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Remus Lupin would often stay away from 12 Grimmauld Place for a couple of days after the full moon. Molly and Sirius worried about him and Tonks just fussed. Usually he wanted to recover alone, in peace, and was in no rush to get back and answer countless questions about each new scar on his body. However, this time, it was different. As soon as he had awoken from his real-life nightmare, he cleaned himself, tended to his cuts, and rushed to 12 Grimmauld Place. 

When he returned to the headquarters he expected everyone to be asleep, it was, after all, the very early hours of the morning still. Instead he found everyone, including Athene Malfoy, sat around the table in the kitchen. Tonks had her head resting on Molly's shoulder as the kind woman rubbed circles on her back, whilst Athene, who had a black eye and a bloodied lip, sat alone, opposite Sirius, holding a flannel to her injuries. The rest of the order was there too, even Dumbledore and Mcgonagall.

He stepped into the room and all eyes were on him, surveying his injuries, Molly looked at him and gave a sympathetic smile. Sirius met his eyes and gave him an inquisitive look, Remus nodded in response. 

"Ah- Mr Lupin, I'm glad you are here. I trust last night wasn't too harsh on you?" Dumbledore asked kindly.

Remus coughed slightly, he hated discussing his condition in front of so many people.

Tonks knew this and saw the man shifting where he stood, "Never mind that- we nearly bloody died Dumbledore!" Athene smiled, she knew what Tonks was doing. Over the last few days her and Tonks had grown closer. She hadn't seen herself ever having a friend again after what happened to Ashley, the memory was all to painful to repeat. But Nymphadora Tonks was certainly a strong contender for that position. Although, had they been at school together, they would have hated each other, Athene found herself constantly being shocked at how much she enjoyed the witch's company, and just how much of a good person she was.

Remus looked shocked at Tonks' confession, and worry began to spread around his face, he looked at the two women in turn, "what happened?"

"He was there. I saw him." Athene said.

"She means You-Know-" Sirius started.

"Your father," Remus breathed. Athene nodded and smiled slightly. Remus understood that for her, seeing her father was far more traumatic than You-Know-Who. He took a second to try and read her expression before fully realising what Sirius had said.

"You-Know-Who was there? In your hous- in Malfoy Manor?" He exclaimed.

Tonks nodded gloomily. 

"Did he see you?"

"Merlin, no, we aren't stupid." Tonks said.

"Lucius did though." Athene said bluntly. He wanted to ask if it was Lucius who had hit her and caused her injuries, but in the same way that he didn't like to speak about his condition so openly, he was sure that Athene would not want to discuss her trauma in front of the whole order.

"But you got away?" Remus asked.

"Obviously." Drawled Severus.

"Shut up, Snivellus," Sirius spat. "Tell them Tonks, about their plans."

"They want to take a member of the order. To lure Harry there."

"Smart," Remus nodded. "Does Harry know this?"

"No, he does not, Mr Lupin," Mcgonagall started. "If Potter thinks that Mr Black, or indeed you, are in danger he will commit himself to protecting you. He is just a boy, that job is not for him."

"Well said, Minnie." Sirius said with a wink. The old professor rolled her eyes at him but grinned in spite of herself. She always was fond of the marauders.

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