Lyre-Less Battle (Beans Day Special Bonus Event Pt. 2)

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I need to do something to get my mind off Ch. 6 but It's. Not. Fuckin'. WORKING!!!

Part 4: When the Flag has been raised...

Epel felt his nostrils overflow with the pungent fragrances. "I-It's getting stronger the more we get closer to it...." on cue, his stomach let out a growl of hunger. "Agh....its making me drool already...."

"Do not give in, Epel. We may be coming up on an ambush." Vil snaps him out of it.

"He's right. Now that the monster team is aware Charlotte and Cater are heading towards greenhouse, they'll be trailing after us." Riddle reminds him.

"It's best if we take a long way." Vil suggests. Floyd suddenly froze and holds out a hand to stop the other three as he whispered,

"Quiet! Something's goin' on!" they followed suit and stayed quiet as they hid in the shadows only to see-

Two blurred figures of green and black chasing one another at lightning speed.

"What's the matter~? Can't hit a moving target that well~?" Lilia stuck his tongue out. "You can't take me down if you can't keep your eye on me~!" he dodged two more beans with grace.

"You've been avoiding my own attacks. You really believe you can catch me from that distance?" Malleus teased back as he reloaded the bean shooter. Once he had some locked and loaded, he fired round after round, "Or are you just scared of me?"

"Touche~. Then, let's see how this will play out, huh?"

"You know I'm not a child, Lilia. Don't go easy one me." At once, the two ran at once another, threw several fists in the process, then flew away from each other, evading one another's attacks whilst trying to eliminate their opponent.

"It's Malleus and Lilia!" Epel gasped on realizing who the voices belonged to. He watched as Lilia zig-zagged the beans that flew right towards him with little effort. Then he shot forward and tried to hit malleus in the sternum, only for the prince to counter by grabbing onto his arm, pushing it away and jump over Lilia's head and land on the other side, landing in an action pose as he turns back and throwing his arm out with the bean gun, fires three beans back. The two flew at each other again, only to cross one another, kicking up a big-ass plume of dirt and dust from the whirl of wind.

"I'd never think that we'd come across the two leaders of Diasomia going head to head!" Vil gaped in pure shock as the two faes clashed punches once more, only for Lilia to push against Malleus and push him back, creating a wide space between the two when he felt that more beans were thrown his way.

"They're moving so fast, I can barely keep up with whos winning!" Riddle shook his head in amazement as the two resorted to up-close combat and tried to land punch after punch on the other. But like one could read the other's movements, he dodged at the last second, the opponent's fist barely grazing their skin.

"Lilia doesn't even know were here! Let's take the chance and help Malleus!" Epel asked.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Little guppy...." Floyd denied.

"Floyd! We've a one-time chance! Why do you go against it?!"

"Sea Slug and Flapjack Octopus are too frenzied in their fight, they're not paying attention to the surroundings! And should they catch us, Flapjack Octopus has an advantage and can take us all down in a millisecond. Epel tensed at that, making Floyd raise an eyebrow, "What, you're that surprised? When its one vs a group, the one will take down the weakest link if you get in the way of the boss battle."

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