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"Lupin," Athene said breathlessly, "I need a break."

It had only been two days since the wandless magic practices had begun and Athene felt as if she could sleep for a week. Remus was ruthless and far more powerful than the young witch had anticipated. He resisted every spell which she put on him and when they dueled with wands, she was no match.

"You need to try more."

"Merlin, I am fucking trying."

He rolled his eyes and fired a disarming spell at her, which she wandlessly blocked. She tried to stun him, he blocked it. 

"Why can't we stop?" She asked with a huff. 

"I've told you, I'm going away for a few days, we need to get in extra practice."

"Where are you going?"

He ignored her. "You'll practice with Sirius a little when I'm gone."

"Not a fucking chance."

Remus laughed. "When I'm back we need to work on occulmency. The Dark Lord and Harry's minds are connected-"

"Well that's fucked up." She cut in.

"So, we need to make sure that your mind is completely closed off to any invasions."

"What? And have you comb through my thoughts? I'll pass."

"You don't have a choice." He said, and walked out of the room. "I'll see you next week."

Athene rolled her eyes and gestured at him behind his back, "always a pleasure, Lupin!"

Remus being  in the underworld for the full moon was almost unbearable for Sirius. It was only a week until Harry came home and he used that knowledge to keep himself sane. The Malfoy woman was insufferable. In one day, she had wandlessly stunned him without saying anything. five times.

 She did it again and Sirius spun round and pointed his wand at her. She blinked and his wand was in her hand. He slammed his fist on the table and she laughed, how she loved to wind him up. 

"I don't know how Moony hasn't bloody murdered you."

"I'm too powerful for him," she said sweetly. 

"You're completely insane."

"Runs in the family," she said with a small smile. 

"I'm nothing like you or your family. You're all as bloody bad as each other."

"My mother isn't so bad."

"Narcissa is a bitch. I wouldn't shed a single tear if you or anyone in your family dropped dead."

"Ouch." Athene said, rolling her eyes. She walked into the living area, where Molly Weasley was reading the daily prophet. The old woman looked up at her and smiled. "How are you dear," she said politely. Athene stuttered something about being okay, she would never get used to the woman's kindness. She muttered under her breath and Sense and Sensibility flew into her hands.

"Do you mind if I stay in here?" She stuttered. Truthfully, her small, dark room was getting a little cramped. Every time she was in there all she could do was dwell on her brother's fate.

"Of course not, dear."

Athene nodded and opened her book. She wanted to thank Lupin for the recommendation, it truly was a brilliant book, but of course he didn't deserve the satisfaction. Molly was watching her and when Athene looked up, the two locked eyes. 

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