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Nya runs after Zane into the school and shows him a video on her phone.

"Check, this, out! Last night I was cornered by some bikers, and then this... samurai showed up."

Nya shows Zane a photo of Samurai X. "Wow." Zane said, pretending to know nothing about this warrior. "Who is that?"

Nya lays her arm around Zane's shoulders. "Samurai X. Everyone loves her! But everyone loves her partner more. The Titanium Ninja."

Nya slaps Zane on the back in excitement. "Ninja fighters haven't been witnessed in Ninjago City since the Anacondrai War that took place only a thousand years after the realm got rid of a mysterious dark lord called Omega. Now he is back and these heroes will protect us all!"

"What??" Zane cried out. "That was ages ago! How is Omega still alive?" He wondered.

"Who cares?? Look at those detailed suits. Are they made of elemental powers or sewn by an incredibly skilled tailor?" Nya excitedly uttered.

Jay is peeking at Zane and Nya from his brown locker and gulps, or more correct, at Nya specifically.

"FYI, Nya will never fall in love with a locker." Pixal noted. She's standing right behind Jay with a little smile.

"Ooh, but I get nervous every time I look at her. What should I do?" Jay inquired as he turns to Pixal with a desperate face.

"Ask her if she wants to hang out with you after school." Pixal urged.

"What? Not alone, I wouldn't know what to do or say, you know?"

Pixal chuckles - but can't answer when a banana peel hits Jay straight in the face.

"Listen to the expert, Jay the baby. Sis will never fall in love with you." Kai teased. "Heyz give me knuckles." Kai enhused. He and Cole fist bump.

"Jay the baby. Good one, Kai." Cole smiled.

"Thanks, Cole. I'm working on new ones." Kai bragged.

"Kai, you know Mr. Dyer hates scrap." Jay said while picking up the banana peel.

"Then you better get rid of it before he arrives, Jay the baby." Cole mocked. He and Kai laugh as they stroll away.

Pixal glares after them. Normally, she would have helped Jay, but after what happened with her dad yesterday, her reflexes haven't fully worked. Jay surprisingly starts to snicker.

"What is so amusing? Kai picked on you." Pixal pointed out. She looks at Jay who throws the banana peel in a trash can.

"He'll learn one day, but for now, I won't let him ruin my life."

Jay walks off. Pixal follows him up to Nya and Zane. "Hey Zane, hey Nya." Jay beamed while waving fast.

"Hello." Zane responded.

"Sup, Jay?" Nya asked, having a huge smile on her face.

"Uh, I was wondering if we- four, could go out tonight." Jay quickly said.

"What?" Pixal mumbled flatly.

"You mean, as friends? For dinner?" Zane confirmed.

"Yes, he does, and he definitely did ask me." Pixal agreed, with a frown.

"Good! We'll meet up after school today, let's say, here." Nya smiled. She and Zane walk upstairs as Pixal turns to Jay with a raised eyebrow. Jay nervously chuckles.

"Sorry, it just came out, but you don't have to come." Jay explained. Pixal sighs with a tired smile.

"I cannot leave my best friend hanging."

"Thanks, Pix. You're the best. Oh! Have you checked out Borg's latest invention? He calls it The Borg Motherboard." Jay smiled.

"Hard to miss."

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Jay cried out. "I keep forgetting that you're advertising for him against your will. You know... He is your pa, why don't you just, you know? Tell him how you feel?" He urged.

"Believe me, I have. Many times, but he just won't listen."

Jay puts a comforting hand on Pixal's shoulder. "Thank you, Jay. Now, let us go to class."

Class, as usual, is boring and long. No wonder the students squeal in happiness when the clock finally rings out. A boy in green - who everyone in class knows because he's without parents - is the happiest.

He hates being stuck in school and would much rather hang out with his uncle or friends. Lloyd Garmadon, the sweetest and bravest student in school.

"Hey!" Lloyd makes his way to every classmate possible, asking if they want to do something. Most of them say yes, but not today.

Lloyd shines up at the sight of someone downstairs - the counsellor of the school.

"Scott! Do you wanna grab something to eat?" Lloyd asked while looking at his friend.

No one knows why Lloyd is so invested in Scott, maybe because Scott don't have any parents either, or because Scott helped Lloyd when he was diagnosed with depression after losing his mother.

"Can't, I'm busy." The guy answered. "Ah, counsellor stuff, got it." Lloyd smiled, hiding his disappointment. Scott gives Lloyd a grateful smile before turning away.

Pixal and Jay join Lloyd below the stairs.

"Lloyd, you could hang out with us if you'd like." Pixal offered with a kind smile. Lloyd shows his gratitude by hugging Pixal.

"Thanks, I'd love to." He told.

"Nice, the more the merrier!" Nya cheered. She and Zane approach them.

"Yeah," Jay said in sarcasm. "The more we are." He frowned. The five friends leave the school ground together.

"So, Pix. How do you feel about your father's new invention?" Lloyd asked out of curiosity. Jay gulps and Zane nervously begins to whistle. Pixal sighs.

"Neat." She fibbed.

 Secret Identities: A Ninjago FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now