The escape

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Pixal walks into Borg Tower with a low head. She yawns and just wants to escape into her room.

Borg quickly arrives with a frown.

"I have an announcement to make. I've decided that you can't see your robot friend anymore."

"What?" Pixal asked with a heartbroken voice. She crosses her arms.

"I have always thought that he was a bad influence from the moment I met him." Borg takes himself on the forehead. "I didn't know you'd cross paths with him, though."

"You can't do that. He's my friend. Plus, we're in the same class and you cannot ban me from school." Pixal countered.

"Oh, I can." Borg argued.

"That is not fair."

"Fair??" Borg turns around. "Life's nor fair. His family always tries to outdo us and has become our primary competition. It is unhealthy for you to come near them."

"That is for me to judge. You can't choose my friends for me. I will not stop seeing him."

"I stand corrected." Borg raved. Pixal exhales.

"I can't ban you from school. I could, however, easily ban him from school."

"But, he didn't do anything to you." Pixal argued.

"Well then, make good decisions and stop hanging out with him. You have Kai Smith. Their family is very rich." Borg smugged.

"First, you make me advertise for your industries, and now you're choosing my friends for me? You can't just waltz around and tell me how to live my life." Pixal murmured.

"Can't I now? That's what fathers are for." Borg muttered. He looks up at her with a frown. Pixal is fuming in anger.

"You are a bad father."

Pixal runs upstairs. Borg stares in shock. He then quickly turns his wheelchair around towards the black stairs - just as he sees Pixal closing the door behind her.


Borg lets out a long sigh and looks down at his empty wrist. He grabs it and has a quick moment of brooding.

Borg gets it together and heads towards the elevator. "It's been such a long time. Maybe she's not even alive. She knew this day would come. Just like she said."

Zane walks into a bright meditation room where Master Wu is sitting and, of course, meditating. Zane is also hiding his hands behind his back.

There is a tiny kitchen and a bed. It's like a second room, hidden in Wu's ordinary apartment, and away from Lloyd.

"Master, is it okay to speak? I do not want to interrupt if you're meditating." Zane let out. Wu opens his eyes and immediately notices Zane's anxiety.

"Zane, is everything alright?" Wu inquired, genuinely concerned. Zane sits down right in front of him and copies Wu's position.

"Well, today when we fought The Oni, Samurai X almost lost Jin." Zane informed.

Shiroi is sitting on his shoulder while chewing on a ham sandwich.

"Is she alright now? Is Jin secured?" Wu wondered with a worried face. Zane nods repeatedly. "We were planning to discuss our situation, but after repairing everything, she just left."

"I see. Their recent behaviour reminds me a lot of how my brother acted before we found out he was Omega and before he passed." Wu mumbled.

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