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Athene and Remus arrived at Shell Cottage moments after Bill Weasley's patronus had reached them. The two scanned the beach. Remus spotted Harry first, hunched over, holding something in his arms. He seemed to be covered in blood. Remus ran to him. Athene spotted Ron and Hermione, both on the ground, both sobbing. Fleur and Bill were attending to a girl with white blonde hair, and a tall boy with black hair.

Athene rushed to Hermione and Ron. The young witch looked dreadful, she looked dead. Her eyes were dull and she was breathing heavily. Ron had tears streaming down his face. Athene knelt down in front of them and forced the boy to meet her eyes.

"What happened?" She whispered. "Who?"

"Your fucking aunt!" Ron roared so loudly that everyone turned to look at them.


Hermione put a hand over Ron's, "it's not her fault, Ron. She's here to help us."

"Is it just Hermione who's injured?"

"Yes," Ron said quickly, he tugged up Hermione's sleeve. Athene squeezed her eyes shut at the sight of 'mudblood' carved into the young woman's arm. 

"Just this?" She asked softly.

"Ye-" Ron started, but Hermione shook her head.

"The cruciatus curse," she said softly, Ron begun to sob again.

"Fucking hell," Athene muttered. "Come on, let's get you inside."

Athene supported one side of Hermione whilst Ron had the other. The young witch was insistent that she could walk alone but Athene wasn't going to take any chances. She looked behind her and saw Harry and Remus, still both sat on the wet sand. Ron looked at her.

"Should I..."

"No, he's with Remus. They'll come inside when they're ready."

"Dobby's dead." The Weasley boy said bluntly.

Athene felt her eyes fill with tears, it felt silly, to be mourning a house elf. Especially in light of the current state of things. But he had been her and Draco's best friend when they were growing up. They had played with him, he had cooked for them, read to them, countless times. And now he was gone. 

Killed in the house that he was so happy to have escaped.

"I'm sorry," Ron said gruffly. "I know you grew up with him."

Athene sniffed and smiled at the boy.

Inside, Fleur was healing some of Luna Lovegood's injuries, whilst Bill was talking to the goblin and the wandmaker. Athene could tell that her best friend was utterly overwhelmed and stressed by everything. Her dream house, full of people who had been attacked by death eaters.

"Merlin," Fleur said, looking at Hermione. She glided over to the girl and cupped her face, there were tears falling from Hermione's eyes and Fleur pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry." She hugged Ron too, and for perhaps the first time since he had first caught sight of Fleur Delacour, his eyes stayed on Hermione the entire time that the veela spoke to him. Athene smiled at that.

Harry and Remus stumbled in, carrying the body of Dobby. Harry looked straight at Athene.

"He's gone, I'm sorry. Bellatrix."

Athene shrugged and let the tears fall freely, Remus walked over to her and gave her shoulders a quick squeeze.

"I want to bury him," Harry announced. "Properly, without magic."

"The weather will be good tomorrow," Fleur said. "Bury him in the light."

Harry nodded and put the body of the elf outside. 

ATHENE {remus lupin}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora