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Athene was awoken by Ginny's screams and the sound of footsteps running down the stairs. She had gone to bed early, and had been asleep by ten, hoping desperately to avoid Remus. Upon hearing commotion and screams from downstairs, she pulled on her Slytherin jumper and ran down. Tonks and Remus were at the front door, wands drawn. 

"Bellatrix. Death eaters." Tonks breathed to her. Remus stared at her with horror in her eyes. He looked guilty.

Harry had run down the stairs, followed by Bill and Molly. He pushed his way through Tonks and Remus and stood opposite Bellatrix, furiously trying to curse her.

"I killed Sirius Black!" She chanted, blocking each spell with ease.

She turned and sprinted. Firing at the house a couple of times, causing fires in the top room, and creating a ring of fire around where they stood, trapping them in. All that could be heard were cackles of demonic laughter.

Harry ran after her.

"Harry, no!" Shouted Remus, lurching forwards only to be grabbed by Tonks.

Before anyone could say or do anything, Ginny begun to sprint towards the fire, Athene grabbed onto her dressing gown and desperately tried to pull her back but the fifteen year old got out of her grasp and followed Harry. 

Molly was screaming. Athene stared at the woman and saw her desperation. She didn't think, and raised her wand at the fire, making a gap big enough for her to run through. 

"Athene!" Fleur screamed, "No!"

Remus stared at where Athene had gone. He looked at Tonks and she nodded at him, the two followed the witch through the darkness.

Athene could faintly hear Bellatrix taunting Harry in the distance. He appeared to be blindly shouting Crucio. There were spells being fired behind her too, she hoped it wasn't Ginny. She was freezing, she wore only her jumper and shorts with boots that she assumed were Fred's as they were far too big. Her wand was digging into her hand and her legs had been licked by the flames. 

She didn't stop running. 

"Crucio!" Someone shouted behind her. 

She turned around to see Fenir Greyback. He was disgusting. Not a man, not a werewolf. Athene was filled with hatred the moment she saw him, more so than she was with Bellatrix. She wasn't sure why.

"Impedimenta!" She shot back. The man stopped moving and begun to struggle, "stupefy!" and he was shot back into the reeds, towards the burning house. A little further back, Fleur, who had left Bill to take care of Molly and the house with Arthur and Ron, screamed as Greyback landed at her feet. She disarmed him immediately and stunned him. Running with his wand in her left and her own outstretched in her right.

Tonks and Remus had lost each other the minute that they had entered the fields. He had duelled Bellatrix briefly, but she vanished after a second.

"Coward!" He screamed after her.

Tonks found Fleur and the two stayed together. A witch with short, black hair and heavy eyeliner landed in front of them and smiled. She looked at Fleur for a second, as if she knew her, and then begun to shoot curses their way. Tonks recognised the woman as Celine Nott, the witch that she had dueled in the Department of Mysteries.

"Your boyfriend decided to let you out then?" Tonks shouted to her, referring to Flint.

"I need no one's permission," the witch snarled back.

"Apart from Voldemort, of course."

The two stopped firing at each other. Celine took a step towards Tonks. The two witches both had their wands at the other's throat.

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