Caught trust

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Zane is watching Cole as he's pacing in front of the pink cherry blossom trees. "Is there something on your mind, Cole?" Zane asked.

Cole immediately proceeds to tell. "So, Kai has been acting really strange today and I think he's hiding something but he refuses to tell me what." He said. Cole sits down on the bench beside Zane.

"I found his phone in the classroom, unlocked."

"You haven't gone through it, right?" Zane wondered. "Of course not. He's my best friend." Pause. "Although, if I do, I'll find out and be able to help better."

"Cole," Zane said softly. "That is privacy."

"I know." Cole complained. He looks down at Kai's unlocked phone; torn between wanting to know and not wanting to invade.

On the other side of the school, Kai is strolling around - wondering where he's put his phone. "Where could I have put it?" Kai murmured. "Did I forget it at the session today?"

Suddenly, there is a loud crash from above and Samurai X falls from the building. She lands on Kai and they both grunt while hitting a bunch of pink petals.

"Xo!" Kai cried out. "Oh!" Samurai X expressed. She chuckles. "My apologies, Kai Smith. Here, let me assist you."

The samurai helps Kai up. "So, have you seen him?" She then asked. Kai raises an eyebrow. He gasps dramatically. "Is there an oni nearby??"

"What? No. I meant The Titanium Ninja. We were supposed to go on a patrol today but he must have forgotten."

"Oh, no. I haven't seen him. I'm sorry. He could be anywhere." Kai told her. Samurai X sighs and proceeds to leave.

"Hey! Wait." Kai said. "Now that you're here, could you help me find my phone?" He smiled.

"Kai, superheroes do not-"

"Please." Kai pleaded. Samurai X stares at her friend in need. Eventually, she agrees - but only reluctantly. They spend a long time searching for Kai's phone but no success.

Cut to The Titanium Ninja rushing to Ninjago City Hospital. He leaps up on the roof and immediately makes an attempt to call his partner.

"Xo, why have you gotten so careless when it comes to checking for Offsprings? There is another Oni loose and I could really use your assistance on this."

The Titanium Ninja gets no response. He presses a button to listen to the prerecorded message Samurai X sent three hours ago.

"Hey, TT. It's time for our daily patrol. I hope you haven't forgotten."

The Titanium Ninja lets out a soft sigh. "Oh no." He mumbled. Someone, a silhouette, is sneaking up on him from behind, trying to attack him. The Titanium Ninja acts by reflex and tosses Samurai X off the rooftop.

"Samurai X?!" The Titanium Ninja cried out.

Cole peaks at Kai from behind a wall. His best friend is chatting with Nya about something just a few trees away.

Cole glances down at Kai's phone again and sighs. "Okay, time to give you back." He whispered. He's just about to lock the phone when a new message pops up.

Whom it's from takes him aback and Cole begins to reconsider. What the message is arouses Cole's curiosity even more.

A voice message from Scott is reflecting in Cole's wide and lively eyes. "Maybe just a wee peek?" Cole whispered.

Abruptly, there is an explosion resulting in a huge part of the school being blasted away.

The bricks proceed to fall on Cole, but The Titanium Ninja saves him in the last second by swinging from a rope. In the meantime, Samurai X grabbed Nya to save her.

They land on the building beside the school where some other students are waiting. Samurai X's katana has created a zip-line from the roof down to safety on the other side of the buildings.

"One at a time. We do not want any collisions." Samurai X ordered.

"Incredible how you are able to work at your finest even if I tossed you away just a few moments ago." The Titanium Ninja said.

"Yes. I never learn the fact that one should not scare you from behind." Samurai X admitted.

"Wait, Kai is down there." Cole suddenly pointed out. He uses the rope to glide down. "Cole, wait-" Samurai X said.

Kai jumps and spins - followed by punching some bricks in the air. Cole joins him and saves him from a falling window.

"Cole, you nailed that kick and saved me!" Kai enthused. "How can I repay you?"

Cole narrows his eyes and reveals Kai's phone, which he's kept safe all this time. Kai is surprised. "My phone?" Kai murmured. "You had it this entire afternoon?"

"You can repay me by telling me what this is about."

Kai stares at his latest conversation. Cole notices how Kai is trembling. "Uh, don't worry. I haven't read further and I haven't listened even a microsecond of Scott's voice message." Cole assured Kai.

"Really?" Kai frowned, not quite convinced.

"I just want to know what's going on. You've been so distant. I'm your best friend and I hope you know you can trust me with anything. " Cole is cut off.

The Titanium Ninja jumps down to cover the two of them from a beam sent by The Oni.

"Less talking, more doing." The Titanium Ninja urged them. Samurai X makes her best to collect every last student from the school while The Titanium Ninja battles The Oni.

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