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"I'll be gone for a few days," Remus said to the woman sat opposite him slowly.

"I know, I'll be okay. Tonks or Fleur will stay here again tomorrow."

Remus stood up and made his way to the door.

"They're coming tonight, yes?"

"Yes, Remus, don't worry about me," Athene said with a smile.

"Easier said than done. Okay, I'm going."

"Good luck, I mean- try not to hurt yourself."

"See you soon, Athene," he said, grinning to himself despite how awful he felt.

Fleur Delacour, 'Dora' Tonks, and Celine Nott were sat on the floor of the living room in Remus Lupin's cottage. Celine was walking around, admiring the house and making small comments about the size of it- as a Nott woman, she was used to enormous manors, not tiny cottages. Whilst Fleur sat on the floor, resting her head on Tonks' shoulder and whispering to her.

"What the bloody hell is Athene doing?" The pink haired witch huffed.

"Merlin knows," Fleur commented, sounding bored.

"She's-" Celine started.

Athene walked out of the bedroom with a huge brown paper bag in her hands. She looked flustered, and nervous and extremely tired. Fleur thought that it looked like it was her who was about to transform into a werewolf. Tonks had a worried expression on her face, whilst Celine just bit her lip anxiously.

"I need your help," Athene started.  Fleur sighed and muttered something about being tired and Athene shot her a harsh look, "all of you, Weasley."

"What?" The French witch grumbled.

"What do you need, 'thene?" Tonks asked her cousin kindly.

Athene pushed her hair out of her face and begun to gesture with her hands, "so-well- I need- it's just- Celine knows, and-"

Celine gave Athene an angry look and Tonks looked confusedly between the two.

"Celly?" The witch asked. 

"Athene wants us to make wolfsbane potion-" She blurted out. Athene tried to smile, but it came out as a grimace, and looked on as her two friends looked at her with utter confusion.

"For Remus?" Tonks asked kindly.

"I left my potions days at Beauxbatons, pardon," Fleur said, standing up and grabbing her coat, Athene grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit back down.

"Yes, for Remus." Athene said bluntly.

"But it's meant to be so diffi-"

"I can do it," Celine said, looking at her partner. "At least I'm fairly certain that I can."

Athene smiled and Fleur raised her eyebrows.

"But- how?" Tonks asked in astonishment. 

"Flint, he was amazing at potions."

Tonks rolled her eyes at the mention of Celine's ex boyfriend but the dark haired witch continued.

"It was always the death eater's wish for him to excel, as they were sure that his skills would be most useful. Snape knew this, obviously, and was desperate to please those higher up than him."

"What's he got to do with this?" Fleur said, remembering her distaste for the man. 

"Snape brewed wolfsbane potion for Remus when he taught at Hogwarts."

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