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"And that is why I'm the better ninja." The Earth Ninja smiled. The Titanium Ninja sighs.

"You know why Master Wu chose to give me the powers of destruction?" He asked.

"Because you are boring, and he needed someone who takes everything a little bit too serious?" The Earth Ninja teased.

The two ninja are standing on a rooftop joking about who's the best ninja.

"No, because I can actually manage my job. Also, I can be funny." The Titanium Ninja countered.

"Really? Ha, I'd like to see you try."

Samurai X jumps up to them some feet away.

"Watch and learn." The Titanium Ninja said. He quickly walks up to the samurai who puts away her katana. The Earth Ninja runs after.

"Repairing Omega's damage took longer than expected, it gets worse each day and I have no idea how to fix it." Samurai X explained. She approaches the Titanium Ninja who clicks with his tongue.

"Hey, Xo. Wow. The stress for you sure is thick..."

Samurai X sets arms akimbo.

"But not as thick as your brain." The Titanium Ninja said, he and The Earth Ninja laugh.

"Haha, funny you two," Samurai X sarcastically said. "Now if you two do not mind-"

"Samurai X, I used to think that pigs lived in barns, but then I met you." The Earth Ninja said.

"Mine was better." The Titanium Ninja argued.

"No way."

Samurai X takes a small step back.

"How about a challenge? The ninja who wins gets the title, The Best Ninja." The Titanium Ninja said.

"Game on."

"So we need a challenge, a really daring and dangerous one."

"Perhaps we should focus more on how to keep Ninjago safe." Samurai X said.

"Oh, you're still here. Good, we need a judge, please attend." The Earth Ninja begged.

"I'd rather attend my own funeral." Samurai X explained. She turns away and jumps over to another rooftop.

"We meet here at nine?" The Earth Ninja asked, he turns to the Titanium Ninja.

"We meet nine." He agreed.

It's almost completely dark and the crickets are chirping.

Scott meets his friends on the empty street.

"Earlier today they announced the winner for the invention competition." Nya smiled.

"Let me guess, Borg won?" Scott asked, scowling.

"It was tied." Lloyd said with a little smile.

"How absolutely fascinating." Scott sarcastically said.

He grunts and pushes away his friends to get out away.

"So, S, do you want to hang out with us tomorrow?" Kai wondered. Scott stops mid-step and slowly turns.

"Maybe, we could hang out at your place?" Nya asked being very hopeful.

"My garage?" Scott asked with a frown.

"If you'd like to of course." Lloyd hurried to say. "I mean, Zane had to help his father, Cole had to help his, and Pix- oh, now when I think of it, they're all busy helping their fathers."

"Not for long, Pix and Zane need to join me for that little punishment we got after ruining the competition." Scott said while crossing his arms.

"Right, when exactly was that?" Nya asked.

"Six." Scott answered.

"Wow, you better hurry, cause the clock is-" Jay said while showing his phone. Scott gasps.

"Six!?" He confirmed.

"Cleaning the school, seriously." Pixal said. She's not amused. The three of them are standing in a dark and empty school hall holding broomsticks.

"Once you are done, report to me or Cyrus Borg, and go home and rest." Dyer said. "Scott, I know you have the keys so I'm counting on you to lock the school after you."

Milton Dyer leaves and closes the school doors after him. He also locks from the outside so no one else can get in.

"This is what you get for wanting to get a better view. I hate school." Scott complained.

"Don't you see? This will be a lot of fun, a whole school for ourselves in three hours." Zane smiled. He throws away his broomstick to the floor and makes a pirouette.

"You're right, we can do whatever we want." Scott said, he also throws away his broomstick. Pixal frowns, then shines up.

"Normally I'd go against you, but I gotta loosen up a bit, break some rules." Pixal admitted.

"Who are you and what have you done with Pixal Borg?" Scott asked. Pixal smashes her broomstick in Scott's head.

"And she is back." Scott said, he scratches his head.

The moon shines its first light on Scott's garage in the empty parking lot.

"Three hours, we should be able to get in and out." Cole smiled. The five friends are standing outside Scott's garage.

Nya smiles and brings up her phone. She approaches the speaker and plays the video where Scott says garage.

"Let me in." Nya then said. They're allowed inside.

"Ha!" Jay surprisingly shouted. "Can't believe Kai's plan worked." He smiled. Kai proudly nods with closed eyes.

Everyone walks into the huge and empty garage. One single ceiling lamp lights up the place.

"Let's see what Scott is hiding once and for all." Kai said, Jay shines up.

"Look at how many motherboards he has!" Jay smiled. He runs up to a shelf where a lot of motherboards are lying in the dust.

"He programmed these games all by himself?" Cole asked with a little smile.

Kai walks up to a wall where ten statues in metal are leaning. They're lined up on a row alongside the wall with closed eyes and firm bodies.

They look like ninja but with dragon wings, also in metal.

"Weird statues... they look like ninja, no angels, wait, ninja angels." Kai mumbled.

"Wow, he has a lot of stuff. Look at this." Nya said.

Everyone turns to Nya, who is crouching over a brown cardboard box. Nya opens it, which results in a loud gasp and eyes wide open.

"No way." Nya said, almost in a whisper.

 Secret Identities: A Ninjago FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu