Chicken out

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Cole and Kai are reviewing a long list. "This might be the hardest task I'll ever give you as ninja." Master Wu told them. He prepares to leave The Courtyard with a bag.

"Don't worry, Master Wu." Kai assured him. "We've got this."

"Don't be so overconfident. It took me years to fully master this."

Master Wu leaves Kai and Cole with a warm smile. Cole mimics Wu's high-pitched voice. "Don't be so overconfident." He then laughs and the hen makes an appearance by their legs.

"Puuulease, it's a chicken." Cole mocked.

"Yeah! How hard can it be?" Kai grinned.

"For real. What's the first step?" Cole asked. "Polish her feathers." He read. Kai groans and tosses the list to the ground.

"Yuck. Lists... I refuse to be like one of those tin cans who always have to be prissy perfectionists." Kai said.

Cut to The Titanium Ninja jumping from building to building. No Oni in sight. No Samurai X, either. The city is unusually empty. Then, he spots a familiar face.

Kai and Cole struggle to feed the hen in the kitchen.
"Oh, come on! What do hens even eat?" Cole muttered.

Kai thinks for a while. "Seeds?" He questioned. The chicken flaps its wings and spills out all beans on the floor.

"No! Ugh! I'm never chicken-sitting again." Cole promised.

"At least our friends are home. I mean, Nya loves the chicken. Why couldn't Master Wu have asked her and the blue lovebird?" Kai asked.

In the city, The Titanium Ninja makes his way up to his low friend, Scott.

"Greetings," He happily said. Scott looks up at the ninja in front of him. "Wish to speak with one of Ninjago's heroes? I presume that's what you've been meaning to do for days now."

Scott narrows his eyes and The Titanium Ninja sighs.

"In fact, I've been meaning to talk to you. I mean, a friend told me you were down, so I thought a meeting with one of your heroes would turn your frown into a smile."

"You know." Scott mumbled. He looks a bit uncomfortable. "I have been meaning to talk to you."

"Really?" The Titanium Ninja wondered, genuinely curious. "About what?"

"Actually, it's a confession." Scott bites his lips and there is a long pause. The moment he's been longing for - in almost a week now. He can't chicken out now.

"Chicken is out!" Cole yelled. The hen jumps over The Monastery Wall. "Again!" Kai complained.

"We promised Master Wu to take care of her and not lose her. We have to run after." Cole said.

"Are you out of you flaming min-" Kai takes a deep breath, closes his hands together and almost begs for Cole to reconsider. "My dear valued Ninja teammate and best friend. I solidly think you're deranged."

Cole gives Kai a smile. "Me too." He then rushes out of The Courtyard. Kai stares after Cole with a twitching eye. "Look at me... Chasing after tiny rodents."

There has been no progress in the conversation between Scott and The Titanium Ninja.

"A confession? Of what kind?" The ninja asked. Scott looks away. He then turns to The Titanium Ninja again and takes a deep breath. "I-" Pause. "I am..."

The Titanium Ninja nods to assure Scott that it's okay, whatever it is that he wants to tell. 

"I am O-" Scott stammered. He makes the vital decision. "Oh, ever so low."

"That's all?" The Titanium Ninja asked, being relieved. "Look, I always thought that feelings aren't as valuable as work." He said.

Scott's eyes soften. "Turns out, my feelings are what's most valuable. They make you determined, help you knowledge what you really desire." The Titanium Ninja continued.

"Really..?" Scott wondered. "Of course! Even the unpleasant ones like grief and pain."

"But I don't know why I'm in pain." Scott confessed.

"That's okay. You know, a counsellor looks out for everyone. It's time you start to look out for yourself."

The Titanium Ninja proceeds to leave. Although, he waits for Scott to confirm he's understood. The nonverbal boy finally nods.

On the other side of The NGTV Warehouse, Cole and Kai are climbing up an old construction stair tower to fetch the chicken.

"We better get payed for this." Kai muttered. Cole glances down at Kai. "Well at least we're not picking on some kids at school, as we would have three months ago." He smiled.

Kai shortly chuckles. "Yeah, I guess there's that." He agreed. The hen is on the rooftop looking down at them. She suddenly blows a raspberry at them.

Kai growls. "Oh! That does it!"

"Kai, wait, we shouldn't use our Tatsu Dragons for-"

Kai refuses to listen and transforms. He jumps over the entire stair tower in one bounce and lands on the roof in an epic pose. The wind runs through Kai's hair as he slowly lifts the head. He gasps at what he sees.


Cole climbs up to them and before his eyes, there is The Titanium Ninja having the sleeping chicken in his arms.

"Kai, Cole, do you require some assistance?" He asked. Though, it sounded like a rhetorical question.

Kai detransforms and helps Cole up. "Yes, yes we do, please." Kai said.

"Honestly, she's been such a pain." Cole added.

"Why do you have her? Isn't she Master Wu's?"

"We, as stupid as we are, promised to watch over her." Kai answered.

The Titanium Ninja lets out an amused exhale.

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