Reaching out

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"Take my hand."

Samurai X reaches out her hand. The Titanium Ninja shudders before he realises where the samurai is. He looks up at the pink tree.

"Xo." The Titanium Ninja uttered. "No time for your childish antics tonight. We should head home."

The Titanium Ninja takes the reached out hand and is pulled up on the branch. Samurai X suddenly jumps up on the next branch. The Titanium Ninja chuckles and follows. Soon, they bounce on the treetops together.

Samurai X flees to the ground and runs off. "Can't catch me." She enthused.

However, The Titanium Ninja bounces above her and proceeds to jump on her. He lands on her and they roll down a street, grunting. By a canal, they stop. Samurai X finds herself on The Titanium Ninja.

"I thought Samurais were supposed to be stealthy." The Titanium Ninja joked.

"Isn't that a description for Ninja. You're different, though. Ice cream."

The Titanium Ninja sighs in amusement. "We are all different." They stand up. "But I don't feel so different around you."

"Wow!" Samurai X laughs. "You just admitted you need me." She lends out her hand and bows.

"I did not." The Titanium Ninja smacks away Samurai X's hand. "When Omega is defeated, you and I are done like two ice cubes in a drink."

"We'll see about that." Samurai X responded. Then, their phones sound an alarm for an Oni attack.

The two heroes prepare to fight. "We have to de-onify the citizen." The said in sync.

When the two heroes arrive at Ninjago Museum Of History,  it is surrounded by viewers and fans. Nya Smith makes her best to capture the moment on her phone.

The Titanium Ninja accidentally runs into Nya - making her drop the phone - when he's aiming an arrow at The Oni atop the Museum.

"Oh no!" Nya exclaimed. The Titanium Ninja turns to her in shock. "Nya, did I harm you?" He inquired.

"No..." Nya huffs in despair. "Just my phone."

"I will get you a new one if you survive this despite your poor judgement. Being out here just to record when an Oni is loose."

Cut to after the battle. The school clock rings for the day.

Nya walks into Scott's office, shaken and uptight. "I really need to talk with you, S."

Scott strains a smile and offers her a seat on the new-bought armchair. "I'm listening." Scott told her.

"I'm reaching out to you because I'm stressed about the Ninja Blog." Nya exhales. "Fans expect me to constantly update the site, but when I don't have any news, they never stop nagging."

"Do you want a rest from it?"

"Yes! But I don't want to lose it forever." Nya sighs and cups her face.

"Nya." Scott uttered. "You are a great kid, and the blog is a creative idea to support your team. But how much you post or what you post won't define your worth. Take a break."

Time cut. The student in the armchair transitions from one to another repeatedly. The counsellor always says something encouraging before the next comes in.

A student even breaks down in tears. Scott grabs his own wrist due to a sticky pain. After doing the 54321 method, the sobbing student hugs Scott and leaves with a cup of calming tea.

Finally, the school day is over. Scott is now the one sitting in the armchair. He stares at nothing and is stuck deep in thoughts; wondering where it all went wrong. The night at Kryptarium would be a reasonable answer. That's where he found The Oni Mask.

The counsellor walks into his garage with weary eyes and bad posture. People continually reach out to him; resulting in that Scott often forgets who's reaching out the most.


Omega's bracelet is upgraded with a tracker that gives him a shock when there's a negative emotion - like crying - strong enough to boost his spell.

But he keeps failing no matter how many Oni he creates. It's one defeat after another, and Ninjago's heroes grow stronger together.

Scott snaps eyes open and frowns at The Oni Mask. The vile power of it beckons him to use it. Aria flies around the garage cleaning while Scott prepares to onify someone.

 Secret Identities: A Ninjago FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now