Ninja prom

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"Ninja prom - a dance featuring the virtues of being a ninja." Zane read aloud. He's walking with Kai on the crowded street holding a fancy brochure. Kai gulps.

"A dance?" He asked quietly. A citizen then butts in.

"Yes! And everyone in Ninjago City is invited!" He cheered. Another citizen joins the conversation. "But I heard there are some that are VIP guests."

The first boy sighs in a disappointment. "Probably Pixal's closest friends. Her father is behind the whole event."

"It's unfair! Just because Pixal goes with them at school they get first class." The citizen turns to Kai. "You're a ninja. You understand the importance of equality, right?"

"Yes!" Kai agreed. He flatly chuckles. "Haha, so jealous."

"But, Kai-" Zane said. Kai grabs Zane's arm. "Look at the time! Me and my tin bud Zane have outfits to pick, byeeee."

Kai hurries off with Zane - who doesn't quite follow.

In the meantime, the others are in a boutique trying out clothes for the exquisite evening.

Nya steps out of the booth with a pink kimono. "How about this?"

Jay has literal hearts in his eyes. "Wow, you're gorgeous." He admitted. Nya giggles. "Not so bad yourself, you fit in shimmy."

She then groans.

"Where is my brother and Zane?? I told them to meet here half an hour ago." Nya complained. "The dance is just around the corner."

Cole scoffs with a smile.

"Nya, three hours isn't just around the corner." He said.

"It is to me." Nya countered. "Yes, Cole, after all. We are the main guests." Pixal pointed out. "VIP guests, you mean?" Jay asked.

"Jay, we're different." Lloyd said. "Special." Jay corrected.

"See it however you want but we must look our finest." Pixal said. She's choosing between a white gala dress and a purple kimono with fancy sleeves.

Kai and Zane rush into the private boutique. "We're here!" Kai noted. "Now, hurry. There is no second to spare." Nya told them.

"Relax, sis." Kai grinned. "We have two hours and fifty min. Nothing to stress about."

The trumpets are playing loudly and the red carpet is being rolled out. All kinds of people arrive at Borg Tower.

"I withdraw my statement." Kai confessed. The ninja are reviewing the entire first floor that has turned into a ball room.

"So many prissy ballerinas." Cole complained. Zane turns to Pixal. "It was sweet of your father to invite me as a VIP even though I'm not a ninja." He said. "Believe me," Pixal answered. "I feel out of place too."

"I never should have come here." Kai muttered.

Jay looks at Nya and gulps. "Heh, beautiful evening, isn't it?" Jay smiled. "Yes, it is. Care for a dance?" Nya asked, smiling warmly. Jay blushes. "Uh, heh."

Nya takes Jay's hand, and together they join the dance floor. Kai is staring in shock. "Jay can dance?" He murmured.

"Wow, they must have been taking classes." Lloyd smiled. "Jay can dance?" Kai repeated - shocked. Cole and Lloyd treat themselves with some sweets at the long pastry table.

"Hello, I'm here too, don't bother to be surprised." Skylor said from behind, not bothered. She then walks up to Kai and gives him a wink. "See you at the dance floor, hot shot?"

"Skylor, I can't d-" Kai attempted to say.

Skylor happily laughs. "Come on! It'll be fun." She drags Kai to the dance floor.

Zane and Pixal follow them to the centre of the room. Zane offers Pixal a dance, she reluctantly agrees and they're actually having a great time. Until the slow ballad song comes.

"Cole was not deceiving me when he told me you're a delight to be around." Pixal admitted. "You actually remind me of the boy I like."

Zane's confidence sinks like an ice cube in a tall glass. He stops dancing. "Zane, are you alright?" Pixal wondered.

Then, the doors are blasted from the outside and an Oni wanders into the room. Borg gasps. "Okay! No need to panic-" He assured.

By that, everyone starts to panic and proceed to run towards the emergency exit. Zane and Pixal are quickly separated. Lloyd hurries to help Borg with the guests.

Jay hastly turns to Nya, who's looking for her brother in the crowd. "Nya, I have to ask you something important." Jay told her with a smile. "What? Now? There's an Oni here and I can't see Kai or the others anywhere."

"Yes, now."

The Oni proceeds to bounce at them but Kai jumps at The Oni first. "Leave my sister and her quirky Yin alone."

"What!?" Nya cried out. Kai kicks The Oni - making him fly across the room - and awkwardly turns to Nya and Jay with a grin. Cole runs up to them in sync with Kai's turn.

"Too early?" Kai asked. Jay groans, "Kai." He muttered. However, Nya is touched. "You were going to ask me to be your Yang?"

"Yes, because you make me so happy everyday and when you're not near I feel incomplete." Jay admitted.

"Then, Jay. I only have one thing to ask you." Nya said. She inhales and proceeds to ask. Jay cuts her off. "Will you be my Yang?" He quickly asked. Nya exhales and cups her own face.

"I wanted to ask that." She smiled with a blush in her face.

"I'm sorry, heh, you can ask too."

Nya gently takes Jay's hands. "This isn't as romantic as I had hoped, and TT and Xo are having an epic battle with one of Omega's Offsprings as we speak, but I couldn't be more ready." Nya told him. "Jay Walker, will you be my Yin?"

Jay giggles and hugs Nya. "Yes!" He cried out. Kai and Cole cheer and perform a high-five just in the same second as The Titanium Ninja behind them hits The Oni with an arrow.

 Secret Identities: A Ninjago FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin