Whispers of time

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The Titanium Ninja looks down at the page he stole from one of Master Wu's tomes.

"There is no use to hit an Oni with my arrow to de-onify them if Omega can just onify them again."

Samurai X joins him in the alley.

"What are you implying?" She questioned.

The Titanium Ninja pinches his eyebrows. "Xo, this page tells us how to protect the citizens but it's written in Ancient Ninjargon." He explained.

"I can't decipher it."

Samurai X catches an autumn leaf.

"I say finding Omega is our biggest priority." She uttered. "We also need to save Aria, the lost Tatsu."

Suddenly, a beam of darkness hits the wall behind The Titanium Ninja.

Everything shifts into beige and a new place fades in.

"Dr. Borg?"

A young Scott peaks into Borg's office. No one is there. Scott's attention falls on the desk. A bracelet of silver beckons him to enter the room even without permission.

"That's not my motherboard." Scott whispered. He picks up the bracelet that immediately starts to shine. Soon, a little creature is soaring in front of him, smiling at him. Scott is fascinated.

"A flying worm?"

"I am not a worm. I'm a Tatsu. Aria, pleased to meet you." The dragon sweetly said.

"Name's Scott, I-"

Foot steps stop him in his sentence, Aria hides beneath Scott's jacket as fast as light. The young boy is confused, and it doesn't help that the bracelet turns invisible when he puts it on his wrist.


Scott makes a quick turn and meets Borg's annoyed face.

"Oh, Dr. Borg." Scott said. "Hey, I was looking for you. It seems there's a mixup with the contract and social media is giving you cred-"

"Scott, I told you not to enter my office without permission. If you break any more laws, I will have no choice but to fire you."

"Don't worry, I won't mess things up. Besides, I'm an expert gamer. You need me," Scott bragged. Borg remains silent. Seconds fly before Scott speaks again.

"So, how's it going with your little project?"

"Not good, I have scrapped fifteen versions already, and the decisions I make will leave me forever haunted, but they will be necessary." Borg admitted.

"I believe she will help people and the company. You can say she's hard-wired that way." He smiled.

He hurries up to his desk and turns some papers, almost as if he is looking for something. Scott slowly begins to back out from the room.

"Yeah yeah, what was she called again?"

"My Primary Interactive eX-ternal Assistant Life-form." Borg slurred.

"Your prim- what? Yeah, you need a shorter name."

Borg smiles at Scott. "Will do."

As soon as Scott is out of sight, he endeavours to run home fast to study his discovery. Although he doesn't get far before he runs into Milton Dyer.

The two of them in the hall transition into Samurai X and The Oni standing in front of Borg Tower.

Samurai X ducks a beam of darkness and draws her katana altogether. She charges against The Oni.

The Oni snarls and runs towards her, ready to bounce at her. The samurai, however, stands her ground and quickly dribbles around him.

The Titanium Ninja jumps down from a rooftop right in the middle of them. Then, he turns to the oni and slowly lifts his head as he aims an arrow.

"Hello," The Titanium Ninja said in the most frightening tone ever. "Omega." He added.

"Hey, sweet of you to drop in after all these million years." Samurai X joked.

"How did you manage to distract The Oni without getting hurt for so long?" The Titanium Ninja asked.
"You can say I'm hard-wired that way."

The Titanium Ninja is impressed. "Oh, cool. I guess." He told, almost in a whisper. "Sorry, what was that?" Samurai X mocked. The Titanium Ninja scoffs. "I said it was cool!" He cried out.

"Give me your Tatsu Dragons or I'll tear you both apart and take them with force." The Oni said.

"Ha!" The Titanium Ninja chuckled. "You can try."

The Titanium Ninja's arrow misses The Oni and it falls to the ground - resulting in a transition to the past again. Dyer's spoon hits the floor.

"Scott." He muttered. "You have to be more careful. Why in such a hurry anyway?"

"Mr. Dyer, hey." Scott smiled. Dyer sighs and feels on Scott's forehead. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine, really." Scott lied. "I'm just trying to balance work and my private life the best I can - without hitting the rock bottom."

"I understand." Dyer said in a comforting tone. "You should never give in to the darkness of despair when there's still a flicker of possibility." He added.

Scott gives Dyer a thankful and warm smile before he moves on and hugs him. The beige scenes fades.

The Oni transforms back to a human - with an arrow in her arm. Although, it fades away together with the repairing of Ninjago City.

Samurai X's katana emits a force that fixes everything after an Oni attack. She then turns to The Titanium Ninja.

"Pound it?" Samurai X asked. She offers The Titanium Ninja a fist bump.

The Titanium Ninja grabs her hand and pulls her in for a hug. "You have got to stop putting yourself at risk for me." He implored.

"Then I wouldn't be able to witness those worried eyes of yours." Samurai X joked.

The Titanium Ninja chuckles and rolls his eyes. He then picks up the ripped out page again.

"Now, how about you take care of that young lady while I head home and figure this text out."

"I know you can do it, ice cream. After all, you are the almighty Master Of Ice - figuring things out is what you do."

Samurai X grabs the citizen and bounces away with a wee. The Titanium Ninja is flattered. He sighs.

"Okay, The Titanium Ninja. You can do this."

The moon rises, and Zane is sitting by his desk - with eyes moving back and forth between Shiroi and the scroll. He groans in annoyance.

"I can't do this, Shiroi." He complained.

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