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ATHENE hurried through the streets of London. Her long, blonde hair was twisted into a pony tail at the back of her head. She wore a muggle jacket, with the hood up, and jeans that had become stained with blood as she had pushed herself through the night. It was getting light and the daytime meant that she was easier to find. It had been only two days since she had fled Malfoy Manor.

 She had left at midnight and wrote no note, by now she was sure that Narcissa would be beyond herself with worry, and that Lucius would have informed the Dark Lord that his wandless magic expert had fled. She only hoped that her father would not assume that her mother knew of her whereabouts. Narcissa was as good as dead if Lucius or the Dark Lord suspected that. She pushed any thoughts of her parents, or indeed the Dark Lord, out of her mind and hurried through puddles with her wand tightly gripped in her right hand. Athene reminded herself that it was Draco she was doing this for. Her younger brother who was only in his fifth year at Hogwarts, her younger brother who the dark lord planned to make a murderer out of. 

Voldemort had already done that with the twenty year old woman, she wouldn't let the same happen to her fifteen year old brother.

12 Grimmauld Place was not somewhere that she was familiar with. Dumbledore had mentioned the location to her in a meeting in her final year at Hogwarts, where they had discussed her future as a witch. Perhaps he knew that it would come to this for her. Athene knew that the house had once been in her mother's family and, since the location had never been mentioned or visited, she assumed that it must be owned by a disgraced member of her family. Such as Andromeda Tonks, or perhaps Sirius Black. Truthfully, Athene had not had any contact with either. She knew that Andromeda had a daughter who was also in her early twenties. She was a few years ahead of her at Hogwarts and was sorted into Hufflepuff.  Sirius however, was ten to fifteen years her senior. He was never spoken of. Her mother and her aunt hated the man. He was a Gryffindor, so Athene thought that there was certainly some logic to that hatred. Although Sirius was potentially dangerous and the complete opposite of herself, she felt that he could be the greatest help to her. He too had escaped the toxicity of the Malfoy/ Black family when he was younger, and he too had had a younger brother who was enraptured by the pureblood supremacy and darkness which shrouded her. 

As she got closer to Grimmauld place, Athene prayed that whoever was inside the house would understand her situation and embrace her into the other side. If not, she was as good as dead. As was Draco.

~Two and a half years before~

Athene sat at the Slytherin table beside Marcus Flint, and her best friend Ashley Smith. Opposite her was Adrian Pucey and Celine Nott. She had grown up with these Slytherins, her and Ashley had become best friends on their very first train ride to Hogwarts, and now, here they were in their last year together. Athene was not usually one for silly sentiments, but as Ashley blabbered along about her plans to begin her training at St Mungo's, she couldn't help but smile slightly. She knew that Adrian, another of her close friends, planned to play Quidditch professionally, he really was very talented and she looked forward to watching him play. 

The boy had begun to inquire about Athene's post-Hogwarts plans and she bit her tongue. Truly, she had no idea what her life held. The summer before her seventh year had been made up of intense 'training' sessions with her father. She had bruises covering her body and was sure that there were scars on her body that would not heal due to the dark magic he had forced her to endure. Her parents insisted that the year after she finishes school would be huge for her, apparently there was a role already lined up for her in the wizarding world. Lucius had given her the instructions to continue working on her wandless magic, she knew that her skills were valuable to her father and so she had no doubt that she would become his puppet, just as her mother was. Just as she conjured up some pointless bullshit for Pucey, the sarcastic drawl of Draco Malfoy could be heard from the end of the Slytherin table.

ATHENE {remus lupin}Where stories live. Discover now