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Ashley Smith had Charlie Weasley's arm wrapped around her waist and she was glad that she did. The moment that Athene Malfoy stepped into the small cottage, Ashley felt herself lose her footing. Charlie gripped her and squeezed her waist in attempted reassurance. The witch's heart was racing, she hadn't stared into those eyes for years, not since school, probably. Ashley was more accustomed to seeing Narcissa, the sight of her frightened her less, which was something that she never imagined. 

She didn't think that she could do this, she didn't feel ready. It had been around five years but suddenly they faded away to nothing. Athene had meant to kill her. She had killed her, basically. She had killed someone. Why did she deserve forgiveness? She didn't.

Athene also didn't move an inch at the sight of her old best friend. She felt Remus standing close behind her, he was breathing heavily. She wanted to turn around and snap at him and tell him to stop, to tell him that it was only making her more nervous. However, she couldn't take her eyes off Ashley. She looked a lot older, a lot more mature, Athene wondered if she looked that way too. Ash had always had a childish glimmer in her eye, like she was always up to something. That was gone now. But Athene knew as well as anyone that being locked up somewhere, no matter with good or bad people, made you lose any 'glimmer' that you may have left.

Fleur was sat at the table, staring nervously at Athene, and trying to smile at her. The French witch could tell that her best friend was terrified, and she could also tell that Ashley Smith was equally scared and uncomfortable. Neither witch had spoken for what felt like hours, but was in actuality only minutes. Fleur could not bear it anymore.

"I do not think any introductions are in order, so I should not have to be the first to speak," she said elegantly.

Ashley and Athene both stared at her incredulously, Bill sighed and shook his head at his wife, unable to hide the amused expression crawling up his face.

"Fleur," Athene hushed sharply.

Ashley's breath hitched at the sound of Athene's voice, she had forgotten how long it had been since she heard it.

Fleur stood up and walked over to Athene, "as your best friend, 'theney, I will force you to do this." She took her hand and led her over to the table and made her sit down. Remus sat to the left of her, and Fleur to the right. The French witch looked at Charlie and gestured to the chair opposite. Charlie, Bill and Ashley sat facing Athene, Fleur and Remus. Andromeda, Narcissa, and Draco stood in the corner of the kitchen, all three seeming to hold their breaths.

"Speak," Fleur commanded.

"Fleur, really," Remus started.

"Lay off, Delacour," Charlie hissed.

Both Athene and Ashley glanced at the two men and then at each other. Their eyes met and both faces wore a veiled amused expression. They went blank when they realised what they were doing.

Athene cleared her throat and inhaled sharply.

"Hey, Ashley," she murmured.

Ashley sat up a little straighter, "Hi, Athene."

"I-I can't believe you're alive..."

Ashley's lips tightened, "yes, well, that's with no thanks to you."

Remus felt Athene stiffen and he longed to reach out for one of her hands, both of which were pressed flat against the table.


"Really, Ashley Smith?" Fleur started, never knowing how to not stick up for her friends, "you have not seen this woman, who has been on the edge of death multiple times, in years, and that is the first thing you say to her?" She scoffed, "clearly Athene's friend choices weren't always so perfect."

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