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Samurai X jumps over a boulevard, following the screams from the chaotic block. Below her, The Titanium Ninja is struggling.
Everyone runs the opposite direction as The Titanium Ninja.

Determined, The Titanium Ninja walks up to Jay. "Jay Walker." He called out. Jay turns his head to the ninja fast. "We require your assistance."

"Who? Me?" Jay looks around him confusingly. "As far as I know, you're the only Jay in this city."

"But why me?" Jay asked. "You are The Master Of Lightning. The Oni is hiding in an old warehouse and we need your powers to locate it." The Titanium Ninja explained.

"Wow!" Jay exclaimed. "I've never been called to a mission like this before." He noted. The Titanium Ninja hands Jay the bracelet of his Tatsu. "Once the job is done, you will be giving this back to me or Samurai X."

Jay nods to confirm that he's understood. He then proceeds a battle position. "Lance, activate."

While the two heroes approach the giant warehouse - where Samurai X already is - Nya and Kai run after.

"Gotta make sure my boyfriend doesn't get himself killed." Nya fibbed. Kai snickers. "Okay, fine." Nya mumbled. "I also want to collect new content for the blog. I haven't updated in ages."

"Sis." Kai mocked. "A fortnight isn't ages ago."

The Titanium Ninja leads Jay into the old warehouse
"Yuck!" Jay complained. "This place smells like Cole's socks."

"Keep your guard up." The Titanium Ninja said. "The Oni could be anywhere."

Jay finally spots Samurai X standing in a corner waiting for them. "Hey!" He cried out. "There's Samurai X!"

Jay runs towards Samurai X and gives her hug. The Titanium Ninja shines up too. He runs after Jay.

"Any sign of The Oni?" The Titanium Ninja asked. The samurai shakes her head. "What should we do, The Titanium Ninja?" She asked. The Titanium Ninja frowns.

"Yes, TT. What do we do?" Jay asked. The Titanium Ninja walks up to Samurai X. "We're just gonna go upstairs and improvise, right, Xo?"

"Yes! Of course. Xo to you too."

Jay and Samurai X head towards the spiral staircase. The Titanium Ninja jumps in front and aims an arrow at the samurai. "TT, what are you doing?" Jay asked.

"Omega is making good use of the powers he has. This is not Samurai X. It's an Oni."

Jay stares in shock and backs up. The samurai growls and transforms back into the Offspring.

"Wow!" Jay expressed. "How-?"

"No time to explain!"

The two ninja run out from the warehouse, tightly followed by The Oni. Kai and Nya yell out as they arrive.

"Kai Smith, Nya Smith, what are you doing here??" The Titanium Ninja questioned.

The real Samurai X joins them. Much to The Titanium Ninja's relief. He hurries up to his partner.

"Where have you been?" The Titanium Ninja wondered.

"The Oni trapped me on the another floor and my phone wouldn't work." Samurai X uttered. She then leans on her katana. "Why? Missed me?"

"Just a bit." The Titanium Ninja joked. The Oni snarls to catch their attention.

"Hey. You're as bad a villain as you are at acting." Samurai X mocked - starting a battle.

The long fight allows The Titanium Ninja and Master Of Lightning to leave and put the Smith siblings in an alley out of harm's way.

When the two ninja return, Samurai X is beat. The Oni grabs Samurai X a last time and throws her into The Titanium Ninja, knocking them both out.

The Oni cracks neck. She attempts to rush towards them but Jay blocks the way.

"What are you waiting for? Kick my butt like you did with my friends!" Jay challenged. Lightning comes out from his hands. But The Oni just gives Jay a look of confusion and agony.

Jay loosens up. "Are you..." Pause. "Afraid to hurt me?"

The tense silence lasts long. However, The Titanium Ninja finally gets up and stabs The Oni with an arrow.

Jay is frozen on the spot - shocked to the core.

The Titanium Ninja turns to Jay after the de-onification. "Good work with the stalling." He congratulated.

"Uh... thanks." Jay mumbled. He glances over at the lost citizen. "I'll take this lady home."

Samurai X and The Titanium Ninja watch as Jay leaves with the citizen.

"Hey," Samurai X said. "How did you figure out that Oni wasn't me?"

The Titanium Ninja turns his head to her - slightly tilted. "I mean, we have never faced a shape-shifting Oni before." Samurai X added.

"For starters, The Oni was unfamiliar with your nickname."

The Titanium Ninja fully turns to the samurai. "And second, you know me too well to believe that I would just rush into battle without a plan."

 Secret Identities: A Ninjago FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now