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Draco arrived at Andromeda's house seconds after he left Shell Cottage, he had hated it there. Perhaps he just hated the people there, or the way they looked at him, like he belonged in Azkaban, like he was a killer. Andromeda didn't speak to him, she hadn't once. He wanted to ask where Theo was, and whether or not he was actually there, or if it was simply a ploy by his mother to make him leave.

"Draco," a familiar voice said from behind him. The wizard sighed and let his shoulders relax before turning around to embrace the man.

"You okay?" Theo asked gently.

Draco ran a hand through his hair and sighed, "I'm fine... you?"

"I'm alright... all things considered."

"I'm sorry about your sister."

"I'm sorry about your father."

Draco chuckled, "he deserved it."

"Yeah, he did."

"Celine didn't."

"No, you're right."

Draco sighed a little and let his fingers brush Theo's, his friend met his eye and Draco looked away quickly.

"I'm glad you're okay, Draco."

The man swallowed and forced himself to look back, "you too, Theo."

Molly Weasley apparated to outside of Shell Cottage alone. She had wanted to ask Arthur to come, but he was with George. Her mind was swimming with worries, she didn't know how, or even if, George would cope without his brother.

Athene came through the front door and looked at the woman, both pairs of eyes filled with tears at the sight of the other. Athene swallowed and rushed to her, enveloping her second mother into a tight hug, Molly squeezed back and sighed into the woman's hair.

"Charlie said-"

"My mother wants to talk to you- you don't have to."

"Of course I will, 'theney," Molly whispered sadly.

"Is George..."

Molly shook her head and began to cry again, "he'll be okay. One day, he'll be okay."

Athene smiled sadly and bit the inside of her cheek to stop any more tears falling, "I'm so sorry, Molly. Fred was the best of us."

The witch squeezed Athene's hand, "so were Tonks and Celine."

"Making my daughter cry, are we Prewett?" Narcissa said from the doorway. Athene grinned slightly at how Molly's face lit up, she cleared her throat and spoke,

"A daughter of yours surely deserves it, Black."

Narcissa smiled but didn't move, Molly too seemed to want to speak, or go to the woman, but found herself stuck to the spot.

"You two should talk," Fleur said from behind Narcissa. Molly gasped slightly at the sight of the witch and rushed to her and hugged her.

"Molly, you have never given me such a warm welcome," the French witch joked.

"You know I love you, Fleur," she whispered. "Bill!" She exclaimed upon seeing her eldest child.

"Did you forget you had another son?" He joked weakly.

Molly sobbed a little at that and Narcissa moved her hand to her shoulder, Athene smiled.

"I hear the cave is a good place to talk," Bill said, eyeing his wife.

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