Targets and cords

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"Come one, come all, to the amazing invention competition!" The announcer enthused. "Here, we will witness the two most skilled inventors in Ninjago."

Borg and Julien are preparing their tables and their inventions.

Lloyd walks up to Kai and Nya in the crowd below the stairs. "I couldn't find Scott." Lloyd told them.

"Then he might be home and Jay and Cole are walking there right now." Nya pointed out.

"Zane is busy, I presume." Lloyd smiled.

"Yup, and I haven't seen Pix either." Kai said.

"She's probably helping her father to win. Oh, she'll get so mad if she finds out what Zane is about to do." Lloyd said.

"Let's hope she doesn't find out then." Nya mumbled. She's filming the whole thing on her phone so she can blog it.

"I wonder if Samurai X and The Titanium Ninja are in the crowd." Nya mumbled.

"It is creepy." Lloyd noted. "Omega could stand right beside you, and you'd have no clue."

Lloyd looks around at the citizens with weary eyes.

"I know, it is weird to think about." Kai agreed.

The competition is about to start, pink flowers are flying everywhere. Loud trombones from Borg tower can be heard from miles away.

Samurai X jumps up on the helicopter pad of Borg Tower, having the blue, glowing, floating C right behind her. She detransforms and proceeds with her plan when the elevator suddenly stops.

Scott walks out to the same pad as Pixal and drops all his supplies in shock.

"Scott?" Pixal asked.

"Pixal? What are you doing here?" Scott asked, while trying to, with his foot, amass all the cords he dropped.

"I thought it would be a good call to come up here, and not hustle down there." Pixal explained. "To get a better view." She said with a wide smile.

"Oh, heh, me too. Guess we think a lot the same."

Pixal approaches Scott. "What's with all the cords?" She questioned. "I-" Scott stammered.

Pixal gasps. "Were you trying to repair the broken lamps? Aww, that is so thoughtful of you."

Scott nods with a strained smile. Pixal stops smiling.

"Are you alright? Zane wasn't lying in his texts. You really do look beat." Pixal admitted. Scott scoffs.

"Don't tell Zane that." He mumbled.

"Don't tell me what?"

Pixal and Scott look at Zane. He must have arrived through the elevator just like Scott.

"How many of you will be here?" Scott asked almost in disappointment.

"Pixal, Scott, what are you doing here?" Zane inquired.

"We thought it would be a good idea to come up here and not hustle down there, to get a better view!" Scott lied.

"Right." Zane smiled. "Same."

"We three really do think a lot alike." Pixal confirmed. A red cord is grabbing on to Scott's leg as they're talking.

"Scott, you are getting pale, really pale. You have to let us help you." Zane said. "That's what friends do."

He walks up to Scott who backs at the same time.

"I am fine." Scott assured. "Besides, who are you to tell me about what friends do, I know for a fact that in this exact moment, Jay and Cole are trying to get into my garage." Scott said with a frown.

"We were worried. If you do drugs-" Zane said.

"Drugs??" Scott angrily asked.

"Guys, there must be a better way to solve this." Pixal said. She's standing behind them with open arms.

"Affirmative, drugs. It is the only logical thought I can come up with," Zane argued. "Unless... it's magic?" He asked. Zane has forced Scott up against the edge.

Scott pushes Zane to get past him. However, Zane snaps and pushes Scott back, unaware of his own strength.

Scott loses his balance and trips over the edge with a yelp.

Zane and Pixal gasp in unison. Zane dives after. He grabs Scott's arm with one hand and the ledge with his other hand. Pixal runs up to them and grabs Zane's arm.

"If we die, I will kill you." Pixal grunted.

The three friends are soon hanging from Borg Tower. Yet, the citizens below them have not noticed. They're too caught up in the competition.

"Whatever happens next," Scott said. "I'm blaming you two."

"Me?" Pixal asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, ugh. Where are Samurai X and The Titanium Ninja when you need them?" Scott complained.

"They're probably busy with this whole invention competition and haven't noticed us." Zane explained. Pixal gasps as she loses her grip.

Everyone is clapping their hands along with the music. Julien and Borg have shown up their inventions to the citizens that are soon to vote.

Lloyd and Kai are cheering the most.

"Which one did you like? I actually like Dr. Julien's floating surfboards." Lloyd confessed.

"I like Borg's visual game. His motherboard is on FIYAAAH." Kai cheered.

"Time for the voting, everyone will get a piece of paper." Milton Dyer said. He's standing in the middle of the two tables holding a black mic.

"Write one name and one name only. So choose with much sense. Every vote counts!" Dyer encouraged.

Though, the process is interrupted by screaming from above. Dyer is forced to jump aside and soon enough, Scott, Pixal and Zane are hanging three meters above the ground - tied up in red cords in front of everyone.

"Son, what is the meaning of this?" Julien asked.

"I... er-" Zane said, as he's hanging upside down attached to Scott and Pixal. The red cords break and the three friends fall to the ground.

"Pixal, are you okay? What were you three doing?" Borg asked.

"Father, we did not mean-" Pixal began.

Everyone proceeds to laugh and Nya caught it all on film.

Scott, Pixal and Zane stand up as they're trying to get out from all of the red cords that saved them.

"We thought it would be a good idea to come up there and not hustle down here to get a better view!" Zane said with a wide smile. Scott and Pixal nod.

Dyer helps Scott with the cords around his legs.

"You three are some lucky fellas." Dyer admitted. He gives Scott a short hug.

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