased." He mumbled.

The two heroes remain quiet for just a few seconds before Pixal sighs. She then smiles.

"Then, may I?"

Pixal turns her face to Zane's face and walks closer. They close their eyes and pull each other in for a kiss - by that, Pixal begins to fade away. Zane's hand goes through Pixal's hand, resulting in breaking the kiss.

"No, not you too." Zane protested. Pixal backs up with an accepting smile. "I trust you to bring us all back, TT."

Zane reaches out for Pixal and proceeds to say something, but she fades away before he can answer.

This follows with a long and cold moment where Zane just stands in the middle of The Courtyard staring at the wall. Eventually, he snaps out of it and glances down at the hourglass.

Nearly all sand has fallen. He can calculate that he has five minutes left before it's all too late.

Suddenly, a familiar voice calls out Zane's name. Zane turns around to see none other than Cyrus Borg.

"Dr. Borg, you're still here." Zane exhaled. "I was afraid everyone had faded away."

"Don't use that hourglass. It's too dangerous." Borg whined. He makes his way to Zane. "Did you take the helicopter here?" Zane asked. "Yes," Borg pauses. "Nevermind how I got here. I'm just glad I got here in time."

Borg abruptly snatches the hourglass, taking Zane aback.

"You know, Zane. I once tried to remove you from my daughter's life and now, I've never been so happy to have failed." Borg said as he lifts the hourglass.

"What are you doing!?" Zane wondered.

"What I must to keep those I cared and care for safe."

Zane realises what Borg is about to do. He gasps.

"Dr. Borg, don't-!"

Borg turns the hourglass upside down and then throws the hourglass to the ground, making it shatter into a million pieces. Sand is flying everywhere and Zane is forced to cover his eyes.

"Promise me to look after Pixal. She needs you more than she needs me."

Zane can only hear and imagine what must be going on and everything is spinning around.

Time and space are rewinding itself up to the moment in The Monastery Of Spinjitzu. The Titanium Ninja, Samurai X and Omega are lying on the floor groaning.

The Titanium Ninja snaps eyes open and immediately sits up. Samurai X stands up. "Nothing happened." She said. She chuckles in relief and repeats more loudly. "Nothing happened."

The Titanium Ninja and Omega look at each other - both knowing something actually did happen - but they can't remember what.

Omega stands up and groans. "We're not finished." He muttered before creating a portal with his staff. The Titanium Ninja watches and allows Omega to flee, mostly because he's too tired to move.

Samurai X, however, makes an attempt to follow Omega through the portal. Unfortunately, it closes before she can.

She turns to TT and helps him up. "Are you okay? Did you hit your head hard?" She asked - genuinely worried.

"Xo, Omega did do something with time. I cannot wrap my finger around what, but something must have changed. I can feel it."

"Lighten up, TT. All that happened was the explosion. Are you sure you didn't get hurt?"

"We need to go back to Ninjago City and see if anything is off." The Titanium Ninja said. Samurai X sets her arms akimbo. "Like what?" She asked. "Anything, maybe an essential building is missing, or worse."

"Okay, TT, if you say something needs to be done, I believe you. Always have. Always will. I've got your back." Samurai X assured him. The Titanium Ninja quickly hugs her.

"Thank you, Samurai X." He softly said. "Now let's go. Perhaps I'm wrong, who knows. I just have this hunch that Omega succeeded with something."

 Secret Identities: A Ninjago FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now