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Sirius Black was in a terrible mood. Athene Malfoy knew this because he had called her a death eater five times in one morning (and it wasn't even ten yet), he had snapped at Remus and Molly, and he had said that the only person he could trust was Harry. Tonks had told Athene to avoid him, so that was what she was trying to do. Remus and her were supposed to be training, but Sirius had moaned about the noise. 

"We could do some more occlumency?" He asked her.


They heard a door slam and an exasperated sigh from Molly.

"What's up with him today?" Athene asked Remus with a small smirk.

"Oh- Erm- It's James' birthday. Always a hard day."

Athene's hand flew to her mouth. "Fuck- Merlin- I didn't- I had no idea."

Remus smiled at the sight of her stuttering, Athene Malfoy at a loss for words was certainly a rare sight. 

"It's fine, Athene, don't worry. How could you know?"

"We shouldn't be doing this today," she said, shaking her head as she put her wand down. "You shouldn't be doing this today, go to Sirius."

"He doesn't want anyone around," he said sadly.

"Do you?"

"I prefer to be distracted."

"I'm not letting you duel me today, you have enough on your mind."

Remus sighed and stood up to leave.

"You can stay though, if you want to be distracted?"

"Are you sure?"

She rolled her eyes, "obviously."

"It's a lonely place to be, 12 Grimmauld Place, without Sirius being his true self."

Athene nodded in agreement, "it's a very... sad house. Reminds me of the manor"

"Sirius probably had a similar upbringing to you."

"Yeah... he told me about Regulus. He's been through a lot."

"Haven't we all?" Remus said with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, we have." Athene smiled and then paused, "tell me about them."


"James and Lily... if you don't mind of course."

Remus sighed and sat down in the armchair in her room, "I met James on the train ride to Hogwarts, when I was terrified of everyone and everything. Being a werewolf at home was different, but at school? That was something completely new. Even after he found out, he treated me like I was completely normal, it was his idea for them all to learn how to be animagi, all he ever wanted was to help. Him and Sirius were a nightmare together, always hexing Snape or first years. And he was so in love with Lily. I've never seen two people who loved each other more. He was an incredibly brave man, a true Gryffindoor." 

Athene smiled softly at the sight of the man recalling his old best friend, "sounds like I'd have hated him," she mumbled.

Remus laughed, "he'd have definitely despised you. Lily wouldn't have, though. She empathised with Slytherins, the way that they were isolated, her and Snape were the best of friends for so long." Athene's mouth fell open. "I know," he continued, "James hated it. But Lily was unbelievably kind, she would help me every day after a full moon, she knew exactly what I needed and would be there with no fuss, as if it was completely normal. She was so intelligent as well, her and I were in constant competition for the top spot in class."

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