Wings of smoke

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Samurai X walks into the city with a low head ready to give up, Suddenly all of the people begin to run into their houses while screaming.

Samurai X grabs a young individual in the running.

"What's happening?"

"So good to see you! You and the ninja will fix this, won't you?" The little boy asked.

Samurai X looks down at the brown haired boy.

"Uh, right, of course... go hide." She mumbled.

"Thank you. You guys are the best." The kid said, he runs off into a building a bit further away. Samurai X lets out a really long groan.

"Cursed offsprings."

She jumps up on a roof top to get closer The Oni when someone below her starts shouting for help.

Samurai X gasps and looks down at Jay in distress.

"Jay?" Samurai X asked herself. She jumps down to Jay who's stuck under a black car. Jay grunts as he tries to get out from the upside down car.

"Pedestrian." Samurai X said. Jay gasps and stops moving. He nervously smiles.

"Xo, heeey, heh, sup?" Jay smiled. Samurai X approaches the black car near the street.

"You're stuck." Samurai X clarified.

"Pfft, me? No way- Okay, yes I'm stuck." Jay confessed. Samurai X grabs the car and lifts it so Jay can crawl out.

"Thank you, hurry. Omega has onified someone." Jay said.

"Already on it."

Samurai X turns around and proceeds to bounce.

"Wait, if you see my friends, tell them to text me. I'm worried." Jay said with now a worried face.

"Sure," Samurai X promised. "If I remember who they are." She added

The Titanium Ninja and The Earth Ninja are helping some citizens into a building.

"I've never seen an oni looking like that before, Omega has really overdone himself." The Earth Ninja said.

"I know, and the teammate, the person, the friend, and the samurai, who is supposed to help us is completely out of reach." The Titanium Ninja desperately said.

The creature of darkness is standing on a building further away. It's huge, black, made of smoke, formed as a dragon.

"It's made of smoke - every other oni have been made of, you know, flesh, veins, and bones." The Earth Ninja said.

"And it nearly got us two choked with its breath." The Titanium Ninja said.

The two ninja run up to another building and hide behind the wall.

"How do we defeat that thing? Your arrows go right through it." The Earth Ninja said.

"What kind of oni is that?" The Titanium Ninja whispered. A new voice joins them from behind.

"It's not an oni."

The two ninja turn around to the samurai.

"Samurai X." They cheered in sync.

"If it's not an oni, then what is it?" The earth Ninja asked.

"I... I don't know, perhaps we should ask Master Wu." Samurai X said. The Earth Ninja chuckles.

"Heh, no way. We have to show Master Wu that we can handle ourselves, take that thing on and kick dragon butt-"

"Master Wu, you need to help us." The Earth Ninja desperately said. The three heroes run into Wu's room. He's sitting on the wooden floor meditating.

"What are you three doing here?? I told you not to come here with your suits on, and not all at the same time." Wu angrily said, almost in a scolding.

"Oh, man, we really need to talk to you about Omega's new creation." Samurai X said.

"It's big, made out of smoke, we couldn't defeat it, and it almost choked us." The Titanium Ninja said.

"This creature, it didn't happen to have white and empty eyes?" Wu asked - hoping to be wrong.

The three friends look at each other.

"Those eyes were white alright." The Titanium Ninja said.

"Definitely empty." The Earth Ninja added.

"It is how I feared. Omega has figured out how to combine The Oni Mask and Aria's powers to absorb departed souls from The Departed Realm." Wu explained.

"Departed souls? You mean, like, dead people?" The Earth Ninja mumbled.

"Yes, former holders of The Oni Mask who didn't manage its power, folks like my brother."

Wu stands up slowly.

"Master Wu, how do we defeat it?" The Titanium Ninja asked. He turns to Wu who frowns.

"You have to free the dead souls." He said.

"Yeah, no kidding." Samurai X muttered.

Lloyd runs into a small alley followed by his friends.

"Okay, so clearly Pix, Zane, Scott and Cole are hiding somewhere else. But we can't reach neither of them." Kai said. Jay gasps.

"What if they're-" He suggested.

"Dead?" Nya added. She narrows her eyes.

"I was going to say hurt, but thanks for the new thought." Jay said with a frown. Nya nervously smiles.

"They're NOT dead- At least I think they're not." Lloyd grumbled.

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