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"That was such a tough oni..." Pixal puts on the TV. "and I was so useless today, as always."

Pixal groans in despair and lies down on the sofa in the living room.

"And so, Cyrus Borg has decided to sell his whole industry to engage this special event." Gayle Gossip said on the TV news.

"Hey, what is that about?" Pixal asked herself.

She sits up with a raised eyebrow. The news reporter is recording a boulevard, all decorated with pink flowers.

"Woah, the whole city is engaging a huge funeral dedicated to you!" Jin said. Pixal gasps.

"They think you're dead." Jin laughed. He eats his prawn cracker with a happy moan.

Pixal unexpectedly runs out of the living room and towards the hall.

"Hey! Where are we going?" Jin inquired. He soars into Pixal's purse.

"I have to show myself. They cannot do this if I'm still alive."

Pixal runs out of the apartment. The streets are indeed decorated; pink flowers all over the place and red floating lanterns too.

Eventually, some citizens notice her and start to scream like crazy. Everyone grabs their phones and proceeds to record.

"Okay... bye." Pixal uttered, she runs off with fans after her.

"Perhaps I should have done this more discreetly." Pixal said to herself while running around a tall building. She knows the fastest way to Borg tower from there.

Unfortunately, more and more overwhelming fans are spotting her. Pink flowers are flying all over the place as they run.

"Pix??" Scott inquired. He is standing by a street lamp  witnessing the wild chase.

"No time to explain." Pixal told. She runs past Scott, who frowns and runs after.

"Pixal," Scott expressed. "Is that the real you?"

"The only me." Pixal exhales. "I need to confront Cyrus Borg." She continued.

Borg tower is rising in front of them like an approaching train, and they finally reach their destination.

Pixal quickly clicks on her arm to lock the doors while panting - as Scott turns to her with an unlocked phone in his hand.

"Thank you for calling Jay." Pixal uttered.

"You're welcome. Figured you probably don't know how to communicate after all this hiding."

"Did I really deserve that?" Pixal murmured. The elevator behind them stops and the doors glide up.

Pixal and Scott quickly turn around to a lost Borg in disbelief.

"P-Pixal?" Borg murmured with big eyes. He leaves the elevator with big eyes, having a red little lantern in his arms.

"Cyrus Borg." Pixal said with a frown. Scott also frowns, with more anger than Pixal.

Borg lets the round lantern soars up in the air and hurries up to check if it's really Pixal.

"Pixal, I thought I'd never see you again." Borg said with a voice crack, he opens his arms in hopes to hug her.

"Well, then we're two. But I couldn't just sit by and watch you sell your industry for no reason at all."

"It is you!" Borg cried out, "as heroic as always."

Borg hugs Pixal who groans, she rolls her eyes and slowly hugs back. They're standing like that for a long moment. Scott backs a bit.

"Uh, Borg." Pixal complianed.

"Oh, oops, sorry. I'm just so happy that you're alive." Borg said, he wipes his tears.

"Could say the same thing about them." Scott said, he points towards the glass doors.

A lot of fans are leaning on the doors to watch. Borg lets go of Pixal with a frown. He approaches the doors and opens them up with a control he had in his pocket.

"So, shoo. My daughter requires her private space, shoo, all of you."

Everyone awws and slowly begins to leave.

Pixal and Scott smile at each other while Borg struggles to get everyone to leave.

"I said, all of you!" Borg exclaimed.

"Even I?"

Borg opens his eyes and looks downstairs at Zane. Borg looks over at Pixal, who nods.

"Of course not, come on in." Borg said flatly. Zane runs into Borg Tower like a flash making Borg's wheelchair spin around like crazy.

Zane jumps and hugs Pixal tight. Pixal must gasp for air.

"Z-Zane, you're hugging too tight." She said with a short breath. Zane apologises and let go of Pixal after ten long seconds.

Borg allows their friends to come in and everyone but Lloyd seems to be quite stunned.

"Hello." Pixal said, she nervously looks at Jay, Kai, Nya and Cole. Lloyd is the only one who's not upset. Jay suddenly frowns and quickly approaches Pixal.

Kai and Nya look at each other as Cole grabs his own hair.

"You, complete, oaf! You show up here after weeks, and you say hello??" Jay said in a scolding. Pixal is about to defend herself.

"It's not her fault. She had too much on her shoulders and just wanted to get away for a bit. It's not like the whole world depends on it." Lloyd said with a smile. "Besides, she's here now."

"You knew she was alive?" Zane asked, scowling.

"Well, I-" Lloyd chuckled. He nervously scratches his head.

"You did!?" Nya raved. Kai walks up to Pixal and gives her a short hug, followed by Cole.

The group has a lot to discuss. At the same time, Borg tries to talk with Scott, but he is pushed away. Scott leaves the team to it and disappears without saying anything.

Jay is the only one noticing. He squints his eyes while uttering a hm.

 Secret Identities: A Ninjago FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now