Lost in letters

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Zane is comparing the ripped page he found in The Monastery with modern Ninjargon.

"The first letter looks like an M, but the word makes no sense." He mumbled.

Shiroi is watching Zane struggling by his desk with the work. "Zane, you're supposed to be asleep." She said.

"Don't worry, Shiroi." Zane assured. "I am a Nindroid. Sleep isn't essential for me."

Zane sighs while Shiroi flies up to him. "The odd part is that even the Ancient Ninjargon alphabet doesn't match with what's written."

"How do you even know this page will help us?" Shiroi asked. She lands on Zane's desk - smiling sweetly.

"Look at the picture, a ninja protecting himself with a shield from Omega."

Zane points at the paper. "And look, that symbol looks like a Tatsu Dragon."

The two friends are interrupted by knocks on the door - shortly after, Cole enters. "This better be important because I had to come up with the lamest excuse to come here in the middle of the night."

"Cole, took you long enough." Zane smiled. He reveals the page. "No way!" Cole exclaimed. "You actually stole from Master Wu." He pointed out.

"I didn't steal." Zane countered. "I temporarily borrowed it without consent."

The two friends review the page. Cole suddenly groans. "This is impossible. It doesn't even look like Ninjargon at this point." He complained.

"Cole!" Zane muttered. "People are in danger. We cannot give up." He is waving the page in the air as if it was a flag, allowing the moonlight from the window to shine on it.

Cole glances up at the page - he narrows his eyes - and gasps. "Wait." He whispered. Cole snatches the paper from Zane and runs out of the room.

"Excuse me??" Zane asked. Shiroi hides in his pocket so Zane can run after. They run out on Zane's porch and face towards the full moon. "The letters," Cole said. "They're spinning when moonlight shines on them."

Zane records the letters with his built-in camera. Then, he gasps. "They were upside down." He said as if it was the discovery of a lifetime.

Zane quickly takes the page - but disappointment soon strikes his eyes. Cole looks at him. "What?" He wondered.

Cut to Samurai X who spins her katana. She looks up at the grey sky. Clouds are hiding the sun and it's just a matter of time before the rain comes.

The Oni jumps at her from behind and proceeds to choke her while seizing the bracelet.

Samurai X hits The Oni in the side with her elbow, freeing herself. The Titanium Ninja joins them soon after. He stabs The Oni with his arrow.

"Wow..." Samurai X whispered underneath her breath. The Oni has soon transformed back to a normal human.

"Ice cream," Samurai X said while approaching. "You seem upset. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

"I am not upset!" The Titanium Ninja exclaimed - scaring off the citizen.

"Okay... so, why are you grumpy?" Samurai X wondered. Her gentle tone makes it hard to show anger towards her. The Titanium Ninja crosses his arms and turns around.

"Is it the Ancient Ninjargon?"

"No. Yes, perhaps."

"Look, you don't have to decipher it right away. Take a break."

The Titanium Ninja turns to her again. "I know what it's like striving after what friends expect of you."

"It's not that." The Titanium Ninja grumbled.

Samurai X gasps. "Did Master Wu find out you took it? Did you lose the page? What happened?"

"I managed to crack the code." The Titanium Ninja told her. "Really? That's so awesome!"

Samurai X raises her hands. However, The Titanium Ninja doesn't share her excitement. "That is not the reaction I thought you'd express after so much work."

"It didn't exactly reveal what I thought it would reveal."

"Oh no..." Samurai X answered. "What did it reveal?"

The Titanium Ninja groans. "It didn't reveal anything, okay??" He said. "All it did was give me some cryptic message to interpret."

"Do you think it'll be useful in the future?" Samurai X asked. The Titanium Ninja scoffs. "Hardly."

"What did the page say?"

The Titanium Ninja sighs.

"Yesterday's lines aren't chosen. Tomorrow you choose."

"Yesterday's lines," Samurai X repeated. "What does that even mean?" She wondered.

"Who knows and who cares? All hard work for nothing. Don't worry, though. I will find a way to protect those who cannot protect themselves."

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